Wait, what is Super Robot Wars W?
It's a game.
Made by these guys.
With licenses from these guys.
This is because Super Robot Wars W is unique. It's an anime licenced game that's
Super Robot Wars is a long running series (It started late in the NES era) that's basic idea is to take every giant robot cartoon that's come out of Japan and mix them together in a large crossover SRPG (incidentally, this makes SRW one of the oldest SRPG series, right up there next to Fire Emblem) that's actually pretty fun. W was the first game in the series released for the DS, it's basic, but lots of fun. It's probably the DS game that I've played more then any other, so yeah I like it. There are a few things that make W unique in the series, but most of it just has to series selection. Not that big a gameplay deal. The biggest thing is the timeskip that occurs midway in the game, in which some new series show up. I'll be giving loose discriptions to the various shows as they show up, so don't worry. With that, let's start!
Let's start a new game. To the opening title scroll!
...oh yeah, right.
It's in
Luckily, I know a guy who translated the story so us non-japanese people can understand it. So thanks to
Mark Neidengard on Gamefaqs, so I can explain the plot as it goes. I won't be doing just a copy-paste. I'll be paraphrasing and [strike]adding lame jokes[/strike] putting in my own commentary.
Let's start with a breif history of W's world.
After World War Three, the nations of the world united into the "Federated Earth Nation." Sure they had to break a few eggshells, like the subjegation of a lunar colony, but they did it!
Technology advanced really fast after this. Space Colonies, space exploration, Mars colonization. Space development exploded!
But things didn't go to well, it seems. You see, the Federation were kinda jerks. And the space colonies didn't like this. So they rebelled, and a war was faught between OZ, the true rulers of the federation, and the Space Colonies. It ended with the president of the Federation, Treize Khushrenada. (Anybody who's watched Toonami in middle school probably reconizes that bit of background. :P) With this, the Federation was dissolved, and a "New United Nations" was born in it's place.
But things just don't go well for Earth, mysterious monsters like the machine monster called "E1-01", the Radam, and invading aliens called the "Jovian Lizards" began attacking people. Madmen with dreams of power like the evil Dr. Hell used technology to terrorize the populace, and to top it off, tensions were mounting between gentically modified/engeneered humans, known as "Coordinators" and the non-modified "Naturals" were igniting the spark of conflict between Earth and Space again.
TL;DR: Humanity is screwed six ways from Sunday.
On to the next screen!
This is the screen where on can rename the main character, and the mechs. However, I don't feel like messing with that, so let's move on.
Time to pick your favorite series folks!
What's this?
This is the "Favorite series" screen. Basically, a person picks what shows they like the best, and the units from that show get a bonus in EXP and money earned. They also get more upgrade slots, basically if you favorite a show, they're doing to get stronger faster. The less units that are in a show, the bigger the bonus (to be shown next to the series). So audience, pick your top three series out of the list, and the three that get the most votes will be my favorites!
- Banpresto Original(AKA The main character and other original characters created for this game) [1.45]
- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz[1.3]
- Martian Successor Nadesico[1.2]
- Tekkaman Blade[1.35]
- Full Metal Panic[1.4]
- Getter Robo[1.5]
- Mazinkaizer[1.35]
- King of Braves GaoGaiGar[1.25]
- Beast King GoLion(Better known in the west as Voltron)[1.5]
Pick away folks, we'll then move on to the first stage!
Episode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
Full metal panic mechs are boring compared to others... but Sosuke is awesome, so I'll go with FMP.
If it had G Gundam my introduction to the world would have had words like "Gundam Fight" and "Devil Gundam" and "Holy crap it's THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST"
W's predicessor on the GBA Super Robot Wars J, did have G Gundam in in however.
Pick two other series plz. :P
Also, playing W is easy, the DS is reigon free and all, might be hard to find a copy of W but I'm sure you can manage.
Ok, I'll vote then.
Voltron, FMP, Originals.
Oh right, sorry. :P
Gotta go with mobile suit and martian successor.
No DS and moon rune knowledge so, yeah.
Getter Robo
Valzacard is the most ridiculous thing
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (2017, colorized)
Tekkaman Blade
Unless Heavyarms is in this in which case replace Nadesico with Endless Waltz
The first update is being made right now, so be patient.
In which I explain every little thing.
On the bright side, I'll never have to do this again.
The Favorites have been decided.
Banpresto Original
Full metal Panic
King of Braves GaoGaiGar
Good choices, then again, every series has it's good units. But I degress. On to the plot!
Meet Kazuma Ardygun. He's a Trailer.
What's a Trailer?
Back in the days when space was young, those adventuresome trailblazers that populated the universe were known as such. But as civilzation grew, the Federation had no more use for Trailers. Over time their reputation fell and now most people just think "Trailer = Space Pirate"
But Kazuma's different. He and his family still follow the old ways of the Trailers, and earn an honest living.
Of coure, that requires a job. And Kazuma hasn't had a job for two weeks, cooped up in this space station.
At this rate I'll have to declare bankruptcy...for the 36th thime.
But fortune shines upon him, because his dad's given word that they have a new job. Not just any job, but a job to take some people to Earth!
Hey, maybe something intresting will happen to fill up this journal.
Elswhere, the very two people who hired them are looking around.
Damn, this junkpile of a place is held together with duct tape isn't it.
Duo Maxwell and Quatre Raberba Winner, Gundam pilots and members of the Preventers orginization. They were sent on a secret mission out in space, and now need to return to Earth in secret. As such, using an unoffical channel like a Trailer is a surefire way to keep things quiet.
Still, damn Space Pirates. I just hope they don't try anything-
Oops, Kazuma overheard Duo complaining about their profession.
Tempers rise, and it looks like a fight might break out.
Fortunately, the appearance of Kazuma's younger sister, Mihiro, calms things down.
I swear if you cost us another job I'll throw you out of the airlock.
Inside the Valkstork, Duo and Quatre meet Blessfield Ardygun, Captain of the Valstork and Kazuma's father. As well as the rest of the crew.
Shiomi, the eldest Ardygun daughter, who watches the sensors and commicators
Akane, who mans the weapons.
Horis Horion, who's not related by blood but seems interested in the family, the navigator.
And Galent, an old friend of Blessfield.
Blessfield and Galent in particular have a bit of a history. Galent was known as the "Demon's Arm" and Blessfield was known as "Hawkeye Ardygun." This bit of info catches Duo offguard, he knows he's heard those names before. After this, Duo and Quatre arrange for their 'cargo' to be loaded up into the Valstork. With everything ready, they prepare to leave tomorrow.
Episode 1: Set Sail for the Sea of Space
The Valstork sets off to Earth. As they leave the space station, Kazuma says goodbye to a friend of his. Gai Murasame, a member of the Junk guild.
See ya later buddy.
Remember to pay back the cash you owe me eh?
Screw you.
Quatre's surprised, he knew about the Trailers sour repuation, and wondered why a Junkman would work with them. This ticks Kazuma off, he's not a space pirate, and he dosn't want to be thought of at one.
Of course, on que, a bunch of real space pirates show up. At first, Blessfield wants to just go away, the Valstork can outrun them easily. But Kazuma, itching for a chance to prove himself and protect the nearby station, convinces him to let him take them out.
Valhawk, launch!
It flys out in Airforce mode, faster and way more agile then the stolen federation mechs, he quickly dashes over to the pirates.
Holy crap it's fast!
Who cares man, just smash it and sell it.
Wait... why do we have the same face?
I... don't know.
Valhawk transforms! Switching to Close-Combat mode, Kazuma and Mihiro are ready to take on these pirates!
But first!
Gameplay mechanics explanation!
(This is why this update is so freaking long)
The bottom screen shows the play area, you give orders to units from that screen. The top screen shows a map of the area, or a quick basic look at stats for the unit highlighted.
Pressing A over a player unit brings up the action menu. But, like the rest of the game, it's in Japanese. So what does it mean?
There we go, that's better. Now we can provide a detailed look at what each option does
Move: You select an area that the unit can move to and tell it go go there
Attack: You select one of the attacks avaible to the unit that has an enemy within range, and well, attack.
Transform: If a unit has alternate forms, such as Valhawk's Airforce mode, then this is what you use to switch between it.
Spirit: Spirit Commands, more on this later
Status: Brings up detailed screens about the unit. Let's click this one, shall we?
Oh boy. More Japanese. And this is an RPG, it's important to understand what all these numbers mean, isn't? Time to do a rough, ghetto translation.
Much better, let's start from the top and go our way down. Starting with the pilot stats.
Level: If you don't know what a level is I don't even know what's with you.
Will: A unique concept to Super Robot Wars games. You know how in Mecha Anime the characters only use their strongest abilties near the end of the episode? Will is a gameplay mechanic emulating that. All characters start at 100 Will. As the battle goes on they gain Will or lose it. The highest WIll can be under most circimstances is 150, and the lowest is 50. Will works as a modifier to your stats, so a character with 150 Will is much stronger then the same character with 50. The strongest attacks, and the best abilties, can only be used with high Will. Generally, raising Will is easier then lowering it. Most of the time the only way to get below 100 Will is through a story point, or you used a Spirt Command on an enemy.
