hey guys, I'm thinking about getting a Dreamcast, just for shits and giggles, and I'm looking to see what you people think about it, a few years later.
peace, Fitz
P.S. is online stuff still there? if not, what will happen when Xbox goes out of style? the future is scary my friends, let's try not to go there.
all you need to know.
'tech romancer,' I've always thought, is the coolest name ever
everyone else thinks it's shitty
Wow you got ripped, I would have given you like... $2.50 for that shit.
Steam, PSN, XBL, Xfire and everything else JamesDM
You mean for the 'cast? There is. Internet Browser Version 3 got released with the Broadband adapter had had support for flash, java, css, all kinds of stuff.
But it only worked (and was only sold with) the BroadBand Adapter, which Sega made like ten of.
edit: wait, IS that what I mean? I'm talking about how the only other console with a browser is the Wii and it sucks (in beta). Does the PS3 have a browser? If so, how is it?
You can install Linux on the PS3, so presumably you could get Firefox on there.
It's a lot of fun. It's easy to get spoiled on new controllers, as dual joysticks really would've made games better on the DC. But the wife and I had a lot of fun with Puyo Puyo 4 and Soul Calibur. I played a bit of Shenmue too and it was entertaining, along with Rayman and a few other games. Jet Grind Radio, Crazy Taxi... Of course, a lot of the really good games came out for Xbox or PS2 by now, but they look basically the same on the DC and are a lot cheaper.
The PS3 has a webbrowser.
It's supposed to be really good.
It's only good if you hook up a mouse and keyboard. Better than (more stable than) Wii Opera (which has better text prediction), though. I only do my set-top browsing on the PS3 in linux.
Be sure you get ChuChuRocket, and shell out for as many controllers and VMUs as you can afford (or are willing to spend). Mice in spaceships, man, mice in SPACESHIPS!
Wii U - 'Nocero'
XBox ID - therealmasume
PS4 ID - realmasume
Good work, and good deal!
But are any of them coming stateside? That's the question...
Raijirugi(or something), renamed as Radio Allergy.
I have no idea what the title means, but it sounds cool.
And if you get a DC: get Shenmue, Last Blade 2, Project Justice, Jet Grind Radio, and the Sonic Adventures, and watch the months fly by.
Radilgy PreciouS came out for the PS2 in Japan. It's all cartoony and funky and full of mech goodness.
What are the other 2 titles? I might have to import them...
Edit: I figured it out. Last Hope (shootemup) is coming out this month and I think all the importers are already sold out, Trigger Heart Exelica (shootemup) is coming out in February (22?), and Karous (shootemup, think Radilgy, but much darker) is coming out in March.
Dreamcast always was good for shootemups. Good thing I love the genre.
Kind of an impulse buy after I fell in love with the Saturn.
Such is Sega fandom
The VGA box was ahead of its time. Things are just so pretty...though, I think even some of the uglier games supported it. Was it Zombie Revenge? Illbleed? One of those. Anyway, good buy! What games did you get with it?
I actually don't even know what the generator CD is. I would have honestly paid the same for just the DC/VGA box/VMU.
It's a demo disc that came packed in with new systems.
This is just a tribute.
Can anyone tell me about the VGA box? Notable games that aren't compatible, what's a good price, brands to avoid etc.?
RE: Code Veronica
Power Stone
..everything else is icing.
*ahem* Power Stone 2 as well, especially for the 4player mode.
The VGA box is for providing better resolution so you can use things like computer monitors and HDtvs (I use a computer monitor sometimes, though things look good enough on the TV), but if a game isn't compatible (and I don't think any of them are actually "non-compatible" but I may be mistaken) you can always unplug it.
Mine's a Sega brand one, and it seems to do quite well, but I don't imagine any of the non-Sega ones would be worse.
There were only maybe a half-dozen that weren't compatible, and I don't remember them being worthwhile anyway (TNN Hardcore Heat? Yuk), so don't worry about that. The Dreamcast's video equipment output a VGA signal at the chip's pinouts, which was then converted into a composite/S-video signal, so it was very easy for developers to code for it. All the first-party games and virtually all the third-party games support it. This is, of course, assuming you're using an NTSC machine, PAL might be wildly different and I can't speak to that.
I have the official SEGA one, definitely the best build quality out there, gold-plated connectors, etc. Soul Calibur looks even MORE amazing on it. But, naturally, it's damn near impossible to find, though they do pop up on Ebay occasionally.
If you're going to buy a 3rd party one, I would recommend looking for one that also has composite/S-video outputs and a headphone jack. It makes for a nice all-in-one solution, in case you take it to a friend's house or something like that. I think Haier made one that wasn't half bad.
This is just a tribute.
HAha, HEY, I paid all 50 cents for that game! I almost felt like the flea market guy ripped me off, but it wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting. I probably should have only given him a quarter...
This is just a tribute.
The sequel's just as awesome(if not more so).
Steel battalions can suck it. VO:OT is one of the best custom arcade controller games.. ever.
It's a real shame it never officially came stateside. Its not like I really knew what was going on in the first one, but the second one wasn't helping me out at all.
[spoiler:8f61397537]Psyvariar II and Bangai O aswell whilst I'm here[/spoiler:8f61397537]
and ikaruga goes without saying
I bought a compilation on eBay that had Zero Gunner 2, Border Down, Psyvariar II and Ikaruga on it. Turns out it's some sort of homebrew compilation, but the games are all there, and damn it's fun!
Zero Gunner 2 really stands out (I know, I know, blasphemy, Ikaruga before all else, etc. etc.) because of its control scheme. I really like being able to rotate my helicopter so I can fire to the side of me, behind me, or anywhere inbetween.
Border Down is really challenging, but you really get into it. You also swear a lot and hit things, but you get into it. The level design is so fucking well-done that I want to write someone a thank-you note.
Psyvariar II is fast paced and exciting. The BUZZ system is a little weird, but I'm all for living dangerously. The weapons upgrades are fairly well done, but what really gets me is the sheer number of enemies I find myself facing, not to mention the number of shots on screen. It's beautiful, really beautiful.
And Ikaruga is Ikaruga, the gem of the Dreamcast from the people that gave the Saturn Radiant Silvergun. Ikaruga is to be worshipped, not just played.
Er, yes it did. The Space Channel 5 Special Edition came out for the PS2: with both the original and the sequel.
I think this goes without saying, but : go get it right now.