So yeah, Uncharted 2 is out today and it's pretty goddamn amazing!
Uncharted 2 picks up a couple of years after the events of Drake's Fortune. Similar to the previous story, Nathan Drake’s (voiced by Nolan North) new adventure revolves around an unsolved historical mystery – this time surrounding Marco Polo and his doomed voyage home from China in 1292. After spending almost 20 years in the court of the emperor Kublai Khan, Marco Polo departed with 14 ships and over 600 passengers and crew – but when he arrived at his destination a year and a half later, only one ship remained, and only 18 of the passengers had survived. Although Marco Polo described almost every other aspect of his journeys in minute detail, he never revealed what happened to the ships that were lost.
Shit no! Naughty Dog threw in an awesome multiplayer mode, as well as a co-op mode!
The multiplayer modes are:
Death Match (Shoot your enemies in the face)
Elimination (Eliminate Other team)
Plunder (Fight for treasure)
Turf War (Hold as many zones as you can)
King of the Hill (Hold the Hill)
Chain Reaction (Captures the zones in order)
Survival (Survive the waves of Soldier)
Gold Rush (Steal the treasure from the soldiers)
Co-op (Survive with your friends)
Machinima (Machinima mode)
Fucking awesome that's what it is! THERE GONNA BE DLC?
Yeah, most likely for multiplayer!
"What you'll probably see is more of the competitive type: more maps, more modes, stuff like that. The co-op stuff is hugely time-intensive and the size of it - the physical download size - is huge, so that's probably not an option. I'm not going to say never, but for the foreseeable future we're not going to be doing that."
SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS THAT IT'S GOOD YA?Good enough to have a 97 on Metacritic
Really if you have a PS3 you have no excuse
not to get this game
#pipe - hashpipe
Aretè – NinjaFrizz
Artreus – Artreus
Babyeatinghesus – babyeatinghesus
Bsjezz – bsjezz
Horseshoe - Hoofbeat
Keith - dinosaurkeith
MagicPrime – MagicPrime
McCly - McCly
Mr. G - MrGtD
Phonehand – pHrizzo
QuestionMarkMan/DrIanMalcolm - QuestionMarkMan
Staleghoti – Clintown
TheSneak! – TheSneak
UnbreakableVow – UnbreakableVow
Vermiculture - Vermiculture
I hear there were some local prices that broke street date. So tempted to scour the closest mall.
A couple of friends want to go in on the TRU buy 2 get 1 free deal, so I'm jumping on board
I want to play the first one, but is it necessary?
Really just think of the games like Indiana Jones movies
I'm on Chapter 2 currently, and it's goddamn amazing.
Oh man I thought I was the only one
I played it in a booth for about 10 minutes and did not give it a fair shake
I think it was mostly due to my own stubbornness in transitioning from mouse+keyboard to controller with shooters
Sure, but the first one is so good too. I'd say it's totally worth playing it first. I mean, you know, rather than loving Uncharted 2 then going back to play the first one...?
I'm going through to get the treasures I missed. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, so if anyone wants to play just holla at me on AIM (dinosaurkeith)
Actually, I felt the same! I downloaded the demo and didn't really like it (hell, I couldn't even finish it), but I tried out the full game and it's excellent. The demo takes place further in the game, so you're used to the controls by the time you reach that point. It was a weird spot to put it in.
I'd say try out the full game. I'm not a fan of "story game" demos to begin with.
Like God of War was excellent, but God of War II blew it away in every respect to the point where when I tried to go back and play the first one, it felt really dated for some reason, even though it was still miles above most other action games that gen.
Haven't played either of those in years though, so I'm psyched for that God of War Collection.
If they have anyone other than Craig T. Nelson play Sully I will be upset
Have you seen Burn Notice? Bruce Campbell? Yeah, that's your Sully right there.
"There's a guy above you, there's a guy above you!"
Doooo it.
It has other good exclusives as well!
Plus it's a good Blu-ray player.
Yeah, pretty much this, MGS4, SOCOM: Confrontation, and ummmm Eye of Judgement?
I'm not even crazy about any of those, really (though I didn't play Eye of Judgment).
I meant Infamous, the Ratchet and Clanks, God of War III (and soon God of War I and II HD), Demon's Souls, FF Versus XIII, Heavy Rain, etc.
Ratchet & Clank(s), LittleBigPlanet, God of War III when that comes out
and I've played SOCOM games ever since the first. god so much SOCOM throughout my life.
and the idea of having it on a new good server with new great graphics makes me drool. the game made me yearn for third person shooters
they don't happen often
I guess we can't be friends!
Years of video games and film have ruined my imagination.
But I couldn't put the main game down when I bought it. Then my PS3 broke and I didn't get it fixed for a few months and my interest in the game died down
but it's awesome!
The Metal Gear pack was great but short. There were rumors about a Ratchet & Clank pack, but nothing's been announced.
The end credits of Uncharted 2 has Media Molecule under "Special Thanks", and I got excited for some LBP Uncharted stuff, but they thanked all the other Sony second parties, too (Insomniac, Sucker Punch, etc)
Keith, that's because they all tend to work together and share some of their technical know-how on the PS3 with each other.
Obvious, I know, but I usually just shot them.
that's rude. you're rude.
also just watched the Final Fantasy XIII Versus trailer and that looks super cool. I wouldn't want to feel the need to buy like 3 different FFXIII games though
FFXIII, XIII Versus and...?
Agito XII
and obv he's got to get the 360 one for achievements too
I have a 360 but I'd rather get it on the console it was developed in mind for.
this game really makes me want a PS3