Support Attack: If a character has the Support Attack skill, if another unit attacks while standing next to it, the Support Attacker will attack after the character has done his/her attack. This dosn't use up the Supporters turn, so it can be very handy The higher level the Support Attack skill is, the more that this can be done a turn.
Support Defend: If a Support Defender is next to a character that would be hit, then the Supporter will take the hit for them. Again, the number of times this can be done a turn depends on the level
Support Request: A gameplay element uniqe to SRW W. If the person with the Support Request skill is attacking or is being attacked, he/she can call someone that's not currently deployed to do a Support Attack/Defend. The number of times this can be done per battle depends on the level of the Support Request skill.
The three symbols below Support Request mean that Kazuma knows the Sword Cut, Shoot Down, and Shield Defence skills.
Sword Cut lets Kazuma knock away missiles and melee attacks as long as he's in a mech with a sword weapon.
Shoot Down lets Kazuma shoot down any missiles as long as he's in a mech with a sword equiped.
Sheild Defence allows Kazuma to occasionally take out a sheild and reduce the damage down by attacks, as long as he's in a mech with a sheild equiped.
Next we have the actual numbered stats.
Melee: Used to determine the power of close range attacks.
Ranged: Used to determine the power or ranged attacks
Defence: The higher this is, the less damage you take.
Skill: Used for a lot of things, Skill is what determines the activation rate for skills like Sword Cut, etc. It's also used for Critical Hit calculation and a bunch of other small things.
Evade: How likely you are to dodge an attack
Hit: how likely you are to hit with an attack.
Next: How much EXP you need to level up
Kills: How many enemies this unit's beaten. Once you reach 50 kills, the unit becomes an Ace and starts with 105 Will, if the unit gets 100 kills it becomes a "Double Ace" and starts with 110 will
BP: Battle Points, will be explained later.
SP: Spirit Points, will be explained later.
Moving down to the bottom screen, we see the Mech's stats
HP: Health Points, self explanatory.
EN:Energy. Some attack use energy. Also, moving through space or flying burns up energy to. A mech gets 5 EN a turn. There are ways to increase that, however.
The symbols mean that Valhawk has a Gun, Sword, and Sheild. So Kazuma can use his skills.
Type: Mostly flavor. It means what type of terrian the mech is desgined for. A mech can be Ground, Air, Water, or Underground. Units can be for more then one type of terrian, such as Ground/Water. There's like, one unit in whole game that has the Underground type, so I'll point it out when I get it.
Terrian: How good a unit is in each terrian, this effects movement and evade. The rankings are from No Rank, C, B, A, and S. No Rank means it can't move in that terrian at all, while A Rank means that you go through with no penalty. B and C add movement and evade penalties to going though the terrian, while S actually gives you bonuses while on that terrian type.
Armor: How tough the mech is, it and Defence are calculated in a weird way together
Evade: How good the mech is at dodging. To calculte total evade, the game just adds the pilot and the mechs evade together.
Side: How big the unit is. The sizes are: SS, for human sized units. S, for small mechs. M, medium size, most units are M. L, big units. LL, the biggest of the big. Battleships are LL.
BGM: The music that plays when the unit attacks. :P This can be changed in the options, so yes, you can have Yuusha-Oh Tanjou! play for every single mech, and it will be awesome.
Moving onto the second status screen we'll be covering this update, the weapons screen!
As they say in CSI: Enhance.
There we go.
Will: How high the pilot's Will needs to be to use this weapon.
Energy: How much energy the weapon costs
Ammo: If the weapon has limited ammo, it'll be listed here
Damage: The base damage of the weapon. Bigger Numbers = Better. The stats and abilties of the pilot can modify this.
Range: How many squares around the mech can this attack hit
Hit Rate: The base hit rate, which is added to the hit percentage after the Hit and Evade of the two combating pilots are calculated
Terrian: Similar to the mech ratings, it goes from no ranking to S, with bonuses/penalties to damage and hit rate applied as ranking dictates.
Critical Rate: Percentage added (or if it's a negative number, subtracted) from the base critical rate from Skill calculations.
Added effect: Some weapons toss on status effects as well, reducing stats or doing other weird things
Properties: The symols below here mean various things about the weapons. The [P] means that the attack is post movement. So you can move, and then use that attack. Since attacking ends your turn, it means that non post movement attacks need to be set up the turn beforehand. The means that the attack is a Beam attack. Some barriers block Beam attacks, and they also can not be used underwater, any attack has no water ranking. The [C] means that the attack is chainable. This will be explained later.
