I searched but I couldn't find a thread that fit this, so here it is.
I had quite an experience last weekend. Here we go!
My girlfriend and I love Ikea. It's totally like 500 Days of Summer kind of stuff, but we've been doing it way before that movie. If you haven't been to Ikea or watched that movie, it's basically a huge rooms 2 go except more awesome and more Sweedish. You can very easily waste an entire day looking at all their awesome stuff and eating their meatballs.
So, I had to use the restroom. I had to go twosies, and I held it till I found a restroom hidden away. I jump in and get to business.
The rest room was a one stall, so I sat there watching the door thinking.. "what if the lock failed??"
The door opens.
A guy stands there staring at me, as surprised as I was. It felt like forever. He breaks the silence with "SORRY!!" and almost immediately I yell back "SORRY!!"
The door closes and I sat there thinking "do I finish?? Do I run??"
Boom, door slams open!
An old man yells "Ah! God dammit!!"
I decide to stand up.
Door slams open AGAIN. This time a foriegn guy who looked as if he was contemplating going in.
I get up and try to quickly run to the door with my pants around my ankle.
Another guy opens the door and I pull my shirt down to
barely cover myself.
I reach the door and relock it and try to get my pants on. The handle starts to move so I grab it.
The dude tries to open the door.
I pull it shut.
He tries to yank it again.
I pull it shut.
I pull and yell "I'M IN HERE!!!"
I hear him say "sorry!" and run off.
I finally get my pants on and wash my hands and relax a bit. Of course, no one comes in at this time.
I tell someone who works there to fix the lock and meet up with my girlfriend who insists on finshing out ikea trip.
I ran into 3 of the guys again in the next hour I was there. Multiple times.
It sucked
HG: 5285 4128 5154
I'm not prepared to rule out some sort of conspiracy here
You could have probably made enough money in there to get at least a table.
But I think they thought you were a prostitute
thats the normal way of dealing with such matters
HG: 5285 4128 5154
Well, and freaking out and trying to recover my dignity.
and.. trying to be cleanly..
Yeah there's no way that wasn't planned.
Some kind of Swedish toilet conspiracy.
You can stay, you just gotta pay.
i don't get how you found a singular bathroom in ikea
are you sure you didn't go into one of the showroom bathrooms
all those people were just interested in upgrading their home fixtures
did the flush work
when you looked around, were there cabinets constructed from an excessive amount of glass?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
I didn't run out with my pants down, I ran to the door. I was still debating "finishing up." but then I decided "fuck it."
pricetag hanging off the toilet bowl and all
And we don't allow poop threads, sorry.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom