Recommended Gamecube Games?

Claw ShrimpClaw Shrimp Registered User regular
edited September 2009 in Games and Technology
I was cleaning my garage and found my old GC that I don't think I've touched in a couple of years. I'm thinking about keeping it at my girlfriend's place. The only console she owns right now is her old SNES. I was wondering if the good people of G&T could recommend some coop or must play games that she could play.

So far I've got:
Animal Crossing
Metroid Prime I & II
Soul Caliber II
Tales of Symphonia
Wind Waker
Zelda Collector's Edition

I was thinking about picking up Viewtiful Joe I & II and Alien Hominid and Ikuraga. Maybe Super Monkey Ball 2
There's also the Mario Party Games. I've heard that 4 and 7 were descent.

And if I were to pick up a new console, what are the different offerings in terms of multiplayer coop that they have? She really likes Little Big Planet.

Claw Shrimp on


  • durandal4532durandal4532 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Actually, I've been wondering the same thing. If I have a PS2, what are the games I missed from that generation on the GameCube? I was thinking of trying to find a really cheap one just for Eternal Darkness and Metroid Prime.

    durandal4532 on
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  • SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Viewtiful Joe is excellent if extremely difficult. Alien Hominid is also very good, slightly less difficult, but you can co-op. You won't find Ikaruga for a good price, though that may have changed since the xbox live version came out. The Super Monkey Ball games are also very good, and have lots of co-op minigames you can play.

    As far as other stuff, Mario Sunshine was much maligned, but is actually a very good game.

    edit:: Since you've got Tales of Symphonia, I'm also going to recommend Paper Mario and the Baten Kaitos games. Everyone loves Paper Mario, it's easy to get into, simple, funny, and fun. The Baten Kaitos games aren't quite as good, but are still fun and have an amazing combination of the best plot twists and music, but the worst voice acting of any rpg's EVER. You can turn the voices off though.

    edit again:: Eternal Darkness is also amazing, and smash bros is kind of's actually surprising you don't have it already.

    SageinaRage on
  • LewiePLewieP Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    You must play Jungle Beat, it's easily one of my favourite 2D platformers.

    I hear VJ2 is a lot worse than the first one, so maybe get that first.
    PN03 is certainly worth playing. It is a 3rd person shooty game, but kind of unique. It is low on content, but in a lot of ways a precursor to RE4 and God Hand (it is produced by Shinji Mikami too)

    Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem has probably aged horribly, but it was good when I first played it.

    Rogue Leader for single player - Excellent Star Wars flying shooty game.
    Rebel Strike (the sequel) for coop - it has the whole of the first game as coop, and a significantly worse single player.

    I really like the Pikmin games, and iirc, the second one has a coop mode (never played it beyond the single player).

    F-Zero GX is probably my favourite racing game ever. Gorgeous looking, incredibly fast, and brutally hard, but so much fun to play. Has split screen up to 4 players.

    Alien Hominid is kinda neat too, and 2 player.

    LewieP on
  • SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    F-Zero GX is probably my favorite game on the system, but my god is it hard.

    SageinaRage on
  • TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
    Lost Kingdoms II
    Pikmin II
    Skies of Arcadia Legends
    Double Dash

    All of those games are fantastic, even though Pikmin and Double Dash are the only co-op ones. I personally find Skies of Arcadia and Paper Mario to be very friendly to people who don't play too many games. Lost Kingdoms is just awesome and still holds up, in my opinion.

    Taramoor on
  • ZegunaZeguna Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Mario Kart is super awesome.

    Zeguna on
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Eternal Darkness is a wonderful game and still plays absolutely fine today.

    UnbreakableVow on
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is sorely overlooked, and what Crystal Chronicles should have been.

    Xagarath on
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    So far I'd agree with Eternal Darkness, F-Zero, and Rogue Squadron.