Next, lets look at the Spirit Comamnd menu. This is the thing a lot of new SRW importers miss, which is insane. You'll notice that there are two options. Valhawk, you see, has two pilots Kazuma and Mihiro. The subpilots don't have stats and can't learn most skills, they just exist to add more spirit commands.
Spirit commands are special commands that can change up situations in battle. They can make attacks always hit, do much more damage, or even heal other characters. Spirit commands rely on the pilots SP stat to be used. Each pilot has a unique list of comamands, based off their personality.
A translated look at Kazuma's and Mihiro's Spirit Commands, plus explanations on what they are
Invincible- The next attack that hits will do only 10 damage (10 is the lowest damage possible to do in an SRW)
Focus - Hit and evade rates up by 30%, added after all other calculations
Gain - Doubles the EXP an ally earns the next fight
Trust - Recovers 2000 HP to an ally.
Note that Trust is not one of Kazuma's or Mihiro's Spirit Commands, it's actually one of Shihomis. The bar to the right shows the buffing spirit commands that can be used on that ally. It's interface stramlining.
After all this talking about mechanics, I think it's time to put them into action!
Selecting move brings up the range that I can move, I head down to that Tarus, within melee range, and select my attack.
Enemies HP and energy is unknown until you attack them or use the "Scan" spirit command. The game shows the hit rates of both characters. Valhawk is garenteed to hit the Tarus, while the pirate only has a 45% chance of hitting Kazuma.
When you use most attacks there's a pilot cutin, if there's multible pilots it's random. In this case, it's Mihiro who's out for blood.
Skulls for the skull throne! ^__^
You see, it's not enough for them to slash the Tarus with a beam saber, they need to kick it so hard it lights on fire
Valhawk kiiiiiiccckkkk!!!
It did a respectable ammount of damage, sadly not a one hit kill, but the Tarus is the toughest enemy here.
The Pirate counters, and actually hits. 45% is still in the risk zone, if you ask me. I'll dodge if I'm low on health and that's the percentage to get hit.
We get a little EXP just for fighting. Note that, since Banpresto Original is a favorite, this more EXP then we'd normally get.
Of course, we have a second unit out! Valstork!
Valstork is probably one of the more powerful battleships in SRW history, has good power and Blessfield has good stats. There are four pilots too, each with their own Spirit commands. Blessfield has Invincible and Fighting Spirit, which makes the next attack automatically a critical hit. Shihomi has Trust and Mercy. Mercy is a useful spell. If the caster has a higher Skill stat then the enemy, rather then kill the enemy, it'll leave it alive at 10 HP. This is ueful for a few reasons. There are a few missions that require something to be weakened, but not killed. Also it's useful for leveling up weaker units. Reduce a strong enemy to 10 HP, and then finish it with the character of your choice. Akane has Strike, which makes the next attack's accuracy 100% And Guts, which fully restores the HP of the caster, so Valstork can take quite a beating. Finally, Horis has Accel, which increases the units Move by 3. And Scan, which reveals the stats of the enemy and reduces its evade for one attack by 10%.
Valstork, however, has some disadvantages. It dosn't have any [P] attacks, so you're stuck in one place if you want to attack.
It does have something really good though. See the [M]? That's a Map attack. Map attacks don't attack individual units, they attack groups. They're useful, but tricky.
So Valstork moves closer to the enemies, it can't attack this turn, but it'll have its day.
Pressing A while no character is selected brings up this menu, what does it mean?
Much better
End Turn: Um, ends the turn and starts the enemy turn.
Search: Searches for units based off various things. Such as Spirit Commands, skills, abilities.
Unit Stats: Just look at all the units out right now, ally and enemy.
Spend BP: More on this later
Options: Various options such as turning off the grid, switching what's displayed on what screen, etc.
Save: Creates a quicksave that you can continue from on the title screen by selecting "Continue"
Since we don't have anything else to do, let's just End Turn.
One of the pirates tries to attack the Valstork. It dosn't do much.
I think he scratched the paint.
Akane counterattacks
And One hit kills the pirate. Ouch.
Another enemy attacked but all I got was this shot of Blessfield looking angry.
Kazuma's Shoot Down skill kicks in, pretty cool.
Most of the Valstork crew levels up!
In case you're wondering why Blessfield got less EXP, SRWW uses a scaling EXP system. Based off what level you are vs what level the enemy is. Blessfield was level 6, while the rest of the crew was level 5. So natrually, they get more EXP for the same kill.
Pump all stat points into charisma!
Enemy turn ends, and I natrually rush forward with Kazuma.
I'm going to cut you so hard your grandparents will bleed!
Oh please be quiet.
And here we see our first dynamic kill!
