I am working on a campaign similar to Rainfall's "Space Dragons" setting. In my version, the moon didn't explode. I am trying to flesh out the moon's signifigance in the cosmology. The manual of the planes doesn't say much directly about the moon. It mentions certain fey creatures and lycanthropy, but if you traveled to the moon, what would you find?
So far I have come up with the moon and sun orbiting the earth as the center of the plane. Half the moon is made from a glowing moonstone crystals, the other half is dark. The moon rotates slowly on it's axis, creating different phases of the moon. The sun and moon stay on opposite sides of the earth. Solar elclipses just don't happen without some divine power driving it.
I want to tie in lycanthropy somehow, but want there to be more too it. I think a creature that lives on the bright side should change form like a lycanthrope when removed form the moonlight. I want some race native to the moon, best I have right now is "Moon Orcs" but I am not married to it. Maybe some feral beast live on the bright side, but if the leave the light and wander to the dark side, they turn into moon men?
Eh, I need some ideas, can I borrow anybody's?
Wilden could be an interesting race idea for the campaign, as the race was practically created to combat the dangers from the Far Realm. As for flavour to the game, Wilden could become normal plant-like beings in the light, while turning into weedy, thorny creatures when in the darkness of the moon.
Just my personal idea for such a campaign...
Maybe just a race of shifters/changelings? The Ebberon changelings kind of look like moon people.