Bloodlinewolf wrote:I put this up not long ago on the test forums, but seeing as it's apparently going live on tonight's patch here is a table of all possible custom crafting options and the slots they may occupy now that the slots are being enforced as per their original intent.
UPDATE 1: This list is pretty much finished in full. If anyone notices any minor error let me know to correct it.
UPDATE 2: As I've been informed of recently, the names of some of these are labeled incorrectly. Unfortunately due to odd match-ups between enhancement names and blueprint names among other things seem to have consistency errors so the labels are a work in progress. Ekental also posted a nice spreadsheet with much of this information as did IMoriarty.
Ekental's may have more accurate naming conventions than mine in a few places so if you come up with an issue in that direction check that one. Send a PM to Ekental as well if you happen to have solid info and names on the ARMS enhancements as I believe thats something E was looking for. Thanks.
(Table is below, forgive wall of text.)
Custom Crafting Stat. Availability
As Major
Primary Defence - Arms - Strengthened (Con)
Primary Defence - Science - Mutated (Con/Pre)
As Minor
Minor Offence - Arms - Reinforced (Con)
Minor Offence - Arms - Sharpened (Str/Dex/Con)
Minor Offence - Science - Bio (Con)
Minor Offence - Science - Charged (Dex/Con/Rec)
Minor Utility - Science - Bio (Con)
Minor Utility - Science - Evolved (Con/Int/End)
Minor Utility - Arms - Developed (Con/Ego/End)
As Major
Primary Defence - Mysticism - Divine (Pre)
Primary Defence - Science - Mutated (Con/Pre)
As Minor
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Sacred (Pre)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Inviolable (Str/Pre/Rec)
Minor Utility - Mysticism - Sacred (Pre)
Minor Utitity - Mysticism - Infinite (Int/Ego/Pre)
As Major
Primary Utility - Arms - Force (Int)
Primary Utility - Science - Neural (Int)
Primary Utility - Arms - Powerful (End/Int)
Primary Utility - Science - Hypo (End/Int)
Primary Utility - Science - Dimensional (Ego/Int)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Gnostic (Int)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Otherworldly (End/Int)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Aetherial (Ego/Int)
As Minor
Minor Defence - Science - Advanced (Ego/Int)
Minor Defence - Science - Electro (End/Int)
Minor Defence - Mysticicm - Sage (Int)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Celestial (Int/Ego)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Unearthly (End/Int)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Cosmic (Int/End/Ego)
Minor Utitity - Science - Nano (Int)
Minor Utility - Science - Electro (End/Int)
Minor Utility - Science - Quantum (Int/End/Ego)
Minor Utility - Science - Evolved (Con/Int/End)
Minor Utitity - Mysticism - Wise (Int)
Minor Utitity - Mysticism - Etherial (Int/Ego)
Minor Utitity - Mysticism - Infinite (Int/Ego/Pre)
As Major
Primary Utility - Arms - Power (End)
Primary Utility - Arms - Integrated (End/Ego)
Primary Utility - Arms - Powerful (End/Int)
Primary Utility - Science - Hypo (End/Int)
Primary Utility - Science - Extraterrestrial (Ego/End)
Primary Utility - Science - Supra (End)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Unfading (End)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Spiritual (Ego/End)
As Minor
Minor Defence - Science - Regenerative (End)
Minor Defence - Science - Alien (End/Ego)
Minor Defence - Science - Electro (End/Int)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Enduring (End)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Numinous (End/Ego)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Unearthly (End/Int)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Cosmic (Int/End/Ego)
Minor Utility - Arms - Power (End)
Minor Utility - Arms - Modular (Ego/End)
Minor Utility - Arms - Developed (Con/Ego/End)
Minor Utility - Science - Electro (End/Int)
Minor Utility - Science - Evolved (Con/Int/End)
Minor Utility - Science - Quantum (Int/End/Ego)
As Major
Primary Offence - Arms - Amplified (Str/Rec)
Primary Offence - Science - Nuclear (Rec)
Primary Offence - Science - Powered (Str/Rec)
Primary Offence - Science - Neo (Dex/Rec)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Eternal (Rec)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Winged (Dex/Rec)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Indestructible (Str/Rec)
Primary Utility - Arms - Kinetic (Dex/Rec)**
As Minor
Minor Offence - Science - Rejuvinating (Rec)
Minor Offence - Science - Charged (Dex/Con/Rec)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Timeless (Rec)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Inviolable (Str/Pre/Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Electrified (Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Heightened (Str/Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Amalgamated (Dex/Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Fantastic (Str/Dex/Rec)
As Major
Primary Offence - Arms - Supersonic (Dex)
Primary Offence - Arms - Brilliant (Str/Dex)
Primary Offence - Science - Dynamic (Str/Dex)
Primary Offence - Science - Neo (Dex/Rec)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Mercurial (Dex)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Winged (Dex/Rec)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Indestructable (Str/Dex)
Primary Offence - Science- Hyper (Dex)
Primary Utility - Arms - Kinetic (Dex/Rec)**
As Minor
Minor Offence - Arms - Accelerated (Dex)
Minor Offence - Arms - Fulminating (Str/Dex)
Minor Offence - Arms - Sharpened (Str/Dex/Con)
Minor Offence - Science - Charged (Dex/Con/Rec)
Minor Offence - Science - Synaptic (Dex)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Heroic (Str/Dex)
Minor Defence - Science - Thermal (Dex/Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Accelerated (Dex)
Minor Defence - Arms - Fulminating (Str/Dex)
Minor Defence - Arms - Amalgamated (Dex/Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Fantastic (Str/Dex/Rec)
As Major
Primary Offence - Arms - Monstrous (Str)
Primary Offence - Arms - Brilliant (Str/Dex)
Primary Offence - Arms - Amplified (Str/Rec)
Primary Offence - Science - Exo (Str)
Primary Offence - Science - Dynamic (Str/Dex)
Primary Offence - Science - Powered (Str/Rec)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Herculean (Str)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Indestructable (Str/Dex)
Primary Offence - Mysticism - Empowered Renewing Potence (Str/Rec)
As Minor
Minor Offence - Arms - Colossal (Str)
Minor Offence - Arms - Fulminating (Str/Dex)
Minor Offence - Arms - Sharpened (Str/Dex/Con)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Potent (Str)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Heroic (Str/Dex)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Inviolable (Str/Pre/Rec)
Minor Offence - Mysticism - Unbreakable (Str/Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Colossal (Str)
Minor Defence - Arms - Fulminating (Str/Dex)
Minor Defence - Arms - Heightened (Str/Rec)
Minor Defence - Arms - Fantastic (Str/Dex/Rec)
As Major
Primary Utility - Arms - Enhanced (Ego)
Primary Utility - Arms - Integrated (End/Ego)
Primary Utility - Science - Psi (Ego)
Primary Utility - Science - Dimensional (Ego/Int)
Primary Utility - Science - Extraterrestrial (Ego/End)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Psychic (Ego)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Spiritual (Ego/End)
Primary Utility - Mysticism - Aetherial (Int/Ego)
As Minor
Minor Defence - Arms - Controlled (Ego)
Minor Defence - Science - Synthetic (Ego)
Minor Defence - Science - Alien (End/Ego)
Minor Defence - Science - Advanced (Ego/Int)
Minor Defence - Science - Quantum (Int/End/Ego)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Mystic (Ego)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Numinous (End/Ego)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Celestial (Int/Ego)
Minor Defence - Mysticism - Cosmic (Int/End/Ego)
Minor Utility - Mysticism - Etherial (Int/Ego)
Minor Utility - Mysticism - Spectral (Ego)
Minor Utility - Arms - Controlled (Ego)
Minor Utility - Arms - Modular (Ego/End)
Minor Utility - Arms - Developed (Con/Ego/End)
Minor Utitity - Mysticism - Infinite (Int/Ego/Pre)
Antiproton wrote:Ok, this is a copy of my post from the Closed Beta forums about Upgrades and Crafting, it is slightly obsolete in some areas, I really need to update it.
Upgrades come in two flavors: Tangible and Intangible. Tangible ones are for character concepts that revolve around physical objects, Intangibles are for ones that don't. The idea is that if it really matters to your character conception, you can focus on using only thematically appropriate Upgrades (and the crafting system will provide a wide array of those so you can fill in gaps that aren't covered by Mission or Sig Villain rewards).
