Happy Holidays folks. Your neighborhood Dungeon Master Rysk is here to inform you that he is writing up a 1-shot dungeon delve for 5th level characters in the spirit of the holidays. It will be designed for 5 players and I would like to keep that limit. If it runs smoothly one day and I have the time, I would be more than willing to run it again (since all my planning will be well done and over).
I'll be off work from the 24th-4th and would like to take a day in there and run through it. It's going to be entirely made up by little old me and played with RPtools Maptools over the course of a day. We are talking several hours since there will be anywhere from 5-7 encounters and the experience level of the player (with DnD or Maptools) is an unknown factor. I live on the west coast of the US and would likely start in the morning (8 or 9am) and play until we're done. My schedule will be cleared. The exact date is undetermined, I first need to see what kind of interest I can get for this.
If you would like to participate in this I would like you to do a couple of things in a reply on this thread:
1) Let me know what days you are available for this, count my Saturday and Monday out since I run my campaign on Mondays and play in one on Saturdays.
2) Let me know what experience you have with D&D, new comers are welcome, but you need to create a character (which means having books or a Character Builder with update).
3) Let me know what experience you have with RPTools Maptools. No bias here, but if you have none I will ask you to show up a bit early to help you with token properties and macros so the game can go quickly.
4) Tell me your character concept. This can be a brief blurb on who they are, but please include a name, a class, and a race (I'm not ruling anything illegal for this, at least for now. Keep in mind this group will need 1 player of each role and 1 wildcard that can be of any other role). You should note that this is going to be a slightly corny and predictably humorous endeavor. You're here to have a fun time for a few hours, so bring your sense of humor and it should be a blast.
EDIT: Player availabilities last updated 12/21
OK so lets have a short summary of players, characters and available times:
Mr_Rose, a pair of character choices in Ferzth the Assassin and Kalla the Seeker. Both are Gith. Available 26th-31st
Foefaller has Adrien the Human Swordmage and is available 24th-4th
FelixSomethingSomething, another pair with Heshtar the Dragonborn Warlord or Hyrgnas the Gnoll Druid. Available any days I mentioned, but wants notice.
Fireflower is available for any day and wants to play an Avenger.
Smeej has Conrad the Ardent and can play any of those dates.
Saurfang with Null the Voidsoul Genasi Barbarian and available 29th-31st
Streever with Aidan the Fighting-mans and available 29th-31st
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
As for characters, I really want to try out one of the new classes; either an Assassin or a Seeker, don't much care which:
Ferzth, level 5
Githzerai, Assassin
Build: Bleak Disciple Assassin
Guild Training: Bleak Disciple
Str 8, Con 17, Dex 19, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Str 8, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 18 Will: 16
HP: 43 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 10
Stealth +11, Perception +9, Insight +9, Acrobatics +13, Endurance +10
Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +4, Heal +4, History +2, Intimidate +3, Nature +4, Religion +2, Streetwise +3, Thievery +6, Athletics +3
Level 1: Githzerai Blade Master
Level 2: Miryath's First Strike
Level 4: Killer's Insight
Assassin at-will 1: Inescapable Blade
Assassin at-will 1: Leaping Shade
Assassin encounter 1: Smothering Shadow
Assassin daily 1: Strangling Shadow
Assassin utility 2: Cloak of Shades
Assassin encounter 3: Inescapable Shadow
Assassin daily 5: Twilight Assassin
Magic Ki Focus +2, Fullblade, Bastard sword, Battle Harness Leather Armor +1, Light Shield, Cape of the Mountebank +1, Escape Tattoo (heroic tier), Adventurer's Kit
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Kalla, level 5
Githzerai, Seeker
Seeker's Bond: Bloodbond
Background: Geography - Mountains (Dungeoneering class skill)
Str 9, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 10.
Str 9, Con 15, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10.
AC: 18 Fort: 16 Reflex: 17 Will: 18
HP: 48 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 12
Nature +11, Dungeoneering +11, Perception +11, Insight +11
Acrobatics +7, Arcana +2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Endurance +5, Heal +6, History +2, Intimidate +2, Religion +2, Stealth +5, Streetwise +2, Thievery +5, Athletics +3
Level 1: Miryath's First Strike
Level 2: Coordinated Explosion
Level 4: Iron Retreat
Seeker at-will 1: Elemental Spirits
Seeker at-will 1: Stinging Swarm
Seeker encounter 1: Flickering Arrow
Seeker daily 1: Storm of Spirit Shards
Seeker utility 2: Far Sight
Seeker encounter 3: Escaping Shot
Seeker daily 5: Corralling Shot
Distance Longbow +2, Shockweave Leather Armor +1, Frostwolf Pelt +1, Arrows (90), Bracers of the Perfect Shot (heroic tier), Adventurer's Kit, Bending Bullet +1 (3)
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Am I correct in assuming normal starting equipment etc. for lv5?
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
I'm just dying to try out a Monk.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I've got pretty good experience with 4e, mostly in the heroic tier.
Conversely, I don't have any experience with Maptools. I'm really intrigued to see how it works and more than willing to take the time to learn it.
Here's what I'm thinking of vis a vis character:
Null, Genasi (Voidsoul) Barbarian.
Null's parents are dead. His parents are deeeaaaad. Actually, he has no idea who his parents are or where they might be--his earliest memories of life on the Howling Plains were of the goblin tribe that adopted him. Null always knew he was different--his obsidian skin and the crazy purple lines that crisscrossed it made him only too aware of that. But one midwinter festival, his goblin foster parents finally broke the news to him that he wasn't a "black goblin," as he'd persisted in calling himself.
Null ran out across the plains like a little whiny baby. Finally, the exhausted genasi collapsed under one of the grasslands' few trees. When he woke in the morning, to his surprise, there was--there is no other word for it--a gift awaiting him under the tree. As Null lifted the heavy mordenkrad, his eyes shone with childlike wonder, which was not wholly inappropriate as he was still a child, and he felt the stirrings of destiny.
Today, a grown-up Null, now a renowned mercenary, is starting to feel that old apathy come over him. (It's probably in his nature.) I mean, he's a fantastic merc and all, but.... what's the point? Everything's meaningless, anyway. This holiday season, can Null rediscover that joy that the holidays are all about and find some purpose in his life? Will he bring the gift of the mordenkrad to others? Stay tuned...
Edit: Null doesn't know who his mysterious benefactor was, if you were wondering.
Ferzth, level 5
Githzerai, Assassin
Build: Bleak Disciple Assassin
Guild Training: Bleak Disciple
Str 8, Con 17, Dex 19, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Str 8, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 18 Will: 16
HP: 43 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 10
Stealth +11, Perception +9, Insight +9, Acrobatics +13, Endurance +10
Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +4, Heal +4, History +2, Intimidate +3, Nature +4, Religion +2, Streetwise +3, Thievery +6, Athletics +3
Level 1: Githzerai Blade Master
Level 2: Miryath's First Strike
Level 4: Killer's Insight
Assassin at-will 1: Inescapable Blade
Assassin at-will 1: Leaping Shade
Assassin encounter 1: Smothering Shadow
Assassin daily 1: Strangling Shadow
Assassin utility 2: Cloak of Shades
Assassin encounter 3: Inescapable Shadow
Assassin daily 5: Twilight Assassin
Magic Ki Focus +2, Fullblade, Bastard sword, Battle Harness Leather Armor +1, Light Shield, Cape of the Mountebank +1, Escape Tattoo (heroic tier), Adventurer's Kit
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Kalla, level 5
Githzerai, Seeker
Seeker's Bond: Bloodbond
Background: Geography - Mountains (Dungeoneering class skill)
Str 9, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 10.
Str 9, Con 15, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10.
AC: 18 Fort: 16 Reflex: 17 Will: 18
HP: 48 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 12
Nature +11, Dungeoneering +11, Perception +11, Insight +11
Acrobatics +7, Arcana +2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Endurance +5, Heal +6, History +2, Intimidate +2, Religion +2, Stealth +5, Streetwise +2, Thievery +5, Athletics +3
Level 1: Miryath's First Strike
Level 2: Coordinated Explosion
Level 4: Iron Retreat
Seeker at-will 1: Elemental Spirits
Seeker at-will 1: Stinging Swarm
Seeker encounter 1: Flickering Arrow
Seeker daily 1: Storm of Spirit Shards
Seeker utility 2: Far Sight
Seeker encounter 3: Escaping Shot
Seeker daily 5: Corralling Shot
Distance Longbow +2, Shockweave Leather Armor +1, Frostwolf Pelt +1, Arrows (90), Bracers of the Perfect Shot (heroic tier), Adventurer's Kit, Bending Bullet +1 (3)
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Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
1. I'm available Tuesday-Thursday of that week, 29th to 31st. I'm free during the hours you'd be playing. (EST)
2. I've made a lot of characters, and played in 3 games (articifer, ranger, and warlord). All my characters have been in this level range (3 to 7)
3. No experience, but I'm a quick learner, and happy to join you before the game.
4. Aidan, Elven Fighting-mans
Obviously some details might change when I see our party about his abilities, but I will run it by you, if selected. I plan to play him up in full comic style--witty repartee with his teammates (someone is going to tease him about his lack of proper military service!) and humorous dialogue thrown into his combat.
