Or I think, anyways... so this afternoon my system was running fine and up until this point I had no reason to suspect something was wrong. Turned it off for a bit while I went out and about, came back, turned the computer on...
... and pretty much instantly knew something was wrong. For a second it seemed like nothing was happening, then the system seemed to be struggling to come on as hough it wasn't getting enough power. The fans were trying to spin, the lights were trying to come on, but it seemed completely starved for power.
The odd thing is when I cut the power via the power supplies own switch or the surge protectors? It gets right going for a second with no problem, until the power is drained because I just cut it off of course. So this leaves me not quite sure the power supply is actually dead, but I've checked the power cord and all the connections inside the machine look good at a glance. In addition I can't spot anything wrong with the power supply and there's no smell of anything burning or anything otherwise being out of the ordinary.
So... what gives? Did my power supply just die in a new and interesting way? Is it ABOUT to die? Is something else wrong entirely that I might just be overlooking?
How old is it and what brand? You might be able to get and RMA.
EDIT: I stand entirely corrected. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341001 This is the power supply I'm using, or I suppose I should say I WAS using, built the machine back in early August last year.