Anyone else besides me reading and enjoying this series? Let's discuss it.
I find it kind of revolting, but the writing is really good. It seems like some of it is just over the top just for the sake of it, like [spoiler:2f3785b2f1]the hamster that crawls out of Blarney Cock's ass when he gets killed[/spoiler:2f3785b2f1].
Anyway, share your ideas if you've been reading the series.
If you aren't reading it, here's a short background:
It's set in a world where there are lot of superheroes, except the supes are more integrated into society. On the surface, the supes appear to be like the DC/Marvel heroes we all know and love, particularly the larger, more organized teams. They appear to be the world's finest, most decent and noble citizens. Underneath it all, they act like spoiled celebrities to whom the rules and mores of society do not apply. They abuse their power.
They also cause very real collateral damage in terms of civilian deaths, and generally completely get away with it. They have almost no accountability for their actions.
One guy is (re)forming a team of artificially super-powered persons to serve the CIA in the role of policing the supes. He's going to do this job by playing as dirty, or dirtier, as one can imagine possible. He'd prefer to get the job done while staying out of public view, but he's not above a fracas to prove to the supes that they shouldn't fuck with him.
The series is graphically violent, sexually explicit, and full of swearing. It's recommended for mature readers (whatever that means for grown men buying comic books). The art is pretty ugly, looking like a cross between Don Martin and John Byrne, but it fits the ugliness of the world in the comic. The writing is gripping and blunt.
That is exactly who Hughie reminds me of. I suppose it's intentional.
Does anyone else have a problem with comicbook charecters looking just like actors?
The only writer that does this and pisses me off is Millar. In Ultimates and Wanted it's like he's begging Hollywood to pay attention him like a little child that begs his parents for a cookie
edit--I'm a retard
He does tell his artist to draw charecters to resemble actors.
and I said that Millar was a writer in my post
Situation excellent. I am attacking.
- General Ferdinand Foch
Maybe Image?
Man, first Squadron Supreme, now this.
Land? Yes
But look at Ultimates and Wanted. Alot of characters resemble actors
Goddamnit. Sometimes it was a bit over the top with the graphic violence and sex, but the story behind it all is darn good. I hope they find a new publisher soon.
Well, at least we have Hyperion vs. Nighthawk to take the sting off a bit. Actually, if Guggenheim does a decent job on that mini, I wouldn't be surprised if they float the idea of having him continue the series (or, at least, finish the damn thing). I'd buy it.