Soooo a decent amount of the time when I wipe myself clean after making numah 2, I noticed there is uh, red on the toilet paper. Today I noticed there was like a red strip I guess I would call it on the side of one of my uh stool logs. My question is am I bleeding somewhere inside at some point from my mouth to my butt? Or is this just a strange poop coloring thing? Nothing really hurts, so I hadn't been too concerned but at this point its just like what the hell is going here. Something to worry about? See a doctor? Cut stuff out of my diet? Any ideas?
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
1. you read/play video games when you poo
2. you do heavy lifting?
3. you sit in one place for too long?
4. you dont eat fiber?
5. the air is VERY dry right now(?) winter time and the skin can tear.
What you can do if it is a hemorrhoid to lower the chance of getting more is make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day and that you are eating enough fiber. Exercise is also super beneficial to your GI function which will help this not reoccur.
Ooooooh. I read when I poo, but I'm not on the can forever.
I also sit at my desk for a lot of the day. Im pretty sure these are the only ones that apply to me. I'm also going to start exercising more, so hopefully that should help