So evidently my kid brother is getting a PS3 for Christmas. Help me develop a list of awesome T-rated games that I can get him.
Yes, I'm fully aware he's definitely played M-rated games at his friend's house who owns a 360, since he's commented on my L4D2/Fallout3 gameplay. I still need to follow parental rules, so don't bother suggesting MW2, AC2, or things along those lines. I'm buying those for
me anyways. :P
As he's "starting from scratch" in the PS3 world, I'm looking for some older, proven-awesome titles for a few reasons: firstly, they're proven awesome, and secondly, they're less expensive allowing me to give him
more awesomeness. The
PS3 Greatest Hits list is good, but he's not much for racers and that seems to be the lion's share of the T-rated titles. Otherwise Burnout Paradise would be an easy choice as well.
Uncharted and
R&CF:TOD are both already on the list of Definitely Buying. What's another one or two I can stack on the pile to make it contain the maximum legal limit of Awesome?
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
Infamous is officially $40 now and rated T, but my only exposure to it has been the demo. Maybe somewhere else can elaborate on if it's worth a purchase or good for a 13 year old.
And that could also have the potential for parental involvement as well. Hmm. Is it possible to have LBP played online with multiple people on one console - ie, brother and the two parents there, me joining in from mine?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I know you've mentioned Uncharted, and that's a definite must-buy, but don't forget Uncharted 2. They added all sorts of high quality co-op and vs. multiplayer modes while simultaneously not screwing up the single player. There's no split-screen though, which may make it less attractive for your situation. It doesn't really matter though, trust me, after playing the first one you're going to buy it sooner or later for the single player alone.
In terms of games not already mentioned, Batman: Arkham Asylum is rated Teen and it's very good. It is fairly violent but there's no blood or gore and technically Batman "knocks out" his opponents... but I'd still say it's pretty close to maxed out in terms of what sort of content you can show and still get a Teen rating. For example, when you get jumped by half a dozen thugs, when you knock out the last one it goes into a slow-mo vanity-camera shot of Batman roundhouse kicking the final thug in the jaw (or any number of other flashy finishers). So it may or may not be something you'd be comfortable with giving to your brother.
How does he feel about fighting games? Street Fighter 4 is Teen-rated, probably because there's no blood or gore. I'm not big into fighting games personally but I have seen it on the PS3 and it looks fantastic, and by all accounts it's an excellent entry in the genre.
Ehh, the only game that's actually T is Portal, the other four are all M. Though, the most violent game on there is TF2, which is saying something.
If he's a bit more "hardcore" gamer, Armored Core: 4 Answer has some multi-action, and of course Warhawk.
And yeah, Uncharted 2 is well worth picking up, but you can hold off and wait to grab it for a future gift once you know how much the kid likes the first one.
LittleBigPlanet is another good choice, although to be honest it depends more on the kid's attitude towards "kiddie" games.
And last and almost certainly least, Heavenly Sword is now cheap and is pretty much a T-rated God Of War, only not as good. But then again, you won't get a horrified call from the kid's parents when their impressionable child sees tits ahoy in a cutscene.
I picked up R&C and the original Uncharted so far. The Force Unleashed seems like a good bet, Star Wars violence is somehow more acceptable than "realistic" violence. As it is Uncharted will probably be pushing the envelope more than enough so Heavenly Sword is probably "too far" at the moment.
But yeah, I'm not deluding myself. If he's anything like me he's already seen tits IRL by that age. :P
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
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