Upgrades WILL NOT change the look of your character. Some Upgrades will unlock costume pieces you can equip, but we made a decision with Champions Online to give the players control of their appearance. Auras are about the only thing we may end up with Upgrades forcing, because they are potentially part of the power system as opposed to the Upgrade itself (an under the hood data structure thing).
Crafting allows you to make one shot healing consumables, bags for additional inventory space, and Upgrades to slot on your character. You can make both Tangible Upgrades for gear oriented characters, and Intangible Upgrades for ones who prefer to use conceptual items (so if you want to make a fighting styles trainer as your crafter who creates Fighting Technique Upgrades that players can use to make themselves more powerful, you can do so.). Crafting is meant to give players Upgrades that they have more direct flavor control over.
And yes, there are a few crafting specific costume pieces that you can unlock through the crafting system.
Expect at low levels to be crafting Upgrades that are singular recipes like Low Powered Battle Helmet Schematic that makes a level 4 tangible Upgrade that gives +1 STR or Overwhelming Dodge Kata that makes a level 7 intangible Upgrade that gives +2DEX. At high levels, when you really know what you are doing is when you start getting access to the Custom Upgrades system and picking and choosing what you want to make highly customized Upgrades.
Crafting itself works like this:
1. You choose a crafting school to master.
2. learn some base recipes
3. go out and find components in the wild, or take Tangible Upgrades and break them down into crafting components by Reearching with them at a crafting table.
4. at a crafting table, take the components and use them to make an Upgrade that you have sufficient skill for
* select a base blueprint, at low levels this will be the only step as you will be working with fixed level and quality Upgrades that have fixed effects.
* if you are making Custom Upgrades, select a base and depending on whether it was a primary or secondary, attach Major and Minor enhancements as needed, select the quality to generate it at and go.
5. if you want to raise your skill, take Upgrades you have found and Research on them to gain skill levels and crafting components, and sometimes learn new crafting blueprints.
6. As you level and skill up, you gain access to new components and new blueprints and the ability to make more powerful Upgrades.
Upgrade Qualities
What can you do at a Crafting Table:
There are two activities you can do when at a crafting table that is appropriate for your style of crafting:
Research: This consumes the items you are Researching on and gives back skillups, rare components and blueprints as well as crafting components
Development: consumes components and creates an Upgrade that you know how to make. At higher levels you can create Custom Upgrades where you select the effects that are attached to them out of a set of blueprints that you have learned.
Harvesting crafting components.
Harvesting can be done at any harvest node in the world for your style of crafting. You gain components and a chance of a skillup.
Skill Tiers
As some of you will recognize, these are taken from the HERO System:
Skill Range Name (reqs)
Tier 1 1-100 Competent (min level 1)
Tier 2 101-200 Skilled (min level 11, min skill 90)
Tier 3 201-300 Very Skilled (min level 21, min skill 190)
Tier 4 301-400 Highly Skilled (min level 31, min skill 290)
So players buy training in Arms skill for instance, and have access to Competent Arms. They skill up to at least 90 skill rating, and hit level 11, and they can purchase access to Skilled Arms. They then skill up to at least 190 skill rating, and hit level 21 and they will be able to purchase Very Skilled Arms, etc.
Once you meet the requirements for a new Tier of skill levels you can go to a trainer and purchase training to unlock the next skillrange.
Researching consumes whatever you feed into it, you can feed in components, or Upgrades. The UI should be giving feedback now on roughly how well you can expect to succeed with what you are researching on. Tier 1 skillups should be quite plentiful at this point. Higher tiers will come more slowly, but will also have rare component and blueprint drops.
Switching Crafting Schools
At the moment you don't lose any Blueprints you may have learned, but your skill is lost if you switch. So if you switch from Arms to Mysticism crafting, your skill level will be 1 and your crafting skill should reset to Competent (max skill level 100)
Arms Upgrades
Fighting Styles (Blueprint name: Technique)
Alien Biology (Blueprint name: Dossier)
Ordnance (Blueprint name: Diagram)
Mysticism Upgrades
Arcana (Blueprint name: Grimoire)
Avatars (Blueprint name: Apotheosis)
Enchanted Gear (Blueprint name: Imbuement)
Science Upgrades
Inventions (Blueprint name: Schematic)
Mutations (Blueprint name: Mutagen)
Exposures (Blueprint name:Catalyst)
I've tried really hard to make sure that Upgrades feel like they can be fitted to a broad array of backgrounds. If your RP background is such that you need a different source, I suggest ignoring the icon and flavor text on the package of numbers and pretending that it fits your character background. We do this in pen and paper RPGs all the time (I had a barbarian that wielded a giant metal bound book, using the stats for greatsword since it had the combat effect I wanted), but unlike a human GM the computer cannot do it for you, so you have to rely on your own powers of imagination.
