So, there's something wrong with my iPod nano - I'm not sure what, exactly - but something went wrong when I tried to synchronise it earlier this evening. I've plugged in back into the computer, opened up iTunes and I'm currently trying to restore it to its original settings. However, after clicking "restore" and assuring iTunes that yes, I'm sure want to restore my iPod, it's not doing anything. NOTHING. My iPod is just sitting there with the "Connected: Eject before disconnecting" screen stuck on the display. It was 8:21 pm when I plugged connected it to the computer (I know, because it's been on the screen this whole time), and it's now 10:50 pm. That's a whole
two and a half hours that my iPod has been stuck like this.
I'd like to know if there's anything simple I can do to get iPod back to normal - I don't really care if I lose all my music and photos that were on it, since I have all that stuff backed up. But I really don't want to leave it like it is all night, until I can take it somewhere to get it fixed in the morning. Any ideas, H&A?
EDIT: Nevermind, it eventually decided to start working again. The whole thing was very weird, but my iPod appears to be alive once more. This can be locked now.