Okay, I just finished bagging and boxing ~250 cake balls for the cookie brigade, and I'm quickly moving on to the next task: the final contact list!
If you have not signed up, you have ~24 hours to do so! I'll be sending out the contact list to everyone tonight along with meetup instructions!
If you have not sent me your contact info, please send it ASAP or we'll have no way to contact you if you get split up with the group or no-show when the bus comes! Because we're on a tight schedule, we can't wait for stragglers, and without contact info you'll be on your own to figure out how to catch up with us if that happens!
Okay, as of now you can contact me via phone (please check the contact list I sent you all!), E-Mail, or Text Message and I should get it in a decent amount of time. There'll be a bit of a lag between ~7am and 8:30am or so as I'll be driving over to Boston and getting my car parked at the hotel, so if you call between then I'll get back to you immediately after I'm in the area!
Good luck, and Godspeed! Remember, meet us at the bus stop I forwarded no later than 9:30am! Anyone who misses the bus when it rolls by at 10am will have to take the T to the next location to catch up with us, as the bus driver cannot guarantee how long they can actually stop in front of the convention center (and we have places to go! )
I'm glad you guys had fun! We just got back from our last location: we got a bit behind schedule today and missed the Sam Adams tour, but we had a lot of fun at the Museum of Fine Art, Faneuil Hall, and the Museum of Science!
Thank you to everyone who came on board the Magical Mystery Tour! I look forward to next year's MMT East! (Also, keep a lookout for the MMT Prime tour run by Nomad in the coming months - she puts on an awesome tour of Seattle! )
THANK YOU VT!!!! for putting this all together. it was an awesome 2 days worth of stuff i take for granted since i live so close. I really hope pax east is in Boston again next year and we can do this again, maybe get the Duck Boat Kegger idea going.
I'm kinda sad i missed the dinner, but i had a good time playing magic at the sheraton!
If you have not signed up, you have ~24 hours to do so! I'll be sending out the contact list to everyone tonight along with meetup instructions!
If you have not sent me your contact info, please send it ASAP or we'll have no way to contact you if you get split up with the group or no-show when the bus comes! Because we're on a tight schedule, we can't wait for stragglers, and without contact info you'll be on your own to figure out how to catch up with us if that happens!
I'll send E-Mails/PMs as I can to get this info from you guys!
Good luck, and Godspeed! Remember, meet us at the bus stop I forwarded no later than 9:30am! Anyone who misses the bus when it rolls by at 10am will have to take the T to the next location to catch up with us, as the bus driver cannot guarantee how long they can actually stop in front of the convention center (and we have places to go!
Thank you to everyone who came on board the Magical Mystery Tour! I look forward to next year's MMT East! (Also, keep a lookout for the MMT Prime tour run by Nomad in the coming months - she puts on an awesome tour of Seattle!
I'm kinda sad i missed the dinner, but i had a good time playing magic at the sheraton!
Wheaton's law does not apply. This is the truth.
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle