Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Would it be possible to code it so that when someone is jailed, anything between img tags is deleted?
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Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Ecoterrorism is actually the single largest terrorist threat at the moment. They don't usually kill people, but they blow up or set on fire very expensive things.
RamiusJoined: July 19, 2000Administrator, ClubPAadmin
edited 2004 18
This may warrant some testing to verify, but here's the way I believe it works, and why:
Any posts made by a user while they are in jail will show up the same as if they had disabled bbcode. That is, the tags will display and the bbcode will not be converted. When they are later unjailed, those posts made during their jail time will remain in bbcode-disabled state.
Any posts made BEFORE a user is jailed will display in the regular viewtopic.php page as if bbcode were disabled, however, the disabling is not permanent retroactively. This way, unscrupulous deputies cannot fubar all of a users history by jailing them inappropriately.
Theoretically, the same effect of "mock bbcode disabling" could be applied to the preview window. I never got around to doing so because I frankly don't see it as a high priority. If someone has been jailed for goatse'ing, and you feel the need to reply to that, then you may be "forced" to see the undesirable image in the preview window. If some dimwit quotes their goatse post, the image will come through as well.
So I guess you could say that there's a certain level of personal responsibility built into the system.
Agreed. As an administrator I am always torn between what I can code and would I should code. I can very easily code this and delay the process, but at a point there has to be some form of human intervention. The mods are choosen to do this. Deputies even have the ability to edit jailed users posts. So, I guess it all boils down to I could, but I would rather rely on my mods+deputies to edit. If it was bad enough to jail over, it was bad enough to edit over.
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Raijin QuickfootI'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited 2004 19
I always edit out offending links when jailing people.
Yeah. That's the prob with people not editing the contents of the image tags out...
or just prevent them from being able to post the sequence of letters and symbols
the prevention would be better because jailing fucks up their past posts.
I mean...geez...
I can only see this being a problem if trolls realise it and start posting stuff while jailed just to the preview page.
Any posts made by a user while they are in jail will show up the same as if they had disabled bbcode. That is, the tags will display and the bbcode will not be converted. When they are later unjailed, those posts made during their jail time will remain in bbcode-disabled state.
Any posts made BEFORE a user is jailed will display in the regular viewtopic.php page as if bbcode were disabled, however, the disabling is not permanent retroactively. This way, unscrupulous deputies cannot fubar all of a users history by jailing them inappropriately.
Theoretically, the same effect of "mock bbcode disabling" could be applied to the preview window. I never got around to doing so because I frankly don't see it as a high priority. If someone has been jailed for goatse'ing, and you feel the need to reply to that, then you may be "forced" to see the undesirable image in the preview window. If some dimwit quotes their goatse post, the image will come through as well.
So I guess you could say that there's a certain level of personal responsibility built into the system.