The Rules
- Rule #1 - if you don't know what it is, you can't play
- You have 24 hours from when I send out your PM to deliver your submission
- All submissions must be SFW to the point where they can be posted on this forum without issue
- If you are drawing, provide your own hosting that won't get photobageled or else I'll punch you in the dick
- I reserve the right to cut you from the roster, pull in someone to do your job, simply replace you or change any rule I want whenever I want because I am the boss and you are not.
- All entries are to be PMed to me. Not to the next person on the team. I'll take care of that part.
Blue Team Roster
C - [strike]smart hero[/strike]
D - knob can't fucking do anything right ever. [strike]World as Myth[/strike]
C - [strike]druhim[/strike]
D - [strike]natek[/strike]
C - [strike]anjin-san[/strike]
D - lardalish
C - kovak
D - mully
C - jimothy
D - berk
C - doublehawk00
D - caulk-bite
C - larlar
D - marshmallow
C - fishman
D - rolo
C - snowbeat
D - orikae
C - cj iwakura
D - synthetic orange
C - monkeyfeet
D - raneados
C - whippy
D - fedora
C - dr ziplock
Red Team Roster
C - [strike]bad-beat[/strike]
D - [strike]thatdudeoverthere[/strike]
C - [strike]weaver[/strike]
D - [strike]koshian can suck my fucking asshole[/strike] [strike]bwanie[/strike]
C - [strike]zerofill[/strike]
D - robcham
C - tommy2hands
D - bombardier
C - meissnerd
D - kazhiim
C - krosius
D - the geebs that is a mod
C - kusuguttai
D - futore
C - zek
D - the geek
C - laughingfuzzball
D - sporkandrew
C - mulysasempronius
D - metzger meister
C - the plain girl from the low-quality amerian remake of the office
D - campion
C - the wook
D - projeck
C - bedlam
Reserves: (need two artists)
Note, I am not obligated in the slightest to allow these folks to play. Their complaints fall on deaf, uncaring ears.
c - scarlet st.
c - aneurythmia
d - fallout
d - (open slot)
he just wants sweet, sweet victory
Last year was fun.
i like fishman
what's up, fella
could artist but, nah.
caption please.
i know
I gotta walk the dog.
Fuck yes, I was thinking it was about time for another one of these.
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
are you doing the yo-yo again?
you a butt
am I doin' it rite?
'Bout time we had another one of these. Now what we really need is an SE++ phalla. It's been about a year, D&D has had a bunch since then. Heck, GV had one. It's getting embarrassing.
What spring does with the cherry trees.