With dragons age? You probably aren't as close as you thought. And the end fight takes like 20 minutes from when you START fighting the boss, I'm not even kidding.
And jesus fuck, people should have watched the Sing-Off, which actually includes people who can sing well without fucking auto-tune, and discards all the silly drama crap from Glee.
Ahhh you guys and your puns. Today was pretty shitty overall, but the one positive thing that happened was I went into the crews head to take a piss and my man-crush, the super duper hawt A-gang chief was in there in his undies and we had a brief conversation. Since he is fully aware of my attraction to him I don't feel bad about oogling him.
no just the circle tower
I planned on eating well today and exercising tomorrow
But I jiu-jitsu'd today so I'm gonna eat whatever
And hopefully tomorrow I'll do both
Mars makes me pumped. But it's not even good enough. It needs to be more.
I'll I got at the moment is "link, discuss".
i will have a Clementine at 9.
and that is it. this shit is ON
Eh... not into audiobooks, and I knew about the Zombie Survival Guide. Just never read it.
I still have Code Alexa book 1 and Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded to read through, no including other Japanese stuff.
Speaking of, xxxHolic 16 is out and wtfholycrap
If you auto-tuned that it'd sound like Lil Jon
Homing missles in right now...
I don't know how to feel about that.
Wow, this is incredible.
He's busy getting his torpedo tube filled by some seamen.
Jesus. China doesn't even try to hide their shit anymore. I am not actually surprised though.
He's been really deep into his work recently. Really plunging to the depths of the job.
So you're saying
So what you're saying is
He's a really good plumber.
A totally bad-ass spelunker.
So want to finish Holic.
Nah jeepguys in the navy, he's a homoctual, he likes sticking his penis into mens anus's and mouths.
Well that was terrifying.
You ain't shit
It's not close to ending. Seriously. Unless CLAMP decides to pull some bullshit out of their asses in 17, which should be out in April, I think.
Seriously. Holy shit that's some news.
Oh dear, a pic of Freaky Fred,
You've filled my soul with wicked dread,
This fear, I fear, will have me led
To things that are quite...naughty.
It doesn't have to be this way.
Oh don't beat yourself up tiger, we all killed our first couple when we attempted to rape them.
What did you do this time, Drez-man?
Platy: Haven't seen you in forever.
And it's just a comedy of errors, a litany of tragedies. Too long to explain.
What is the usual MO for this?