The three schools have different focuses of stats as listed below (order is meaningful for the hand crafted Upgrades I am putting together):
Utility Major: 1) END, 2) EGO, 3) INT
Utility Minor: 1) CON, 2) END, 3) EGO
Defense Major: 1) CON
Defense Minor: 1) STR, 2) DEX, 3) REC
Offense Major: 1) STR, 2) DEX, 3) REC
Offense Minor: 1) CON, 2) STR, 3) DEX
Utility Major: 1) EGO, 2) INT, 3) END
Utility Minor: 1) EGO2) PRE3) INT
Defense Major: 1) PRE
Defense Minor: 1) EGO, 2) END, 3) INT
Offense Major: 1) REC, 2) DEX, 3) STR
Offense Minor: 1) PRE, 2) REC, 3) STR
Utility Major: 1) INT, 2) END, 3) EGO
Utility Minor: 1) INT, 2) END, 3) CON
Defense Major: 1) PRE/CON
Defense Minor: 1) INT, 2) END, 3) EGO
Offense Major: 1) DEX, 2) REC, 3) STR
Offense Minor: 1) REC, 2) DEX, 3) CON
Stats are definitely mechanically meaningful to your character's performance, the choices you make in picking your character's Talents and Origin, the Superstats you pick as you level up, and the Upgrades you slot in will all add up to enabling very fine tuned control on the players part of how their character is powerful. By making different choices you will have the ability to affect things like cooldown times, how your character is best at gaining energy, how effective different defenses are, hold durations, etc. It's actually seriously cool how much more players will be able to affect mechanically in CO than in other MMOs once all the UI for that stuff is in.
Pony wrote:How to play Champions Online, the Pony Way:
Step 1. Go to Control under Options and select First Person Shooter controls, and Shooter keybinds
Step 2. Manually adjust the controls like so:
Face offscreen target - OFF
Tab Targeting - Camera Center Out
Reset Inactive Tab Target - ON
Click unselects target - ON
Unselect Offscreen Targets - OFF
Auto Target Prioty - Closest to Camera Center
Visible Auto Target - ON
Only Attack if Target is Selected - OFF
Select Auto Target on Attack - OFF
Melee Can Ignore Selected Target - ON
Assist Target on Attack - ON
Never Auto-Attack Objects - OFF
Target Threatening Enemies - OFF
Select Attacker if Attacked - ON
Stop Moving When Interacting - ON
Auto-Attack - Maintain
Then go into Keybinds, and change the following:
Set mouse-look toggle to Numpad Enter, instead of Right Click Drag
Set Right Click Drag as an alternate key for Block.
Congrats, you are now playing like it's a real video game instead of WoW!
NEVER TOUCH THE TAB KEY AGAIN. In fact, I recommend disabling it entirely.
You target people by pointing the center of your screen at them. You play with mouse-look toggled on, turning it off only to interact with windows or your inventory.
Hell, turn on the reticule if you have issues knowing where the center of your screen is (not a problem for me and I find the reticule distracting so I leave it off)
Hold left-click to use your energy builder, right click to block, WASD to move, and the normal number keys to use your powers. Use E (not Z) to interact with NPCs or objects.
You are now playing a real game.
Just_Bri_Thanks wrote: »No powers restrictions, it just so happens that munitions works best for the SG.
I encourage you to have Agent ___________ as a name, combined with the super group name and whatever agent-y bio you want to write makes it all the more hilarious when you adamantly deny that you are an operative of any kind.
Our cover is 'Aquisitions Co. Ltd LLC', a super high priced catalog order importer/exporter for the rich and famous.
