God, I hate the fucking militant "vegetarian" bullshit.
Relative to the population, a scant handful of people know what "pescatarian" means, so it's just a hundred times easier to call it "vegetarian" than having to explain it every goddamn time someone asks. It's like people who get all up-in-arms over the Alannis Morissette use of the word "irony," or insist that "America isn't a democracy, it's a republic." Language evolves, it's not always necessary to use the absolute most technically correct word possible, and it's fucking obnoxious to the rest of us when elitist cockbags start insisting that people "aren't actually X" unless they fit their exacting definition of it. Fuck, in some areas of the country, there are probably more vegetarians who eat fish than don't (more of my vegetarian friends up here do, at least). In short, get the fuck over it.
This is something that annoys both me and my vegetarian wife. I see zero problem in defining vegetarianism as
Vegetarianism is the practice of following a diet based on plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, with or without dairy products and eggs.[1] Vegetarians do not eat meat, game, poultry, fish, crustacea, shellfish, or products of animal slaughter such as animal-derived gelatin and rennet.
Or, more simply,
someone that doesn't eat meat. However, this was met with hostility by one person in H/A and another person saw zero problem with asking a "vegetarian" which meats they don't eat, because saying the only meat you eat is fish is, apparently, hard.
Does anyone else think that? I cannot, for the life of me, see the justification other than wanting to use a label that doesn't apply to them.
Things this thread is not about:
How much you hate asshole vegetarians. Everyone hates assholes.
How great you think meat is. How much meat you just ate. How much meat you're going to eat. How much meat you'll eat just to get back at vegetarians for not eating meat. That is not, in the slightest, what this thread is about.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
You don't have to.
You can say "The only meat I eat is beef". Bam.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
Anyway, now that I'm a vegan the reaction is less, "So you eat fish, right?" and more, "I don't know what the word vegan means at all."
what makes fish less worth sparing than other animals
Edit: I can only assume some people find fish less gross or something? It makes no sense to me either.
That's an assumption of why they're pescetarian. Maybe they only like fish. Though usually people do it for health reasons.
It's not always moral. Some people limit meat consumption to fish because it's ridiculously healthy compared to other meats.
they aren't cute.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
A nice juicy, medium rare sirloin steak...
Now I have to go buy some meat
The only meat I eat is delicious.
I don't believe anyone says they feel that way. I do see people saying they wished people who do not fall under a label did not use that label so as to avoid confusion.
Yeah, most of the vegetarians I've met aren't really doing it to protest animal husbandry, but because they feel healthier removing meat from their diet.
Find better restaraunts.
There is a rock bar in Glasgow that serves exclusively vegan food and it's great.
I think it's pretty reasonable for vegetarians (of the "no eating of animals" variety) to get irritated by people misusing the term, because it just creates confusion. This is particularly the case where some people are left with the expectation that someone who says they're vegetarian will be happy eating fish.
I mean, vegetarianism only has one definition in the dictionary and it's very clear that not eating fish is part of that definition. It's not a word like irony which has different definitions depending on if its verbal, dramatic, tragic, or situational irony.
We have a word for people who don't eat meat, or fish and that word is vegetarian. We have a word for people who eat a vegetarian diet plus fish and that word is pescetarian. I'm not sure what there is even to really debate here.
Mind actually going with what the OP says?
Although, I hate the whole "vegetarians that eat fish" thing. This isn't an issue of the word "vegetarian" evolving to include pescetarians. The commonly used definition is someone who doesn't eat meat, period. The people who think that vegetarianism and pescetarians are not the same thing are the vast majority and I know it always throws me for a loop when someone says "I'm a vegetarian" and then proceeds to order fish.
Pescetarianism is generally a thing done for health reasons.
"I'm a vegetarian!"
"Pffft, I'm a ninth level vegan. I won't eat anything that casts a shadow."
It's not vegetarian.
I guess I misunderstood what you were saying, my bad. That said, who would expect anyone to understand what a pescatarian is, I've never even heard the word before this thread. You're a vegetarian that eats fish to the vast majority of people, it's not a big deal.
Except it's no more vegetarian than someone who's vegetarian except they eat beef. The word vegetarian has a clear line of what can't be eaten. If a person doesn't want to say pescetarian they can say the only meat they eat is fish. And would be perfectly correct.
I can't, I don't have any experience with people who don't like meat
Yeah, my (limited) understanding of it is, "If you can't make it without a dead animal somewhere, it isn't vegetarian." Milk, eggs, cheese (that doesn't use rennet) = fine. Things cooked in animal fat, gelatin = not fine.
So then stay out of the fucking thread.
What if they surgically remove the meat or extract the fat through liposuction?:P
No matter who wins, everyone loses!
I guess, deal with it. There is no difference between people saying "I am a vegetarian but I eat fish" or saying "I'm not a vegetarian but I only eat fish." It conveys the same idea.
Unless you expect the public at large to become significantly more word savvy they are going to keep saying the first one.
but they're listening to every word I say
So yeah, non-vegetarians should not call themselves vegetarians. I imagine some do it out of ignorance, some do it out of laziness, and others do it because they like being able to label themselves with what they see as a cool categorization. They just want to be part of a minority.
Me, I'm an unrepentant carnivore, but you can make some awesome vegetarian dishes. Black beans and tofu go a long way, though I hate when people make one food pretend to be another. No, that pile of soy-mush is not a fucking burger, okay? Tofurkey is not a valid foodstuff. Tofu is best when grilled or fried, not when turned into a vaguely meat-shaped substance.
I was actually wondering about this during that episode of the Office where Dwight talks about his "9 and 3/4 horses" and how he has a process of getting meat from them without killing them.
Aren't most egg-farm chickens living in conditions worse than death, though? I assume eggs and such are only okay for the animal-ethics vegetarians if they're free-range corn-fed organics, or whatever the latest trend in consumer-feel-goodery is.
What if you ritually slaughter a pig every time you make a green salad?
Except they don't. The first conveys that the person doesn't know what the word vegetarian means.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
See, that's why Dwight on The Office is a genius for coming up with a horse-burger-maker that doesn't kill the horse. He gets meat, and still has a perfectly healthy 3/4 of a horse.
Then the Blood God blesses your meal and you gain immortality for the time it takes you to consume the salad.