A dynamic kill is basically a change in the attack animation that happens if the enemy hits 0 HP with that attack, most units have a few. Valhawk has one for every attack but one (Ironically its strongest attack)
Darn it Kazuma you pilot a Real Robot actually dodge
Oh well, he blasted away the last Pirate. So I guess it's a win for us, right?
Realzing he's been beaten, the remaining pirate promptly begs for his life.
Oh god please no I want to see my faceless wife and faceless children again!
Kazuma, being a nice guy, decides to spare him.
OK, sure. Just don't do it again.
Suddenly, a mysterious attack appears! Kazuma avoids the attack, but the ramaining pirate is blown up.
Oh god whyyyyy- BOOM!
What are these monsters? They're small, about human sized, so are they Radam? They don't look like any radam seen before.
But they're out for blood, that's for sure. And I don't know about you, but Valhawk is too low on health to risk it on a 39% dodge chance, so I'll evade this round.
Then, from the Valstork, reinforcements! Duo and Quatre have come out, piloting the Deathsythe Hell Gundam and Sandrock Custom Gundam. They're ready to help out, pretty good thing too, what with Kazuma 3/4 of the way dead.
Deathscythe and Sandrock are nice units. Both have decently powerful [P] attacks, and are useful for much of the game, if not all if you favorited Gundam Wing. Also, a few more symbols to discuss. The circle thing on Deathscythe means he has a barrier of sort, and the Dashing person means it has the Double image abilty. This means at 130 Will, Deathscythe has a flat 50% chance of dodging an attack, no matter what.
Sandrock is a bit defensive, it has reletivably high armor and Support Defense. The gas tank looking symbol means that Sandrock can Resupply, refill all energy and ammo for a unit in exchange for 10 Will. Sadly, it's not postmovement, so it takes a little planning to use.
Quatre attacks!
This is his weaker attack, by the way. Somewhat needlessly flashy.
The monster counters, but Quatre's Sheild Defense kicks in, and reduces the damage conciderably.
Next, Duo attacks. I like Duo.
I like Deathscythe.
I saw this attack so much my first playthough. So much.
I have Kazuma pull back, with Quatre next to him he'll have a Support defend in case dodging fails.
I actually wipe out the monsters on the enemy turn, which is pretty nice. One tries to get away though...
But then a mysterious figure, a human sized man in armor. Is it Tekkaman Blade? But wait, Blade looks different...
One thing's for sure, he dosn't like those monsters. He quickly kills it, and then runs away as quick as he came.
After the battle, in return for helping out, Blessfield says he'll take Duo and Quatre to Earth for free!
Kazuma.... you had to go fight, didn't you?
W-wait! I didn-
Poor Bastard.
A group of mysterious people are discussing something intresting. How could such a small backwater world like Earh become the center of a massive galactic power struggle? The Zondor, the Radam, the Evilouders, all focusing on this one world. It's interesting. Still, it would be much easier for them if humans were wiped out. Still, they can't do much, it'll be eight months before they can act. Until they can start their mission, for the sake of all knowledge.
Oh well.
FFBE: 898,311,440
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Gundam Wing is largely a "filler" series in this game. Most of the time the Wing cast is just tossed into the mix of other shows plots. I think only a stage or two actually cover the Endless Waltz plot, remember, the TV show actually happened before the the game started. This game just has the short three episode sequel OVA.
Don't spoil anything Pureauthor, I want to let people see the brokeness unfold before their very eyes.
Dude, voting is closed.
Because I haven't finished K yet.
It's a SRW game. It comes with the territory when you have attacks that destroy buildings, planets, or the fabric of space time in their animation. Some are just more broken than others.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
This is the Intermission screen. Between stages this is where you go to manage everything.
The three characters shown in the Top Screen are my Top Aces, the characters with the most kills. They start the next stage at 105 will. This stacks with the Ace Bonuses, which means if you do it right you can have characters starting the stage with 115 Will.
Here's what all the options mean. Most of them are, I hope, pretty self-explanatory.
Train Pilot is spending BP to upgrade stats, this will be shown later. Skill Parts are items used to teach pilots different abilties, I don't have any right now so I can't demostrate them. Assign is putting a pilot in a mech. Right now we don't have any spares, but later we'll be able to rearange what pilot is in what mech if we want.
Frame swap is a bit interesting. Some mechs have "frames" stuff which goes on top of the mech so [strike]more models can be sold[/strike] the mech can adjust its abilties for the situation at hand. Some frames are just straight up upgrades, and will never be removed, others are just situational. Nothing with frames so far, so we're just going to move on to upgrading our mechs!
Shop is used to sell parts you don't want.
Here's the upgrade screen, you can select your units on the bottom screen, while seeing how they're upgraded so far on the top.
By the way, units with red names are automatically deployed the next stage.
The blue upgrade slots are on the Valstork because Banpresto Originals is a Favorited Series.
In comparison, Gundam Wing is not favorited, so it has upgrade caps. 10 slots is the highest possible for non-favorited series. Generally, the stronger units have fewer upgrade slots. Also, there are less upgrades for whatever the unit is best in.
Here's what the upgrade screen looks like. The topscreen shows the units stats and how they're being upgraded, while the bottom screen is where you do the actual upgrading.
Here's what you're actually upgrading. Swaping is unique to battleships. It's possible for mechs to enter ships to recover HP, EN, and Ammo. While inside the ship, a Swap command can be used to instead bring out a unit that hasn't been deployed yet. It can be done up to four times a turn, depending on how much it's been upgraded.
Time to upgrade!
I sold a cheap consumable item to pay for Valhawk's upgrades.
This is the parts screen. Let's equip some parts on a mech. Each mech has 1-4 slots to equip parts, as further customization. Generally, the stronger the unit, the fewer slots. So Super Awesome Death Bot would have one part, while the Wheelchair Zaku would have 4. The idea is that the weaker units are more versitle since there are a lot of neat stuff you can do with parts.
But, right now I don't have much. I have a Propellant Tank, a Cartridge, and 2 Repair Kits. Consumable items that restore EN, Ammo, and HP respectively. (I used to have 3 Repair kits, but I sold one) They're OK, but most of the time you have better uses of your part slots.
But right now, I don't! I stick a repair kit on Valstork, that's like one free cast of Guts.
I click next stage.
Things have been calm abord the Valstork since Duo and Quatre became guests instead of customers. It's a vacation to earth, basically.
Of course, there's still the problem of lack of funds, they'll need to find some source of money soon.
Kazuma's writing down in his journal. His dad is constantly stressing the importance of remembering the past, even though Blessfield dosn't talk about his much.
Hey is that a diary?
I hate you so much.
Still, Kazuma's surprised to see two Gundam pilots out here. After all, everybody knows about Gundams.
So it must be pretty cool, being a Gundam pilot and all.
People I know and loved died because of it.
Yeah, War sucks. Maybe if the Radam hadn't shown up, perhaps peace could have stayed a little longer. As it is, tensions are mounting again.
But that's in the background, the thing that's most interesting right now is the Valstork. It's not a Federation ship, the technology is to different. It's not a ZAFT ship, the Valstork is over ten years old, so it can't be a new model. Maybe it's Black Technology? If that's the case, Mithril would be interested in it.
Meanwhile, on the Orbital Ring, members of the Space Knights are fighting off the Radam.
Noal, Aki, and a mysterious fellow named D-Boy. Noal's ticked at D-Boy because there are some Radam still left in the area, and D-Boy hasn't gotten rid of them. Noal vows to get him kicked off the Space Knights.
You're a loose cannon! Turn in your badge now!
Then the Radam show up again. So D-boy needs to go out and do his job again,
Episode 2:The White Knights
The Orbtial Ring, normally it would be a nice place.
If not for the pesky infestation of Radam.
Fortunately, we have just the person to deal with them. Holding up his Tekkacrystal, D-boy transforms!
Henshin a Go-go Baby!
He becomes the powerful Tekkaman Blade!
Tekkaman Blade, hereafter refered to as "Blade" is an SS sized unit, That means that he's human sized. High evasion, low HP. Also, really really high Cost. If he goes down, it costs me 16 thousand at the end of the stage. Of course, currently "Tekkaman Blade shot down" is a losing condition, so I'll just get a game over.
Blade knows Focus and Invincible right now.
This is the Blue Earth. It's more of a support unit. The wrench icon means it can repair, restoring the HP of a unit next to it. It can be used after moving, and is pretty useful (Repair units are almost always my highest level pilots, hilariously enough). Blue Earth has two pilots, Noal and Aki.
Noal knows Guts and Focus, while Aki knows Accel and Alert. Alert gives the caster 100% evasion for the next time it's attacked.
Le'ts go take on these Radam!
Blade's high evade comes in handy, 22% is most definately in the safe zone. Also, he has HP Regen(S) which means he'll regain 10% of his HP each round. So even if an attack slips in, he can regain it.
Blades form out of energy coming out of Blade's back, then he cuts a Radam up. (Yeah I have no idea how that works)
Here we see a Radam attempting to attack Blade, and failing. Thank you 22% hit chance!
Of course, that 22% hit chance still means about 1 in 5 attacks will hit
Ow ow ow ow! Why does this hurt so much? I survived a @*!%ing Nuke to the face! Damn you gameplay mechanics!
