My furnace is being a big poopy-head, which is not fun in New England. I bring the problem to your collective wisdom.
Some info: It's a 100,000 BTU gas-burning forced-air unit, about 10 years old. My wife and I have only lived in the house for about 6 months now. Recently, it's started to have limited heat output. I checked how to reset the unit and would try that; generally it would work for 8 or 9 minutes, then start spitting out cool air.
I had a tech over today from the gas company (paying overtime rate, of course, due to having basically no heat for 4 days). The major problem seemed to be that the filter was all jammed with dust and there was a lot of dust and fur in the blower area. He cleaned it out and we tried running it without the filter; that seemed to work just fine.
I bought some Filtrete filters (the ones with the white pleated stuff) to try them on his advice. Put in the filter, turned it back on. Now what's happening is that the gas will ignite but shut off after 5 seconds or so. It then repeats. I've tried this with the old filter (now cleaned), the new filter, and no filter, same result. My suspicion is that the burner isn't getting enough air, but I'm not sure what to look for.
Any ideas? Please note that I am not particularly handy; I can read and follow directions but I don't really know my way around a unit like this. Thanks in advance for any advice.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X