Well, since nobody has started this yet, I guess I'll take a stab at it.
Secret Six #13
Scandal being a total badass.
Scandal: Thirty seconds, gentlemen.
Guard: Thirty seconds to what, traitor?
Scandal: Thirty seconds to live, guard of slaves. Enough time to call a loved one, or to pray, perhaps. Probably not both.
And then she makes good on that threat.
Also, Catman switching sides.
And the scenes with Ragdoll.
Booster Gold #24
Booster manages to restore the timeline, but it seems Black Beetle has still won. And in the Blue Beetle backup, it seems that they've eliminated Hector from being Black Beetle(although, that may be misdirection anyways).
Havn't finished going through the rest of my pile, but those two were pretty good so far.
except everything is shiny and inexpensive
Questions/comments I have now have, after reading it... (spoilers ahead):
- So there's a 'white room' in Bob's mind? And the VOID was actually the one trapped in there? Emma said she created it the last time the Sentry was off his meds, does anyone remember if this happened in a specific issue?
- I wish they showed the actual fight between Archangel and Bullseye. So much left to the imagination there.
- Dani Moonstar with her valkyrie powers again? And shoving a sword through Ares' midsection? AWESOME.
- Is it just me, or did it look like Emma and Scott were looking at something or someone in that last panel? Didn't know if the reflection in Emma's face was supposed to be anything specific.
I also enjoyed the conclusion of the Punisher Max arc "Welcome to the Bayou" and Scandal killing a whole mess of people in Secret Six #13. Lots of quality stuff this week actually, still need to read through it all
" No, I'm eccentric... only poor people are called crazy."
Danielle comes at Ares with a vengeance.
Just previous to this, Emma found Charles and they're currently infiltrating a white room Emma had built in the Sentry's mind a while ago. Bob was trapped in there. I think it's implying that the Void has been in control of the Sentry the whole time.
Battle is reaching a fever pitch. X-Men are owning face. Pictured right before this, while the Sentry flees but Charles screams at Emma to stay in Diamond Form, because there is a sliver of the Void trapped inside her.
And Norman has to make a strategic retreat, and later gives a press conference and says "Hey guys, I won! Now they're out of the US! As long as they stay there, it's totally [tiny]but not really[/tiny] like a prison!"
I haven't even finished with the rest of my books yet! Gosh, Exodus was fulfilling.
And Emma in diamond form for a while would work well, get that bitch out of Scott's head for a bit lolz m i rite?
If this can fix the Sentry thing for a bit, go for it. Although I don't know how this sinks up with Bendis' Sentry/Void stuff during Secret Invasion. I don't know how this sinks up with Jenkins stuff too, to be quite honest.
They should have made a bigger deal about Dodsons doing the art in that special, it's so pretty *sparkly eyes*.
The List wasn't half bad either.
XBL: JyrenB ; Steam: Jyren ; Twitter
I just finished the list. It was pretty enjoyable, but it's what I expected would happen. Minor minor spoilers.
It amused me.
I also liked the part where Bucky talked about Hitler.
Clint: If you had a time machine, would you go back and kill Hitler? (arguing to kill Osborn)
Bucky: I did.
Carol: You did what?
Bucky: I killed Hitler.
Awkward silence.
On the whole, though, I'd say it's worth it. A lot of awesome densely packed.
Your summation of it being "New Avengers 54.5" is kind of the point, though. They said these The List oneshots would basically serve to continue the story of their respective books.
Cover to cover, this is the best issue of all of Blackest Night yet.
Favorite moment:
Bonus: Isamot Kol and Vath Sarn actually have some face time.
Gorgon: No, Maximus.
Maximus: Oh, let me! I'd be GREAT!
Gorgon: No.
Maximus: But I want to be King of something.
Maximus: So, reviewing... why can't I be the King of the Shi'ar? I'm quite clever. You may have noticed that about me. And Medusa gets to rule the Kree, apparently. So--
Gorgon: SHUT. UP.
And then, when the Royal Guard attacks the Funeral Procession for Lilandra to challenge the Inhuman's claim to rule.
Crystal: I told you this was a bad idea.
Karnak: So the Imperial Guard plays its hand at last...
Triton: This is little short of a Military Coup!
Gorgon: Let me snap some spines, I swear I'll be discreet.
Maximus: This would never have happened under my regime.
Also, I love that they took the idea of Boltzmann Brains, which is interesting, and turned them into flying evil brain villains with zappy powers.
Damien in Blackest Night Batman #2:
That was awesome.
So awesome.
We can have an Exodus h5, if you'd like.
It's also kinda ironic that what set Clint off to go and try to kill Osborn was a sorta misunderstanding about how Utopia played out.
"Oh, hey guys. Uh, nice set up you got here. It's, uh, pretty nice. So, you're doing fine? Good. That's good. Guess we'll see you later."
This remains to be seen. They haven't really said what they plan to do with him now that he's not off galavanting in Legacy.
image spoiler:
Almost as soon as they see Nick Fury, they're intercepted by the Thunderbolts who had Ant-Man following them. Natasha, Songbird, and Nick Fury are all captured. Osborn reveals that Fury did not solicit Natasha to impersonate Yelona Belova, but he did, using a hologram (he called himself the world's foremost leading scientist). So, the whole time, Natasha was just reporting to Osborn. He thanks Natasha for giving him Fury and Songbird, and says he's going to torture her until she gives him Captain America too, then sends the girls away and after punching Nick in the face a few times he shoots him three times.
Very eventful! Obviously, Nick Fury is not dead. The obvious choice is that it's an LMD, but who knows. I think at the back of the book after it said Continuted in Thunderbolts whatever, read Secret Warriors 9(?) for all of it from a different point of view.
What the ... may need to grab this.
How many daddies does Hellboy have anyway
i am missing something, aren't i
Also, I like Ultimate Carol Danvers. She has spunk.
Let's see... Chris Claremont saying that he writes Lockheed as himself. I felt that was funny, especially with the CBR interviewer adding "because he hangs out with Kitty Pryde." Which is, well... Duh.
As far as actual moments in comics though, I think the only thing that elicited much if any reaction from me was Herc going through the elf queen's trials. One word: "DONG!"
Well... World War Z wasn't because you know going in humans won. But any other zombie story.