(Looking For Group)
The Synopsis: As most of us already know, PAX BYOC has gone live with 300 spots open; but with no seating chart available. However, groups with 6+ people may receive special assistance with seating and have guaranteed knowledge that they will remain together at the event. With that being said, I'm sure people would like to create some groups regarding these conditions, close friends or new. From specific game parties, to age-ranged parties, there's no limit to what kind of interests/gaming attributes you can group.
Suggestions: While thinking about what kind of group you may, or may not, want to be with; try thinking of the following: is this a common interest or common attributes group? Are you looking for people who have interest in a specific game/genre? Do you want to be around people your age? Do you want to participate in a tournament/team play with this group (maybe come up with a creative team name,
go Pokemon Unicorns!)? Do you want to hang with this group in the con itself?
Note: All LFG/LFM people must have a registered & paid spot in the PAX BYOC.
Format: Please try to follow the format as to help keep organized:
Option: (Joining/Creating a group?)
Group Name: (If joining, you can just put the Group you want in; if creating, put the name you want the group to go by)
Notes: (Hate loud teenagers, will not be in BYOC a lot, etc.)
--[The following options are for group creation only]--
Group Type: (Common interest or attribute?)
Interest(s): (What kind of people are you looking for (21+, WoW gamer, TF2 gamer, etc.))
Number of People: (How many people you'd like in the group (minimum 6 people))
Participating People: (If you already have some people in your group, list them out here)
Looking For Interest: Y/N (Denotes if you are tentative if people would want to join your group, mark Y and be placed on a separate list until you accumulate 3+ join requests.)
The Groups: Below is the listings for groups that have been made that are either full or looking for more.
- Looking For More: Groups who still need people.
- Group Name:
Group Type:
Number of People:
Participating People:
Pending People: (to be approved by group creator)
- Looking For Interest: Uncertain groups that require a minimum amount of interest before being an actual group (3+ join requests required).
- Group Name:
Group Type:
Number of People:
Participating People:
- Filled: Groups who have met their maximum player quotas.
- Group Name:
Group Type:
Number of People:
Participating People:
*See an error or have something to add? Feel free to reply to the thread.
Uhm... hard to keep organized with all the other posts n' stuff??
If you want to sit next to friends and you don't have a large group, or if you want to sit next to dudes you dont know, then just stand in line together to pick seats together.