I recommend using the SG costume slot to equip yourself with a black suit and tie, and shades. Don't use powers while wearing the suit and tie.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
as soon as you get to the PH, swap out Beatdown for Defensive Combo
use Defensive Combo to build Defiance, Uppercut for single-target damage, Havoc Stomp and/or Roomsweeper for AoE damage
Retaliation and Enrage are your friends. Learn to love them. Learn to stack huge amounts of Defiance from Defensive Combo and the actual Defiance power, and pop Enrage once you've got a x8 stack of Defiance for ridiculous damage increases. Follow up popping Enrage with block an enemy's attack for a Retaliation bonus for huuuuuuge damage.
Haymaker has an advantage that fucks with ongoing healing. This power is a godsend in PVP, if that's your thing.
Go Con as one of your superstats. While Str is also a good call (bonus melee damage + throwing shit making up for your lack of ranged attacks) there are other choices to consider.
This pretty much. I've found that Haymaker does do more damage a cast but cost more Energy obviously. I used to use Uppercut but I switched just for a change of Pace. For PvE though go with Uppercut as you can juggle mobs if you time it right.
I wish character concept would let me take retaliation Might works best with lots and lots of Defiance and losing out on that really hurts. I can also not stress enough DROP BEATDOWN sure it does what 100 damage at 21? Defensives combo does 60 and stacks defiance which is much much much better.
Don't be like me and forget you have enrage.
Are you saying you can retcon out your energy builder and take two Tier 0 powers or something? I remember in the beta you could do something like that but I haven't messed with retconning since it's still super-expensive.
You can in theory swap entirely out of your energy builder, however Pony is suggesting swapping out of a T0 power (one selectable at char creation) for Might's T1 power (which is selectable in place of a might T0 because the energy builder counts as a within framework power).
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
Heh no worries, my advanced cut and paste skills are what they pay me for at work ;P
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
I was not expecting it to be anywhere near this awesome. Playing with a 360 controller just makes it that much more enjoyable, though it could use a bit of work in that department. I can't seem to bind keys to the controller so I'm stuck with the default setup. Only minor grips about it, still more fun than mouse and keyboard.
Granted I'm only lvl 10 but, wow, gameplay is sooo much better than CoX.
Something that would make it alot more fun.
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
Because knowing is half the battle.
The other half is shooting the living fuck out of things.
So, are we gonna pick a PA Joe night or something?
Every night is PA Joe Night.
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
I will miss my minimines Hurray for keeping a respec.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
It's not quite over 9000!
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
Mini mines still did more and I'm glad to see a change.
Because fuck those things.
I meen, this guy
Meh the other mines are pretty terrible, and one of them got a nerf. Its a little soon to jump to conclusions, but if minimines is brought in line with them (and by brought in line you have to consider its much shorter cooldown and near instant cast time) the damage will probably be pretty pathetic. I always thought they should just swap damage with sigil mines, but I saved my free resepc for precisely this power so whatever. My build will probably come out a head with the ego storm change anyway.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
I came off a little harsh but I'm still glad they got a nerf. I don't want them to drop into the useless category because well that would suck. They are really cool looking and should have a purpose. However that purpose shouldn't be a ridiculously damaging AoE with a extremely short cast time.
And on that note single mines should do a fair amount of damage nothing huge but a more then most single target attacks for two reasons. Well one actually, is setup. For most cases you either need to pull something into it or hold them and put it down. But I have no experience with the powers and this is simply my own ideas on the matter.
LoL Summoner: infobrains | XBL: cwap4brains | PSN: infobrains
Delivering What Biselle Can't
Mike Haggar for Millenium City Mayor 2010
I have no idea how to make a might build, suggestions? Here is the rough sketch I've got so far:
Level 5: Super Strength
Level 13: Super Constitution
Level 1: Clobber
Level 1: Defensive Combo
Level 5: Mighty Leap
Level 5: Superjump
Level 8: Invulnerability
Level 11: Uppercut
Level 14: Enrage
Level 1: The Hero
Level 6: Mighty
Level 9: Paramilitary Training
Level 12: Enduring
Level 15: Jack Of All Trades
Probably make him Fire and single sword, if they have a cutlass or something close, just for the sake of the character.
But does the costume options allow anything to look like This guy ?
And a boost to Flashfire and ranged end cost reduction?
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
Missing claws, but it'll, hopefully, prevent some of you guys from doing what I did two days ago; rolling the same generic toon over and over again to check the different weapon skins.
PSN: Kylogue
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
PSN: Kylogue
3DS FC: 2148-8300-8608 WiiU: AgahnimD