The Blue Earth is a bit more durable, what with higher Armor and a barrier.
Noal's attack, is, sadly, a bit less impressive.
Hey, at least I'm not some horrible man/machine fusion.
I resent that remark.
By the next turn, the Radam have all swarmed around Blade. Of course, that really dosn't mean much.
Well, other then being within easy killing reach
Even Noal manages to get off a kill!
By the next turn just two Radam remain.
They come down easily enough.
How are these things threating humanity? They come down easily enough.
Sheer numbers
That and we're some of a handful of non-redshirts on the planet.
All the Radam are dead! Mission Complete, let's go home boys.
Wait no, we can't have nice things. So more Radam show up.
Ugg, I don't have time for this!
He dosn't. If D-Boy stays as Tekkaman Blade longer then half an hour, he goes berserk. Killing everything around him. He's been Blade for 25 minutes, he has five minutes left!
They deside to kill as many as possible in those five minutes, then high tail it out of there.
This mysterious fellow is a bit annoyed about that plan. He wants to kill Blade and all.
Time keeps ticking as the Radam move closer. There are so many of them, I don't know if Blade can handle them all by himself.
"What's this? I detect something here in my shadowy area"
It's that guy again. What's he doing here?
Well, he seems to be targeting the Radam.
...that was pretty cool.
"What is an Evilouder General doing here!?" The mysterious fellow says. Well, it seems that this guy in why is an "Evilouder" whatever that is.
With him having made our life easier, I move on to finishing off the remaining Radam.
I have Blade cast Invincible, with this many enemies I'd rather not risk a few blows. He has enough Will for him to use his Voltekker.
It's pretty impressive.
Uhhh this dosn't make me less of a man you know!
He just does his thing and tears a Radam a new one.
Note that even though he's allied to me, I can't control him.
Sensors on the Blue Earth detect a group of things approching!
This guy senses them too!
Oh man, it's those strange monsters again.
When enemies are Yellow it means they're a third group, not allied with either side. Red units and Yellow units can and do fight.
Luckily, reinforcements show up for the good guys! The Valstork is here!
Blessfield knows who the Space Knights are, and dosn't mind putting the Space Development Company in his debt, so he decides to help out.
This is the deployment screen. Right now it seems mildly pointless but hey. Eventurally we'll have tons of units to deal with, more then can be deployed in a single stage.
The units you select are underlined.
Once you select your units, there are three options. Start the match, go back to the deployment screen, and rearrange the units you have out on a grid arround the battleship.
I move my units a bit closer to the action and start!
How are we even supposed to hit these things? They're like the size of Valhawk's hand.
Who cares? Just do it!
The whole "size" issue is probably why SRW games have the robots in Super Deformed style. Masks the size differences.
Ah the joy of attack animations. It dosn't matter that we're in space, Quatre demands a desert to kill monsters on.
Noal uses Support Attack to finish off that Radam.
Duo needs no puny Support Attack to kill things
And Kazuma kicked a Radam so hard it exploded.
In your face Touma Kanou!
Blade and Noal finished one off.
A monster tried to punch him. He missed.
By the next turn I managed to clear out quite a few of them. But there 6 left, and we're running out of time, plus there are the remaining Radam? Can I kill the rest of them?
Yeah I think they can handle it.
Hot Damn we rock.
Here we see how Valstork's map attack works.
Fire the missiles!
How many missiles?
All of them.
There we go, they're all gone. Leaving behind just three Radam.
Who are promptly taken out by this guy's map attack. Well, I'm OK with that.
Well I'm glad that's over.
...why are you looking at me like that?
Suddenly, he charges at Blade, weapons drawn!
Luckily, Blade manages to block it.
What the hell man?
What's up with that? Just who are you?
With that, the mysterious Orgun leaves.
Sheesh. Heero's more talkative then that guy.
After the fight Blue Earth docks with Valstork, after a bit of discussion. Noal dosn't get why two members of the Preventers are hitching a ride with Trailers, but Blessfield wants to talk to the Space Knights boss. Outer Space Development Company's "Mr. Freeman."
Kazuma asks of Aki is Tekkaman Blade's "pilot." That's an interesting way to put it. In a way he is, I guess.
So what does D-boy mean?
Dangerous Boy.
Dangerous Boy is with Mihiro in the Medical Room. Therefore, Mihiro is in danger!
Yes, this is Kazuma's thought process.
Meanwhile, Mihiro and D-boy are having a little chat.
It seems that D-boy got most of his memory back. He especially remembers his sister, Miyuki, who Mihiro reminds him of.
Get away from my Sister you dangerous boy!
Ignore him.
