Bracket 23
Powers: genius level intellect, the ability to exchange consciousness with another humanoid, expert of magic and sorcery, armor which gives superhuman strength and durability, and flight
Powers: shapeshifting, immunity to disease and poisons, can heal surface tissue damage, ageless, skilled in hand to hand combat, use of firearms, and master strategist.
environment: the streets of Latveria. neither combatant may enter Doomstadt.
Bracket 24
Powers: dumb name, none more pink, superhuman strength, durability, energy blasts, can interface with computers, teleportation
Powers: Awesome helmet, master of special effects and illusions, advanced technology, skilled hand to hand combatant
Equipment: 10 robotic decoys, holographic projector, electromagnetic disruption beam, 10 proximity mines
Environment: The Great Wall Of China
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Doom and Mysterio advance.
Doom simply orders all citizens to assume the fetal position and wait for DNA testing. Doom goes around and scans people and kills everyone with an X gene, or Mystique tries to attack Doom with a weapon that simply isn't powerful enough to get through his armor, and he WTFpwns her.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Oh, you.
I sense a great disturbance in the Force as a result of this next match. Nimrod should -technically- win. However (or "but" if you like) Mysterio is just so dang cool, add the nostalgia factor and I can't not vote for the guy.
His sensors misread the Speed Force as X-Gene?
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
But Zoom doesn't actually have the Speed Force.
I'll go with this.
And more importantly, are the Mongolians allowed to intervene?
God damn Mongolians!
Also, I think Mystique wasn't given any special equipment due to the fact that she is fighting Doom and he's a cheater. Even if she could blend in with the people she would still be unable to actually hurt Doom through his armor.
Nimrod is gonna teleport behind Mysterio and blast a hole through him.
but it's actually a hologram
and there are mutants attacking!
but those are actually holograms
which Nimrod finds out only after he has been DQ'd
My poor, poor Mystique. Totally gypped by the complete lack of weapons here.
Mystique shape shifts into Susan Richards. She uses this to convince Doom that she is making a desperate plea to the Allmighty Doom to help her end Civil War, for the sake of her family. However, Doom cannot comply, since, he is currently fighting in a tournament, and cannot leave Latverian airspace.
Mystique then throws herself to Doom, lamenting how Reed has abandoning all reason, and torn thier beloved family apart. Jonny is in a coma, the Thing is in France, and she has no one left to turn to.
Moved(In a "This is a way to REALLY fuck over Reed"), Doom teleport's himself and "Susan" to a small cottage on the outskirts of Latveria, where they proceed to take comfort in one another, and, eventually, make love. Seeing her SOLE opprotunity, Mystique removes a standard kitchen knife from one of her "pouches", and slits Doom's throat as he sleeps, the end.
[spoiler:d737a942bd] Or is it!? Upon further inspection, the throat that she slit was a DOOM BOT!! The real Doom teleports in and Kentucky fries Mystique as she is contemplating on how the hell did she sleep with a robot. Doom monolouges,
"FOOLISH MORTAL!! This is MY tournament! Doom has no need for earlthy pleasures, for I AM DOOM!!You are nothing but a virtual pawn in my litte game, that will prove for once and for all, DOOM IS SUPREME!!"[/spoiler:d737a942bd]
I would think Nimrod's pretty much immune to Mysterio's illusions. It's safe to assume that Nimrod could tell the difference between holograms and real, live people by looking at the heat signature. People/mutants put out body heat, holograms of mutants would not. Also, most of Mysterio's really elaborate illusions have always required him to hit his enemy with a dose of hallucinogenic gas, which would have no effect on a robot.
I agree. The Mysterio fans are gonna be streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetching on this one, trying to justify a win in this situation.
Situation excellent. I am attacking.
- General Ferdinand Foch
Except that Nimrod would be able to detect that they were just holograms, and even if he didn't he can still just blast away at them from the wall without being DQ'd.
Well that was after being 'repaired' by Stryker and his crew and being handicapped by Forge. They just barely beat him even after that. Fully powered Nimrod easily beat Juggernaut at the height of his powers.
He was just a hair away from killing the entire team, mind you. If it wasn't for a last-minute 'leveling up' of a couple of the characters, X-23 and Rockslide would have died even in beating him.
Mystique, however, is fucked royally. All fall before the glory that is Doom!*
*Bizarro would have kicked his ass royally, though.
Nimrod is unable to attack mysterio due to the "no killing humans" stipulation.
Mysterio is unable to trick Nimrod due to his "darn green robot blood"
Therefore this braket will be resolved in a silly-costume off. Who will rule the day? fishbowl head or none more pink?!?! It's a grudge match of silly proportions on the great wall of china. Thrill! as tourists mock both contestants! Chill! as the relative merits of head shape are negotiated!