Considering a new desktop PC to replace my old Dell from around 2005. What do folks think of:
Really good specs for the price. Looked into lower-end machines and then just upgrading GFX card, but this wins out by a wide margin
I'm told the HD it comes with, while large, is also slow
Comes loaded with Vista, which means migrating to Win7 myself
Apparently Gateway support bites
Upgrade possibilities are limited for the future, but should suit my needs. It has one empty PCIe slot, which could house, say, a second GFX card for SLI. Has room for a second HD so I could upgrade and use the one it comes with as storage. Has room for one extra optical drive, so I could get a Blu-Ray drive to match my new HD monitor.
If the resident gurus could weigh in, I'd appreciate the feedback. If you have your own suggestions for a gaming PC under $2000, let fly.