After that's cleared up, D-boy explains what he knows about those other non-radam monsters. It would seem the process that made him a Tekkaman imprinted some knowledge. The Evilouders are an old enemy of the Radam. They've been fighting for centuries. Orgun is one of them, a "Detonator" class one, the Evilouder equivalent to the Radam's Tekkamen. So why did that Evilouder fight against his own kind? They don't have a clue.
Blessfield gets in contact with Heinrich von Freeman. It would seem he and Blessfield have a history together, as the first thing Freeman asks is how Blessfield's wife, Yumi, is doing. However, she's been dead for ten years. Freeman then offers the Ardygun family a two jobs. The first one is simple, take the Blue Earth and it's crew back to Earth.
The second is more complicated.
Nergal Heavy Industries had just finished a new type of ship based off new technology. The Federation army wanted Nergal to turn it over. Nergal said "screw that." Apparently they want the battleship under their control. So they launched it on their own. This isn't very good as far as the millitary is concerned. So Freeman wants Blessfield to destroy this new ship, named Nadesico.
Meanwhile, that evil guy we saw eariler reports the presence or Evilouders to his master. He likes this, Earth is a fine place to destroy their hated foe once and for all. Of course, there's still Tekkaman Blade, the tratior to the Radam. They'll deal with him too.
Tekkaman Dagger asks if he can do the job of destroying Blade, personally. He has a grudge against him, it seems.
Down on earth, the supercomputer I-ZACK recives a message, it can't pinpoint where exactly it was sent. Just that it's from the Orbital Ring.
A message from Orgun...
I still stand by my opinion that they should make a Super Robot Wars where Master Asia's ultimate upgrade is him outside of the Master Gundam!
it would never ever ever ever ever happen, but the vision in my head is glorious
It's a grid based SRPG. Other then that there's a lot of differences.
They're in the same genre, but the underlying mechanics make them very different experiences.
Fire Emblem, for instance, has low numbers. A character that can do 10 damage is a force to behold.
Super Robot Wars, on the other hand, does damage in the thousands. There are bosses with hundreds of thousands of HP.
Also, the scale in general in SRW is larger. With MAP attacks, Support Attacks, Chain abilities, attacking multible enemies with multible enemies at once is a very big thing.
Also, most SRWs are easier then the average Fire Emblem. Some of the early games like 3, F/FFinal, and most recently A Portable (That game is a nightmare) are exceptions.
Fire Emblem but with many more options and more forgiveness wouldn't be too far off.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
Also, much prettier looking.
W was one of the best looking games on the DS when it came out, and it still looks good.
K looks even better.
Banpresto is one of the best video game developers around for those who like pretty 2D graphics.
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
It's easier then it sounds. A lot of series aren't that setting specific. Most Mecha shows just take place in a generic "The Future" setting, so it's somewhat easy to add them in. Generally a Super Robot Wars game has a Gundam style Earth Federation (Mostly UC Gundam, but SEED has been used a few times, including this one) with the other series being slotted in wherever convenient and changing things up. (For instance, in the SRW Alpha universe, the One Year War ended prematurely due to the SDF Macross impacting the earth)
Yes. The Gundam Wing TV show happened before the game even started.
It happened before the game started. Remember, SRW is aimed at fans of the show, so one would assume they know the history of the show. :P
Oh, I know how it generally works. And about half my HDD is filled with mecha shows. I was just curious how this SRW specifically fits things in, like I see there's the Orbital Ring from Tekkaman. And I know things get changed around from what happens in the shows, like is Treize still alive I wonder? Also, you said, "The Evilouders are an old enemy of the Radam. They've been fighting for centuries. Orgun is one of them, a "Detonator" class one, the Evilouder equivalent to the Radam's Tekkamen. So why did that Evilouder fight against his own kind? They don't have a clue." What do you mean fought against his own kind? Is Blade considered his own kind? Things like that I'm just curious about. Guess I'll just have to keep up with the LP.
Well I didn't know where in Tekkaman's timeline the game takes place. D-Boy has already joined the Space Knights, but Dagger's icon was shadowed out like we're not supposed to know who he is yet, but apparently Blade and him have already fought. Just curious.
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
No, still dead.
That was poor wording, I guess..
It was a question why Orgun, an Evilouder, was fighting other Evilouders. Not why Blade was fighing other Radam Though, it's technically the same situation, "we" (as in the semi in-universe perspective that I write the updates from) just know why D-Boy's doing it so hey. :P
Unfortunately, this game does not have any Macross VFs, and that makes me a sad panda.
Still, good stuff. Plan on showing any videos?
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Better my situation.
I've never actually watched the show. :P
Sadly no.