I hate to make yet another thread but I'm in (again) some dire need of help. I am currently working with SQL and I have no idea how to do this SQL query stuff.
We had a midterm in which SQL query's were 50% of the grade, and I got a 52% on it because I have no idea what's going on. The instructor did them on the board but I can't understand a word the idiot says so I wrote down what was written but it doesn't help that I don't know how/why you can do stuff.
This is the database I've been given and the relations:
L Tree, S1
D Pond, S2
M Lake, S3
J Bond, S4
S Bark, S5
L Leaf, S6
Comp 1, C1
Math 2, C2
Phys 3, C3
Comp 3, C4
S1, C1, 77
S1, C2, 80
S2, C2, 93
S2, C3, 88
S2, C4, 91
S3, C2, 74
S3, C3, 89
S4, C2, 75
S4, C3, 85
S4, C4, 55
S5, C1, 50
S5, C4, 61
S6, C2, 77
S6, C3, 88
S6, C4, 54
Okay. So I typed it up in SQL and I got it setup in my database. Now I'm supposed to use the SELECT FROM WHERE stuff to get the answers.
One of the questions is asking: Find the names of the courses that 'D Pond' failed or 'J Bond' passed.
At this point I'm sure I need to get a nested query which is what I can't do. I know how to find information from one area but I am in the dark on how to do nested ones. I know it's like:
You know? But I can't logically think on how to solve this problem. (I could probably do SELECT CNAME FROM COURSE but I like to make aliases).
I am not sure how to do an or statement in SQL. Any help is appreciated. Again, sorry for the 3rd thread of these in the past few weeks.
I can't ask the instructor for help because I honestly can't understand a word the man says.
e: fixed the crucial word
I'll give you some hints.
1) How are the tables related? Where are the joins?
2) What is the filtering condition for the query?
Edit: You don't need a nested query. If you are really confused start with just one table.
Here is how to get the passing marks without the Person name or Course Name.
where RESULT.MARK >= 60
SELECT * FROM STUDENT s INNER JOIN COURSE c ON (s.sno = c.sno) WHERE ____ is an example of a join. You went over joins and such in class right?
From there you would look for the appropriate conditions in the WHERE clause.
Infidel, this is what I've got and it gave me the answer:
I think I joined them without actually using join, right?
Given this data in your table:
D Pond, S2
J Bond, S4
S2, C2, 93
S2, C3, 88
S2, C4, 91
S4, C2, 75
S4, C3, 85
S4, C4, 55
S2 (Pond) didn't fail any classes, so an inclusive and question looking at "which classes did Pond fail and another student pass" (it doesn't really matter who the other student is) would result in 0 rows, because Pond didn't fail any of his classes. The teacher is almost certainly looking for the process, but if you've got a query that doesn't result in 0 rows it's probably incorrect.
EDIT: If you change the "OR" in your statement to an "AND" it should correctly result in 0 rows. Like this:
select c.CNAME
-> from student as s, result as r, course as c
-> where (s.SNAME='D Pond' and r.MARK<60
-> and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO)AND(
-> s.SNAME='J Bond' and r.MARK>60
-> and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO);
With an "OR" check there it's returning rows if Pond failed, or if Bond passed. Since Bond passed C2 and C3, but not C4 those two classes are in the result set.
edit: by which I mean selections in relational algebra, not SQL
S4, C2, 75
S4, C3, 85
Passing is any mark > 60
Find the names of students who failed some courses that 'J Bond' passed.
So this was my query:
Which, by looking at the numbers, seems correct. But the next query asks
Find the names of students who passed all the courses that 'J Bond' passed.
Which means it should be all the students, so I typed:
Which returns J Bond twice.
I guess I need to learn how to do the join command?
That looks right but that could be because the answer is all the students who took C2 and C3... I don't think it's right.
This is slow and depending on your prof may be wrong if he's expecting you to actually perform some joins.
"and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO" in the WHERE is after the fact, you want to avoid records that don't make sense in the first place.
-> where (r.MARK>60 and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO)or(
-> s.SNAME='J Bond' and r.MARK>60 and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO);
If you ignore the key matching which should be in the join instead, you're looking at this:
r.MARK > 60 or (s.SNAME = 'J Bond' and r.MARK > 60)
Note how the second part of that (after the or) is trivial. Name isn't even mattering.
Think you have the right answer still?
where (r.MARK>60 and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO)
(s.SNAME='J Bond' and r.MARK>60 and s.SNO=r.SNO and
is checking every row of the database for... what exactly?
edit: Man, I need to type faster.
So what I'd need to do is get the marks >60 that J Bond is in as well right? Would that be a union?