I'm available any of those days except Christmas, provided I have a few days notice to request it off or switch shifts.
I've played a few sessions of 3.5 and I've been playing a 4e game for a month or two.
We use MapTools for my 4e game so I'm fine with it, our DM makes the tokens but I can do it myself too.
Two characters I'm working on:
Heshtar Galdurran, Dragonborn Resourceful Warlord
Old, experienced and a bit worn out. Fought in many battles and learned a lot but his body isn't as capable as it once was. Full of stories about the battle of somewhere or that time he fought what's his face, gets a lot of use out of phrases like "Back in my day" and "Let me show you how that's done". His Dynamic Greatspear (AV 68) changes forms to suit his needs, each weapon a prize or spoil of a different glorious battle, the story of which he tells whether you like it or not. He towers over the battlefield barking orders and no one can decide if he yells more at his enemies or allies.
Hyrgnas Arathulema... or whatever nickname his companions of the moment give after stumbling over his name a few times, Gnoll Predator Druid
His clothing and fur is adorned with all sorts of tropies and charms from beasts he's slain or people he's befriended, necklaces and bracelets of teeth and bone hanging losely off him. These all stay when he takes on a beast form. Very supertitious, rubbbing a charm or muttering in abyssal at the most commonplace things. Wild and uncultured, things like manners and hygiene are all but foreign to him. Has a distinct cackling laugh no matter what shape he takes.
Edit: Sheets up, more fleshing out to come probably.
Edit2: The +2 trident on the warlord's sheet is just for easy reading of powers if the spear is changed to a trident.
And I would totally love to join this, but I'm out of town that week! If you run it again at some point after the 4th I'd love to get in on it. Got a Warden I want to try out!
Anyway, I could be down for some delve. I have experience running a campaign in MapTool with DeviantNull's interactive character sheet! I too am on the west coast and I am completely available.
I am mostly interested in toying around with an Ardent. Conrad, the empathic battlefield surgeon who would sing the occasional song to strengthen morale, has gone mercenary. http://4e.orokos.com/sheets/1571
I will flesh him out when it is less after-midnight.
However, this would be my first time doing an online session (or starting anything other than level 1) ever, so I'd need the crash course on most of that.
Planning for a Human Assault Swordmage if I get in.
EDIT: Named... Adrien
Only problem is I would only be free Sundays.
But if that works out for people then hells yes.
Hmm, Ill have to whip up a few character concepts to submit.
Experience: Ive played D&D plenty and I have played 4e.
As for MapTool Im pretty good with it, at least on the player side. Ive got macros down (unless theres been major changes to it or somethin).
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
Heshtar, Dragonborn Warlord
Hyrgnas, Gnoll Druid
This sounds like a lot of fun, hope we get enough to do it.
Mr_Rose, a pair of character choices in Ferzth the Assassin and Kalla the Seeker. Both are Gith. Available 26th-31st
DarkPrimus is available on Sundays and wants to play a Monk.
Foefaller has Adrien the Human Swordmage and is available 24th-4th
Lardalish has some ideas on characters, but is available Sundays.
FelixSomethingSomething, another pair with Heshtar the Dragonborn Warlord or Hyrgnas the Gnoll Druid. Available any days I mentioned, but wants notice.
Smeej has Conrad the Ardent and can play any of those dates.
Saurfang with Null the Voidsoul Genasi Barbarian and available 29th-31st
Streever with Aidan the Fighting-mans and available 29th-31st
So we have 5 that could play on Sunday the 27th, a couple more that can in the middle of the week after but a few of those from the aforementioned Sunday group could play then as well. Assuming I can find enough folks, I would love to do it on Sunday and sometime the week after. Going to try and bump in the main thread once more.
I think I will go ahead and nail it down that it will be on Sunday the 27th, Wednesday the 30th, or both. Since there is a short week this week with XMAS and all, I will need finalized concepts before Wednesday 5pm PDT if you want to play Sunday or by 4pm Saturday the 26th for the Wednesday game. Going to do some writing on the module today, and with luck will have it all fleshed out by the time your characters are done.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
At least, as soon as I learn the specifics of starting a character at level 5 (I'm sure I won't screw up leveling him to there, but I have no idea what he can start out with.)
