They F'ing destroy computers.
... and you don't know what you got into until it's over.
My ex destroyed my laptop on her way out the door last month.
On Dec 23, I downloaded a beta test from
I refuse to even go back to that website to find out the name of the game to post it here, it was some kind of mmorpg that combined fantasy and martial arts. As soon as I downloaded it, it sent my precious baby to the BSOD and f'ing shut down. I have not been able to even boot it up so I can enter safe mode and remove this monstrosity. What the hell do I do with it now? Seriously, any suggestions? I can't afford a tech right now, so until I can, I'd like to fix it myself.
So, just a warning, stay away from !! For your own good.
It's been made abundantly clear that Ten O'Clock is time for Rainbow Six. It is not time for other games! You might think that it is, but it isn't. Don't show up at 10:05! That's not when it is. It is earlier.
[spoiler:67e475891e]I know what the name really means.[/spoiler:67e475891e]
this is the URL, for reference.
The game I d/l was called Ruin Online.
I believe they may have been associated with BrokeBack.
I get this addy from Betadogs and I've never had a problem with content they've recommended before.
This one however, was a beast.
Yeah, I should've taken that into consideration.
I do betas when I'm bored and too broke too afford a new game or just to get experience in prep for school, industry.
I mean, what did you expect?
So, the disclaimer is out for all the other idiots like me.
Any advice, though?
I think I will wulf...
I think I willll....
well then just stick your windows cd back into the computer and do a repair install it should fix whatever files got messed-up.
They are both hard to get into, unless you have chloroform. i got nothing
If it came pre-installed that means there is a partition that holds the restore files. Figure ot how to go into the restore setup. Usually you get to this by press F11 and some other key on the boot up. Google it and you'll find it or call the company you bought the laptop from.
Now you're problem is fixed
Excuses my English, I sit here with dictionary!
That was, um, a really good answer actually.
Ryan M Long Photography
Buy my Prints!
It powers up, you can insert discs in the dvd-rom, but it won't go to a boot up menu. (I tried using recovery disk, but it was the wrong one) Pressing F11 or F8 for advanced start up options or even F6 to go straight to Safe Mode won't work. Nothing comes up on the monitor at all, the power light stays amber like it's not receiving anything from the tower.
I've even checked that it wasn't my monitor by connecting it to another computer. It works fine.
It looks like I'll just have to get an XP cd sent and try that...
Or I could get a shot gun and a baseball bat and see what my computer looks like scattered across my yard.