You might want to break it down. What courses did J Bond pass? Then, who passed those courses?
select s.SNAME
from student s, result r, course c
where (select s.SNAME
from student s, result r, course c
where s.SNAME='J Bond' and r.MARK>60 and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO)and(
select s.SNAME
from student s, result r, course c
where r.MARK>60 and s.SNO=r.SNO and c.CNO=r.CNO);
(also how do you use join if I have to join 3 tables together? I tried
student join result on student.SNO=result.SNO, course join result on course.CNO=result.CNO
but that obviously won't work since result is used twice.)
I don't even know what you're trying to do with that first query. A table is not a condition, so you can't just AND them together (in general, if you have one row in each result table then it does work, but I don't think that's what you were trying to do). If you're using mysql, I might suggest looking at the official documentation for subqueries. Second, that query will work if you write it as
student join result as r1 on student.SNO=r1.SNO, course join result as r2 on course.CNO=r2.CNO
although I don't know why you'd want to do that. Do you want something like this?
student join result on student.SNO=result.SNO join course on course.CNO=result.CNO
(obviously you'd need a SELECT whatever there, but you get the idea)
edit: Huh. I didn't even know you could do that.
You're going crazy with subqueries here though - step back and think of what you need to do again. That first subquery is getting closer to where you need to be at. But that second subquery isn't necessary, you can do that where clause at the current level you're at now.
Don't flip to the end of the chapter for the answer (my suggestion which may not even be right!), you'll cheapen the victory!
FROM results r LEFT JOIN Student s ON (r.SNO = s.SNO)
Where r.mark > 60 and r.CNO IN (Select DISTINCT r.CNO FROM Results r WHERE r.SNO = "S4" AND r.Mark > 60)
Haha! How about that ninja edit?
Oh wow, why didn't I think of that? You just join them together right in one line. Okay let me see if I can get this answer now...
select CNAME
from course join result on course.CNO=result.CNO join student on result.SNO=student.SNO
where SNAME="J Bond" and MARK>60;
Now I have to use that result and find the students that passed the same classes right?
But J Bond is included in that set.
While I'm not familiar with multiple joins (they don't work in access) like that, the logic there should work.
Make sure your fields are reference to the right table : Student.SNAME = "J BOND" and Result.MARK > 60.
S1, C2, 80
S2, C2, 93
S2, C3, 88
S3, C2, 74
S3, C3, 89
S4, C2, 75
S4, C3, 85
S6, C3, 88
You're looking for courses that people have failed. So what would you have to do to eliminate some of these results?
Would that still include J Bond? I mean it's obvious he passed if I use that in the query.
In both cases, you could check to make sure you're selecting SNAME <> 'J Bond' in your main query right? It's a little redundant in the one case because any class that J Bond passed will not show him in the result for classes failed of course.
The only thing that changes is what your MARK cutoff is.
It's not quite the same. For query two, you need students that failed SOME courses that J Bond passed (that is, they failed AT LEAST ONE class that J Bond passed). For the third query, you want students that passed ALL courses that J Bond passed. If you just replace the mark comparison in query two with a different mark comparison for query three, it won't work.
And yeah, the third query probably should return J Bond unless the problem states otherwise. Did J Bond pass all the classes that J Bond passed?
That looks good according to what I found out manually. Query 2, like Aetheri said, says failed SOME classes that J Bond passed. Which is going to make that one much more difficult.
This is still not right, and it's somewhat disconcerting that you got it wrong even when you did the query by hand (L Tree shouldn't be there).
So I have to find the classes that students passed C2 AND C3, not one or another.
Find the names of students who failed some courses that 'J Bond' Passed.
Now how would I do the Q3? If I have the classes that J Bond passed... And I have to find the students that pass all courses that he passed.
I tried using EXISTS but I still get L Tree because he has one class (C2) and he did pass it.
Yeah I know.... Which is the main reason I completely bombed most of the questions on the final in Discrete Math.
Think of it the other way around, did anyone fail a class in the classes he passed?
Not one person did...
If > 60 is a pass, and < 60 is a fail, what is exactly 60?
e: Haha, yeah I guess I should start doing that >= for passing
See now you're getting away from Access type stuff, so I'll have to back out. Unfortunately I can only assume what Contains will do, but it definitely sounds like it could be helpful here.
Q6 says:
Extend Q5 by also including the number of students who failed the course in the listing. (Hint: Use Outer Join)
Q5 was: For each course, list the course number, the average mark of all students in the course, and the total number of students in the course.
So my answer for Q5 was:
So... Do I add another COUNT in the select? How would I compute the number of students that failed the courses? I know how to do that by itself:
How would I display this in the query? That's what I'm stuck on.