Hey all,
I have a lot of old PC gaming shit to give away. There are no strings attached here, although there's some sentimental attachment I've just drifted away from gaming over the years and no longer want to keep several boxes of stuff around. And selling on eBay just seems like too much of a pain in the ass -- shipping would probably be hundreds of dollars and I risk getting some buyer who bitches and wants a refund because his favoite box is crushed. Besides, posting here, I get to make sure these things go to someone who will actually appreciate them.
Conditions are:
- You have to physically pick this stuff up at my apartment in San Francisco.
- You have to pick it up in the next week and a half or so. My schedule is somewhat flexible.
- You have to take it ALL. I'm trying to unburden myself here!
- Don't be lame by taking it all and then throwing half away. If you only want half -- take responsibility for re-gifting the other half to someone else.
- (If you want to throw away most of the books / strategy guides, I'll forgive you, just recycle them.)
If multiple people are interested, the lot will go to the most amusing/compelling (to my personal tastes) 15-word response given in the next 48 hours or so.
List of stuff is below.
- - - - -
Games (almost all w/original packaging & docs, most in decent condition):
Age of Empires
Asheron's Call
Asheron's Call 2
Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty
Bad Blood
Battlefild 1942
Carmageddon 2
Carmageddon 3
Civilization III
Command & Conquer
Curse of the Azure Bonds
Dark Age of Camelot
Dawn of War (+ expansion)
Diablo II (+ expansion)
Doom 3
Doom II
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy XI
Full Throttle
Gold Rush
Hero's Quest (aka Quest for Glory I)
Jedi Knight II
King's Quest II
King's Quest IV
King's Quest V
Knights of Legend
Magic Carpet
Manhunter 2: San Francisco
Manhunter: New York
Marble Madness
Midtown Madness 2
Might & Magic VI (limited edition)
Pinball Construction Set
Planetside (+ expansion)
Quake (+ expansion 1)
Quake II
Quake III
Sentinel Worlds I
SimCity 4
Space Quest
Space Quest II
Space Quest III
Space Quest IV
Space Rogue
Star Control
Star Control II
Starcraft (+ expansion)
Stunt Island
System Shock
The Colonel's Bequest
The Sims (+ several expansions)
The sims 2
Tie Fighter
Times of Lore
Tomb Raider
Tribes 2
Ultima I (re-release)
Ultima II (- box)
Ultima III
Ultima IV
Ultima Online (charter edition)
Ultima Online: Renaissance
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld II
Ultima V
Ultima VI
Ultima: The Savage Empire
Ultima: Martian Dreams
Ultima: Runes of Virtue (Game Boy)
Ultima VII (+ expansion)
Ultima VII Part 2 (+ expansion)
Ultima VIII (+ expansion)
Ultima IX (collector's edition, CD soundtrack not included)
(--- note: Ultima games don't contain the trinkets, I held on to those)
Unreal Tournament 2004
Warcraft III (+ expansion)
Wing Commander (+ expansions)
Wing Commander II (+ expansions)
Wing Commander 3 (collector's edition)
Wing Commander IV
Wings of Glory
World of Warcraft
You Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack 2
You Don't Know Jack 3
Zany Golf
Zork I (- box)
Zork II (damaged box)
~50-60 issues of CGW (late 80's / early 90's)
Few years of Sierra Newsletter / Interaction (Sierra On-Line newsletter)
2 issues of Farther (EA late 80's newsletter)
~5 issues of The Status Line (old Infocom newsletter)
4 Zork choose-your-own-adventure style books
Strategy guides for most Origin games
Assorted other strategy guides
Assorted other gaming novels
Twin Galaxies' Official Video Game & Pinball Book of World Records (1st ed., I think)
Several Nintendo beanie babies and keychain
Assorted action figures (Lara Croft, Duke Nukem, Cammy from SF2, Alice)
A few other odds and ends...
Or penii.
Congrats. You win. Lets do away with this thread now.
If you get raped I'm not taking the blame, understand?
Once again, rapes != our fault.
Dude straight raped me.
I blame Apo for letting that happen. Apo probably helped set it up.
Damned Apos.
XBL - Follow Freeman
Dood I was only responsible for getting the sex tape online.
You should have known better when someone posts "Final Fantasy X-Rape For Sale PST"
as opposed to the other kind of rape?
I live in the bay area, but I'm going back to university tomorrow so no luck.
Too bad I live in Arizona.
...you expect someone to contract tuberculosis from this deal?
Man. That is a subtle approach to death.
Final Fantasy VIII
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld II
I need these boxed and complete sooner or later....
though on the case of FF, unless its perfect I can pass
He is only doing local deals. I don't need people griping or posting wish lists in this thread.
Talking about rape is totally ok though.
If the former, don't forget to bring along a Gamecube, some Natty Ice, Dave Mathews CD's and the big black dildo (X-Box?).
but if someone else was picking it all up from him and THEY were willing to ship something up to me (I'd pay for it of course) then they'd know I was interested in those titles.... :oops:
- I'm not making any money here; I'm doing it this way because I'd prefer to give back to the community, and PA is my preferred community to give back to.
- If you're genuinely wondering whether this is some sort of odd troll, you can reference an old blog post of mine to ease your concerns: http://jhogan.livejournal.com/43295.html
Also, as you might expect, reading the conditions & directions in my original post carefully will maximize your chances of getting this collection if you are interested.
I'll ship you the ultimas if he gets back to me and or selects me.
That's because I'm waiting ~48 hours to see if there are multiple replies, as I mentioned in my original post.
Yeah, I just figured beforehand the thread wouldn't last that long. Well cheers to all.
It'll be an all you can rape buffet.
Isn't it Dane Cook? I'm kind of behind on bro times. Haven't had the urge to rape in awhile.
bitchin. i love you
I mostly want his copy of Wing Commander IV. It would be the jewel in my crown. I am almost willing to suck dick for that game. Emphasis on the almost.
So you're saying there's a chance
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
ironic because thats one the first games i ever received in full as a gift... The Dragon ship is sweet ass
Good luck with the not getting raped. He's probably just a guy with too much clutter. I had to throw out a lot of my old gigantic pc boxes when I moved because they took up so much goddamn space. I only kept the boxes to Baldur's Gate 2 and Deus Ex.
Then again, maybe I can get my gay friend to drive us. If there's games, we all win. If there's rape... well, the gay guy wins, and me and my friends can go hang out in san francisco...
I'll give my friends a call tomorrow. Maybe we'd be interested. I'm sure us five would get some good use out of those games. What area of san fran you live in?
(If its castro... I'll be leaning more towards the rape thing )
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Upper Haight, at Haight & Cole.
I want in on this action. The free stuff, I mean. I live in SF, and haight street is a 10 minute stoplight commute. But I am so terribly lazy...