You get one magic item of your level+1, one of your level, one of your level-1 and starting gold equal to the cost of a magic item one level under you. For level 5 that's a level 4 5 and 6 magic item and 840 gold.
I'm working that Sunday but it's not until 5pm PST. I'm not sure how long you expect the game to take but assuming we start at 8 or 9 that's a pretty big chunk of time. If need be I can switch shifts.
equipment is much less important for higherlevel
characters than it is when you’re starting out.
Choose whatever standard adventuring gear you
want from the tables in the Player’s Handbook. For
magic items, choose one item of your level + 1, one
item of your level, and one item of your level – 1. In
addition, you have gold pieces equal to the value of
one magic item of your level – 1. You can spend this
money on rituals, potions, or other magic items, or
save it for later.
That's what you got.
I have all kinds of availability. I work from home so I set my own hours.
Human Shaman
Had an imaginary friend and has now stumbled upon his shaman powers and thinks the spectral bear is his imaginary friend. Pretty amazed that anyone can see him. Hes somethin like 15, pretty young, so a little cowardly, occasionally stupidly heroic, etc etc. Why Im adventuring? Hell, Im 15, I think Im the shit (till the shit hits the fan and I start soiling myself), so Im out trying to be a squeeky-voiced badass.
Gnome Druid
Billiam Gnarlsprout, used to be a wizard but got fed up with everyone wanting his help so he disappeared and became a hermit. Been out there for a while, a few decades atleast, so hes very much the hermit. Grumpy and old, he'd be the classic "Im too old for this shit" kinda guy. Bad ass if need be, otherwise just wants to go back to being a hermit. Why Im doin things would depend on whats goin on. Finally found and asked to help, offered total seclusion after this, who knows, Im flexible.
Deva Wild Sorcerer
Schitzo through and through. Lots of talking to myself, some personality switching, mostly a frazzled man who knows hes crazy, but hell, this is all hes ever done so might as well keep at it! Used to be a respected wizard until he started loosing his mind. Now he just picks up any old job someone will trust him with. Good intentions, but the crazy part hinders him a little.
Out of the three, Id prefer the shaman simply cause I wanna try that class the most, but Im cool with any of em. But like I said, I can only play that one day in that section of dates you listed. However if this got picked up as a regular thing my sundays are always free (the restaurant is closed that day) so Id atleast be consistantly available.
Anyway, yeah, can only make the one day, but I would like to play.
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
I could really use the money, so I'm afraid I am no longer available for the 27th.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
DarkPrimus, can't do the 3rd as I have a hockey game that evening so I'll count you out as well.
Oh, whoops, I meant that Sunday, the 3rd then? Yeah, sorry, heh.
Sunday's are always open for me pending social events.
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
I'm able to play anytime from the 26th to the 4th ( any time ).
If there are any openings for a game.
Character Details:
Level: 5
Race: Warforged
Class: Beastmaster Ranger
Comapanion: Wolf ( Labrador Retriever - Scraps - Age 9 )
Alignment: Unaligned
Age: 5
Character Concept:
Kill-a-Tron is a Construct built by a dark magician to murder and maim. However a group of do-gooder adventurers slew his master.
Left leaderless, alone, and sad, he spent his time moping around a small town.
One day a lop eared scrappy dog came up to him and laid its head on his knee. He looked into the dogs soft eyes, and knew, he had found someone to work for.
He spends his day doing the whim of this adventurous and brave hound, and guarding the animal as it sleeps.
Scraps is his master now, and Kill-a-Tron has a purpose now.
Further Character Details:
His armor is attatched, his armblades are embedded short swords, and he has a delver's light embedded in his chest.
Player Details:
I have a vent server i would be willing to lend to the group for Voice Chat.
I am a moderately experienced 4th edition player with 11 years of Role Playing Experience.
I am familiar with maptool. I have blocked out and setup my own encounters with vision etc... on it, but am relatively new to macros, and have yet to use a framework with it.
Also, I'd prefer playing a warlock, but I just generally enjoy playing, so if we are short leaders or something, I can roll one up.
Also also, I have 0 maptools experience.
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
The 30th. Can't do the 29th :P
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
let's do it up!
I have a meatshield, it looks like we have a controller and leader, and 2 strikers all submitted--!
Have fun guys!
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
I will find out later today.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I have more freetime than i ever know what to do with.