Hello Penny Arcade, I am in need of your help and advise, yet again.
I kind of need a second pair of eyes for a personal project.
I'm starting a business with a friend of mine, a legal consultancy here in Panama; we are offering the constitution of Panama Corporations and Panama Private Interest Foundations as tools for asset management. My friend is a lawyer and i'm doing all the online marketing stuff.
I have created a website and have been experimenting with Google Ads for a couple of months now, gaining a decent amount of visitors but zero conversions and zero inquiries. I think we are reaching the correct audience with both the Google and Facebook campaigns, so the problem might be the website.
Are you guys willing / have time to take a look at the site, browse a couple of pages and tell me, what do you think? Do you find the site too confusing? Are we projecting ourselves incorrectly?
Most of our potential clients are already familiar with this sort of product, so we don't want to explain the whole Panama legal system in the website, we want to keep it simple and to the point.
Here it is:
Any help is gladly welcome!
1) It may not always work properly (I find alot of these things get false-negatives)
2) Your customers might not like having to do that, it is kind of weird for a contact button to require it, as typically its just if you're signing up for something.
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Twitter: Twitter.com/MeekinOnMovies
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Presumably they're finding these companies through some other non-online way, I'm afraid.
And, yeah, I also have no idea what you're selling.
Battle.net: Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Apart from that, I agree with the general consensus of the site's purpose not being clear enough. If the business consulting is what you want to focus on, make that the focus of the homepage. People can go anywhere for business blogging, that's not what the ones whose attention you want to keep are looking for when they find you.
* I have been tweeking the intro text for the landing pages. I guess they are the introduction to each product (Corporations, Foundations & Consultancy). They are nano changes to the copy, but I guess the english didn't make sense earlier:
* I tried adding more info to each of the taglines in the Flash banner on the home page. Do you feel i should completely design a new banner with bolder/bigger text, or should keep the flash thing?
* Atheraal: thanks for the Analytics tip; we have been using it since launch, and we regularly check from which countries people come, the amount of time they spend on each individual page, etc. I guess I should pay more attention to the exit pages.
* Wezoin: i am internally debating this since your post last night. On the other side of the spectrum, if we remove the captchas, spammers might use our forms to send their spam. Our "conversions" are when people write us via the contact form or when people write us via the Product Request Form. We haven't gotten any leads, so that might be one of the barriers.
* SkyCaptain: thanks, i will check on IE6. We have about 120 visitors using IE6 since November. I have an IE6 stylesheets there, so it might only be a matter of fixing details.
Thanks, any other comments, are gladly welcomed.
Here's my biggest, biggest, BIGGEST problem. Your first landing page, the "corporations" one, is terribly written.
That is not a sentence. It is a sentence fragment.
That almost explains what you do, but is way too heavily invested in keyword SEO rankings. It is not readable, and it is easily identifiable as what it is: a tool to get your search ranking higher.
Users absolutely tune out websites which have clearly been shaped for ranking. You've seen all the sites that don't sell anything but ad space, but work to get search rankings in multiple categories as high as possible. Your site looks like it might be one of those, and so as a user I would abandon it, not being sure it actually provides the service I'm looking for.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
* I removed the Captchas from the Contact form, i will test this for a month to see if it's OK, or Spammers start using our form to send spam to OTHER people. Mail injection it's called, and it happened to me with another website. But yes, it puts another barrier to the user.
* Jasconius: yes, i tested the forms with the captchas, and now, without them. They work alright.
* Darkewolfe: you are right on the money, English is not my main language, and we hired a translator to work on all the spanish - english translations; but i guess she didn't do a very good job. I contacted a friend of mine who studied in an american school and has perfect english to review the content, that should help.
* AtomBomb: very cool suggestion, we will add some testimonials once we get the ball running; we are just starting.
* One of the main things that is bothering me is the flash on the homepage, i want to add a little more info there about the services we offer, and have the banners link to each individual product. I have to work on that.
Offshore foundations and corporations are usually either done by someone who has existing contacts or someone who was referred by a consultant. You need to get in with those people and get them to make referrals for you.