    All the Resident Evil games are available, some of them better than their ps2 or earlier versions.
    If you like Fire Emblem or sRPGs, Path of Radiance is my favourite Fire Emblem so far. Really fun, lots of options, about as good as I can imagine an sRPG being.
    Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes usually causes an arguement, but i think it has better gameplay than MGS1, although worse cutscenes. If you haven't played an MGS, it's worth a look.
    Burnout 2 is my favourite racing game ever. The series became PS2 exclusive after 2, but that was when EA bought it out, and I never enjoyed any of the other games as much. I don't even enjoy racing games a whole lot, but Burnout 2 on GC is perfect for me, and I still fire it up any time I want to go fast.

    Ante on
  • iusehappymodiusehappymod Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Super Smash Brothers.

    iusehappymod on

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  • snowlarbearsnowlarbear Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    zelda twilight princess if you can find it... left handed Link!

    also as mentioned, mario sunshine and smash. i think the star wars games were serviceable too.

    snowlarbear on
  • LunkerLunker Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    If you have a 360, I would buy Alien Hominid HD for $10 on XBLA instead, but otherwise you might want to check that out if 2-D Contra-ish games are your kind of thing. Same with Ikaruga; it's got a superior XBLA version, but otherwise it's a gem of a game and you should play it if you have any love of the genre.

    Also, if you haven't played it elsewhere, pick up Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, as it's really one of the most enjoyable puzzle-platformers created. If you like it, you can buy PoP: The Two Thrones, skipping the notorious Warrior Within if you don't want to try your own hand at it, and not miss a beat in terms of story or gameplay mechanics.

    Lunker on
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  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Oh God yes, how did I forget to mention that?

    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is, by far, my favorite multi-platform release last generation; hell, it might just be my overall favorite game last generation.

    Also, it came out at a later date, but Tomb Raider: Legend did eventually come out on the GameCube, and it looks and plays nicely on the GameCube. I would definitely give that a go.

    UnbreakableVow on
  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    The Pikmin games are great and I enjoyed Chibi Robo as well. I thought Billy Hatcher was pretty underrated and a solid platformer and I had a great time with Pitfall too. There were some good Harvest Moon games on the Cube too. If you're going for co-op the Xmen Legends games are great.

    If she's not opposed to sports pretty much all the Mario sports games are good - Golf especially. My favorite two sports games in recent memory also were on the Cube - Sega Soccer Slam and Beach Spikers. Both are REALLY approachable games and tons of fun. I would highly recommend picking them up.

    Lindsay Lohan on
  • Claw ShrimpClaw Shrimp Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Thanks guys, I'll be sure to pick those up.

    Claw Shrimp on
  • SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    'Nother for Rogue Leader. Don't bother picking up the second Rogue Squadron game because...everything else is included in Rogue Leader, I think?

    Though some of the on-foot sections kind of suck.

    Synthesis on
  • Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Pikmin 1 & 2...that is all. :D

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  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Synthesis wrote: »
    'Nother for Rogue Leader. Don't bother picking up the second Rogue Squadron game because...everything else is included in Rogue Leader, I think?

    Though some of the on-foot sections kind of suck.

    I think that, instead of rogue leader, you mean rebel strike. Rebel strike has all of 2's levels, but they're only playable in co-op.

    Ante on
  • SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Synthesis wrote: »
    'Nother for Rogue Leader. Don't bother picking up the second Rogue Squadron game because...everything else is included in Rogue Leader, I think?

    Though some of the on-foot sections kind of suck.

    I think that, instead of rogue leader, you mean rebel strike. Rebel strike has all of 2's levels, but they're only playable in co-op.

    Crap, I think you're right. The one I was thinking of has the second game, though only through co-op (which kind of sucks, now that I think about it).

    Still, not a deal breaker. And GC games should be cheap as dirt by now.

    Synthesis on
  • Hotlead JunkieHotlead Junkie Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Get Viewtiful Joe 1, ignore 2

    Get Paper Mario 2

    Hotlead Junkie on
  • SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I really need to finish Chibi Robo. I got fairly far, but then got to a point where I couldn't figure out what to do next, and then got caught up doing something else.

    SageinaRage on
  • LaPuzzaLaPuzza Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Others are a matter of taste, but I don't think you can be well versed in that generation without playing:

    Prime 1
    Eternal Darkness
    Wind Waker

    Personally, I really enjoyed Pikmin, Fight Night round 2, and the Mario baseball game.

