Pirates, Vikings, and Knights IIWhat?!
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II Is a
Free Half-Life 2 Based Modification / Total Conversion.
Which is now released!
PVK is Pirates, Vikings, and Knights! Not Pirates, Vikings, Knights, Ninjas, Samurai and mutated hamster walruses (Although the hamster walruses are being considered).
Website:http://www.pvkii.comFeatures:Strategic Combat:
Combat is based on an attack, block and parry system. Typically, attacking is accomplished by holding down primary fire and releasing when the player wishes. This enables the player to make slow, more powerful timed attacks, or flurries of quick attacks. Most attacks can be made in 4 directions, from the left, right, overhead and thrusting positions. Attack speed is determined too, by what weapon the player is wielding. Typically, secondary fire is reserved for blocking. You can block with a shield, or weapon if timed right. Also, if you happen to attack at just the right time that another person does, and their weapon isn’t too big to stop, then a parry is preformed where both people are broken from combat and scooted a little back from one another. After a second, they may resume combat with one another. Again, attack speed designates advantage because whoever can swing the fastest will strike first. This style of system makes swordplay and combat much more interesting and strategic for players.
Special Abilities:
There are special abilities unique to certain classes. Take for example the Berserker, who can at anytime go berserk by activating the special function key. These are listed in the Weapons section for reference.
Game Modes:Booty:
There are chests scattered throughout the map, and each team has a base they must bring these chests to. There is a points count in the hud, that ticks down faster and faster depending on how many chests a team has in their base.
Booty Tag:
One chest, the player who holds onto the chest scores points. Plenty of places to hide, and many different escape routes from the area the chest is in. As the player holds the chest, a timer ticks down on the hud menu, default time is 3:00 for each team.
One or more areas in the map that need to be held by a team to score points. Areas are strategically placed, and allow for more than one way of getting in.
Player Guide:http://www.pvkii.com/playerguide.htmlScreenshots:
A Kegging
Some download Links:
(check main page for more)
North America:http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/halflife2/mod/10293.htmlhttp://dl06.us.pvkii.net/pvkii_beta_1_0.exehttp://www.readyroom.org/pvkii/pvkii_beta_1_0.exehttp://www.fileplanet.com/172379/170000/fileinfo/Half-Life-2---Pirates-Vikings-and-Knights-II-Beta-v1.0European:http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/PC-CDROM/Download/45816.htmlhttp://www.fz.se/filarkiv/?file=spel/half-life_2/mods/pvkii/pvkii_beta_1_0.exehttp://dl02.se.pvkii.net/pvkii_beta_1_0.exe
Australian/Oceania Mirrors:http://games.internode.on.net/filelist.php?filedetails=5073
I never asked for this!
I also have a blog!
Either way, the game itself is kickass. I've been playing it for the past few hours or so now, and it's really well done.
one of my most favouritist HL1 mods
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
Alot of mods need that these days. Not sure why.
It means any mod built using the "Source SDK Base" uses the latest Source Engine updates when they are released.
Also, it doesn't require HL2 or HL2DM. Mods that use this like ours, update with Source's Engine updates.
I see a lot of knights in these screenshots. Also, where are the vikings? How easy is it to fight my way to glory and into Valhalla?
Save your bandwith for a version of this mod that is more than a tech demo.
Don't listen to this man for a moment. This mod is quite fun even in its current form.
I also have a blog!
Festival is right.
All the maps are pretty fair. The only one I can see being a bit favoring towards a single race is the one with the tower, and having to control it. Usually knights have a bit of an advantage here, and can crossbow anyone trying toget up.
Despite the one-class stuff, it's really fun. I'd highly suggest this mod.
What map is that Morkath?
More classes will be added soon...
Thank you all for the kind comments by the way. Crits are welcome aswell.
For about 10minutes, then it gets boring have to face entire teams of the same exact class, and in the case of the vikings/knights, the same exact class as you.
I'm a fan of the original, and I am waiting for the full release, or at least one with a couple classes for each race. But currently it's more of a demo.
The Berserker can... Berserk
Also gibs added soon
First, what kind of gibs are we talking? Whole body explosions, or the ability to lob off arms etc?
Second, could there be an option for servers to turn gibs on/off? Depending on the gibs, some might perfer normal ragdoll rather then the gibs.
Unfortunetly I don't remeber the name, and the server isn't showing up in the history. But it was treasure capturing map, with when you were a knight, you started in a dungeon, and moved into a small outdoor area, with a cannon and a portcullis gate on the left, leading to the vikings, and a castle looking hallway on the right leading to the pirates.
There were about 6 vikings, 10 pirates, and 12 knights, with basically a P+K vs V going on, and the vikings won all 6 matches I stayed to play, as they could grab the treasure about 5-10seconds after the round started.
And like I said, I am a fan of the original, and this looks like it will be very good once it is finished. Just right now, not really worth the download imo.
Yeah, but the berserker and knight are still basically the same class, just a differant special ability, while when compared to the pirate, there is a vast differance.
Not a bad thing in and of it self, only when coupled with the fact they are the only choices for those races.
All three teams start out pretty much in equal distance from the chest, are you sure someone hadn't just carried the chest closer to the viking spawn and dropped it / got killed?
I understand what you mean about only 3 classes, but iho I myself even after testing this mod for a long time and being a developer still find it fun to play online now that its released, but thats me. I don't see how it makes the mod fail, that is a bit harsh
Yes though, The mod will be more fun / strategic / varied when more classes are added, I know what you mean and understand. The Berserker and Knight will change though when more classes are added, Knight will walk slower and be tougher like in the original and his crossbow will be removed, that was given to him temporarily to balance things out.
Also, gibs coming soon and 2 new maps :P