Adult language (But no worse than you find in the comics, so meh)
Release day purchase from a BioWare fanboy; we even hurt the ones we love. Go ahead, fanboys and fangirls. Flame me.
This is just based off the first few hours of one playthrough. Feel free to add in yours. I'm keeping mine spoiler free.
Mass Effect 2: Goddamn It, Nothing Works (most accurate yesterday, launch day. Seriously, BioWare. wtf?)
Mass Effect 2: Why Is Shepard So Damn Retarded Now? (You doubt me? Wait until you're on that ship and talking to the AI. This leads to....)
Mass Effect 2: Even The Incorporeal Robot Is Making Fun Of Me.
Mass Effect 2: Now With 100% More Chicks Who Say "Fuck."
Mass Effect 2: We Spent All Our Zots Making Better Asari Stripper Animations. Are You Happy Now?
Mass Effect 2: Much Edgier! Look At The Blood!
Mass Effect 2: 90% Of You Mongoloids Don't Even Realize The Symbols We Use On That Minigame You Hate Are Actually Pretty Fucking Clever.
Mass Effect 2: We Have No Idea How "Heat" Actually Works. So You Shoot It. (My inner nerd is *livid* with rage at the way they've handled the canonical heat issue with weapons fire. LIVID!)
Mass Effect 2: Now With Better Subtitles, So You Can Turn Off The One Part Of The Game That's Truly Great.
Or my personal, bitter favorite,
Mass Effect 2: Finally Proving How Mendicant Our Desperate Screams Were As We Insisted The Buyout Hadn't Turned Us Into Just Another Producer Of Soulless, Buggy Shit. GG, Electronic Arts.