    LaPuzza on
  • PurpleMonkeyPurpleMonkey Why so derp? Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Resident motherfudging Evil 4

    PurpleMonkey on
    XBL, Steam & Tribes: elmartino333
  • Claw ShrimpClaw Shrimp Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    And GC games should be cheap as dirt by now.

    Most are buy the looks of it. Shipping cost is sometimes more expensive than the games themselves off of Amazon. Ikuraga used is still about $20 though.

    Claw Shrimp on
  • mntorankusumntorankusu I'm not sure how to use this thing.... Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I would recommend both Super Monkey Ball games. Don't just get the second one, because even though there's some overlap between them when it comes to minigames, even the new versions in 2 are different enough that it's still worth playing the first one.

    mntorankusu on
  • Evan WatersEvan Waters Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Synthesis wrote: »
    Still, not a deal breaker. And GC games should be cheap as dirt by now.

    It really fluctuates. I was at Gamestop (I've got no other options in the area), and some games were really cheap, but big titles like Pikmin and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes were still pretty high used (seriously, they had like, 7 or 8 copies of Pikmin, all at $20.)

    Do pick up Killer7 if you get the chance, that shit be freaky-deaky. Be prepared to have no idea what the fuck you're doing for the first few hours of gameplay.

    Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is pretty much the first Godzilla game to actually feel like, well, Godzilla. Has some quirks (to unlock monsters, you have to play through adventure mode many many times, and you start with 4!) but it still has a place in my heart.

    Other titles I've liked, not mentioned yet: X-Men Legends I and II, Timesplitters 2, Beyond Good and Evil, Simpsons Hit and Run (basically a GTA game), Spider-Man 2, Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, and the Resident Evil remake.

    Evan Waters on
  • Track NineTrack Nine Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Gotcha Force

    Criminally unknown and underappreciated game where you collect and put together teams of "borgs" which come in various humanoid (thieves, knights, samurais, gunslingers, fairies, angels, demons, etc) and mechanized forms (mechs, tanks, planes, rockets, ICBMs, giant airships etc) and fight other teams, taking direct control of whatever borg is active. They all have special skills and unique abilities, and it all gets downright chaotic at times, and horribly addictive trying to collect them all.

    Track Nine on
  • NoisymunkNoisymunk Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Synthesis wrote: »
    Simpsons Hit and Run (basically a GTA game)

    I dusted this off over the holiday weekend, it's still lots of fun.

    Noisymunk on
  • maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I was cleaning my garage and found my old GC that I don't think I've touched in a couple of years. I'm thinking about keeping it at my girlfriend's place. The only console she owns right now is her old SNES. I was wondering if the good people of G&T could recommend some coop or must play games that she could play.

    So far I've got:
    Animal Crossing
    Metroid Prime I & II
    Soul Caliber II
    Tales of Symphonia
    Wind Waker
    Zelda Collector's Edition

    I was thinking about picking up Viewtiful Joe I & II and Alien Hominid and Ikuraga. Maybe Super Monkey Ball 2
    There's also the Mario Party Games. I've heard that 4 and 7 were descent.

    And if I were to pick up a new console, what are the different offerings in terms of multiplayer coop that they have? She really likes Little Big Planet.

    If you can get her to sit down long enough to play it, Phantasy Star Online has a great split-screen mode.
    Do you have a Wii? No? Go buy a Wii dammit. Doing so will not only allow you to play these games in progressive scan, but in the case of Metroid Prime, allow you to have better controls.

    Animal Crossing City Folk is also arguably superior to the original game.

    Finally, you can get the games on the Collector's edition disc cheaper on the Virtual Console than you'll likely find that disc for.

    Also Donkey Kong Jungle Beat & Pikmin are better on the Wii.

    maximumzero on
    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
  • Evan WatersEvan Waters Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Do you have a Wii? No? Go buy a Wii dammit. Doing so will not only allow you to play these games in progressive scan, but in the case of Metroid Prime, allow you to have better controls.

