Bizzaro Stormy wrote: » I am Bizzaro Stormy.
AMP'd wrote: » Swedish customs are totally transferable through blood Also semen and vaginal fluid, as well as breast milk
Faynor wrote: » swedish customs aren't transferred through blood wimble you are crazy!!!! hahaha
Druhim wrote: » no lutefisk? shame on you
Wimble wrote: » it is lefse and that is norwegian!
Tonkka wrote: » Druhim wrote: » no lutefisk? shame on you We had meatballs in white sauce instead. Lutefisk is horrid. We have refrigerators now.
Wimble wrote: » that's it! Everyone is now an honorary Swede AND an honorary Norwegian except for Usagi this is my decree
Wimble wrote: » why would I exclude you? We need all the geishas we can get
Usagi wrote: » Wimble wrote: » that's it! Everyone is now an honorary Swede AND an honorary Norwegian except for Usagi this is my decree but Wimble
Wimble wrote: » Usagi wrote: » Wimble wrote: » that's it! Everyone is now an honorary Swede AND an honorary Norwegian except for Usagi this is my decree but Wimble say it! Say lefse or lose your place in Valhalla forever!
Tonkka wrote: » I get no credit for St. Lucia? Man.
Gotta Be
Just the way I wanted to end the year.
Yay for late Christmas gifts!
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
on the inside
Just in America.
I guess I am descended from Swedes.
you'll know it if it's truly in your blood
Also semen and vaginal fluid, as well as breast milk
Was that right?
My mom had plates with stuff like that all over the place.
But if that fails the test, I had lefsa and krumkake on christmas.
So there.
is language a custom
because I would fuck wimble to learn swedish
halp sven
proves what you know! You non-swede! Shut up!
also tonkka I am sorry but the blood coursing through your veins is that of a german who can't type his own language very well
We had meatballs in white sauce instead.
Lutefisk is horrid. We have refrigerators now.
hey, the Wisconsin/Michigan/Illinois Norwegians from whom I am descended will spell their silly delicious potato crepe thing however they want
as long as I get lingonberry jam with it, I'm a happy lady
could be worse
Everyone is now an honorary Swede AND an honorary Norwegian except for Usagi
this is my decree
lefse with butter and sugar ya
but Wimble
^ that is an angry face because your comment angers me!!!!
say it!
Say lefse or lose your place in Valhalla forever!
Remove another party member to make room?
YES <-
Select a party member.
Really dismiss FAYNOR?
YES <-
FAYNOR was removed from the party.
USAGI joins the party!
geez, I made you an honorary Swede and Norwegian, what else do you want?
also you in general
but mostly your innards
they are pricks