    Thing is, Metroid Prime's controls are pretty great to start with. I'm sure wiimote aiming improves the experience, but at the same time I don't know how they handle being able to cycle weapons and visors as easily as it was with the Gamecube controller.

    Evan Waters on
  • NickTheNewbieNickTheNewbie Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Do you have a Wii? No? Go buy a Wii dammit. Doing so will not only allow you to play these games in progressive scan, but in the case of Metroid Prime, allow you to have better controls.

    Thing is, Metroid Prime's controls are pretty great to start with. I'm sure wiimote aiming improves the experience, but at the same time I don't know how they handle being able to cycle weapons and visors as easily as it was with the Gamecube controller.

    Actually, I think you can do progressive scan just fine on a GC if you have the component cables. You may need to hold B at startup for progressive scan to work, though.

    NickTheNewbie on
  • SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Yeah, the thing was that the gamecube component cables were apparently incredibly expensive and hard to find.

    The Baten Kaitos games support progressive scan as well, btw. Beautiful games.

    And yeah, I also support Twin Snakes, I never played the original MGS, but I enjoyed it, missile-backflips notwithstanding.

    The gamecube had a lot of good games, guys.

    SageinaRage on
  • maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Do you have a Wii? No? Go buy a Wii dammit. Doing so will not only allow you to play these games in progressive scan, but in the case of Metroid Prime, allow you to have better controls.

    Thing is, Metroid Prime's controls are pretty great to start with. I'm sure wiimote aiming improves the experience, but at the same time I don't know how they handle being able to cycle weapons and visors as easily as it was with the Gamecube controller.

    Actually, I think you can do progressive scan just fine on a GC if you have the component cables. You may need to hold B at startup for progressive scan to work, though.

    But you're more likely to find the ark of the covenant than a set of GC component cables for a decent price.

    maximumzero on
    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
  • SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Yeah, the thing was that the gamecube component cables were apparently incredibly expensive and hard to find.

    The Baten Kaitos games support progressive scan as well, btw. Beautiful games.

    And yeah, I also support Twin Snakes, I never played the original MGS, but I enjoyed it, missile-backflips notwithstanding.

    The gamecube had a lot of good games, guys.

    No one's saying it didn't. Hell, I never owned a GC, and I'll still say it had a lot of great titles.

    Synthesis on
  • IceBurnerIceBurner It's cold and there are penguins.Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I second Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II. High replay value and split-screen multiplayer is nice. Also still playable online thanks to its exceedingly simple netcode and a couple of different homebrewed servers.

    Supports progressive scan if you can find the cables. Call local Gamestop/EB stores, they may have them used for their standard price of $4.

    IceBurner on
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  • learntoflylearntofly Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    One of my favourite Gamecube games is LOTR: The Third Age. It was a solid RPG/turn-based combat thing, and got pretty high scores all round.

    It was multi-platform, but you might have missed it on ps2.

    learntofly on
  • DrakeDrake Edgelord Trash Below the ecliptic plane.Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    If you have a couple of GBAs lying around, check out Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. It's a great co-op hack n' slash done up Final Fantasy style.

    Drake on
  • AnalrapistAnalrapist Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Beyond Good and Evil
    Freedom Fighters
    Second Sight
    Eternal Darkness

    I played the shit out of these games.

    Analrapist on
  • CyborgZetaCyborgZeta Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Resident Evil Zero
    Resident Evil
    Resident Evil 4

    Pretty good choices if you like survival horror.

    CyborgZeta on
    "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than Hell itself...That is coffee." - Godot
  • LokiLoki Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Burnout 2 is my favourite racing game ever. The series became PS2 exclusive after 2, but that was when EA bought it out, and I never enjoyed any of the other games as much. I don't even enjoy racing games a whole lot, but Burnout 2 on GC is perfect for me, and I still fire it up any time I want to go fast.

    This is like the only game I miss playing from my PS2 collection. As much as I love Paradise, Burnout 2 was my racing game. I put so much time into playing it, I could drift entire races. A friend of mine bought Midnight Club and kept bragging about it, but I just didn't find a game in it that compared to Burnout 2. I'll heartily add my recommendation for the GC version.

    Loki on
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