Hey there, I have checked with a mod to ensure that the opening of this thread is approved as long as we keep the silly goose rule in mind when using our best judgment in what we are talking about, and how we do it.
And no, we're not here to talk about these two, and the films they are in no, I am direly sorry to say.
That was one the mods were expressly forbidding, just for the shear horror of the acting.
Now, what we are here for is to get our
grump on.
You peeved about something or anything in the world at the moment? Want to talk about your job? or about things like how I get fucking twinges in my back even though I am only 23, and how going out clubbing is a disgraceful experience now as it's just full of 16 year old girls (in the UK this is) trying to get in on University nights out, and even then cue jumping ahead of me!
We all have our urks and the real make your back sweat wind ups, and here is the place for us to sit down in our leather recliners, pull out a pipe, grab a flagon of ale, and tell the world that you don't give a flying rumplestiltskin if Tiger Woods is cheating on his wife!
So join me young and old, as long as you're grumpy and old of mind in some of your thoughts, men and women, people of all creeds and colours, Dyslexics even, UNTIE!
I will start though (after Kalkino, who I damn well agree with by the way):
I am incredibly annoyed by the media and its portrayal as celebrities as role models. Why the hell would I want to aspire to be a drug addled manic depressive with hints of narcissism and self loathing? I only envy the fact that they get paid tonnes for doing bugger all, the rest they can keep to them damn selves for once.
Edit: kalkino, I used to get a train from Cardiff to Portsmouth, passing through all the major cities between, and it had two carriages.... on a Friday at any time of the day!
No you two, we do not care who else you fight, and we will not pay stupid money to see you shitkick second rate fighters! Just give each other a battering so we can see something we're willing to pay for for christ sake.
I could keep doing this all day, I honestly could.
Well this brings a related grump, since moving to the UK I've found more and more of my small talk made up of train complaints. But since I spend so much damn time on them I can't help it!
I had this moment in the summer of 08. Damn neighbor kids would run right up to the front windows of my house, and just stand there. Standing. Looking in on my living room. It was cute the first time they came up and talked to my 10 mo. old, but it just. Got. Grrrr.
So the day one of them brought a toy gun up and started shooting the inside of my house, including my kid, I foot stomped it.
"Hey," I said, in my best Eastwood. "It's not nice to point guns at babies."
"It's just a toy."
"Still a bad habit to get into. Get off my porch and stay off, or I'll call the police and tell them you're trying to rob me."
That worked on every one of those lil buggers, except the creepy blond girl from the weird African family next door. That kid was too Children of the Corn for me to do anything but shut the blinds. Later, when talking to some of the parents, I was given permission to get the hose next time.
Problem is, at the end of class, I'm ready to go but everyone else is still packing their stuff away, and with the narrow rows in the lecture halls, I'm stuck standing there waiting for them.
"That's fine, I can wait while you chat with your friends and slowly put your MacBook into its protective sleeve and wind up the cord, I have no where to go, I'm just the one weirdo in a class of 80 people who actually carries paper with him".
Damn kids.
Though I'm at most only two-three years older than most of them.
Robotron was the last game to evoke sweaty palms, but not because of a boss fight. Robotron is the end-all-be-all of the gaming experience. No other game is as intense. If you're good enough to get to, say, level 25 (out of 255 IIRC), you know what I mean.
Robotron would cause most of today's "gamers" to have a stroke.
"John terry's wife is sticking by him after he cheated, find out why inside!"
If the title on the inside page isn't "And here is a scanned image of John terry's bank account statement" then whatever they are saying is lies.
John Terry is an international Soccer player playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world by the way, and is on about £120,000 a week.
I don't give a shit if Cheryl Cole has separated, why the fuck is it on the news as the third of fourth item?
(hands you a shot of gin)
have a round on me.
Like this whole Tiger Woods thing... I could really care less if he shagged Chelsea and Hillary Clinton at the same time with Oprah fondling his nuts at the same time (though I'd give him a hearty hand shake for pulling that off)... Celeb personal life is their business. I don't care and it pisses me off to no end that they get soooooooo much press time when REAL newsworthy stories gen next to none.
Fuck your inflated food prices. A goddamn fast food combo meal should not cost me 10 bucks. A gallon of milk should not cost $6. A loaf of bread should not run $4. You have great weather, but seriously fuck your food prices.
You [strike]bastard[/strike]. Silly goose.
I have one of my big grumps of the season actually, what the hell happened to Pop music?! You know this shits got bad when you start missing nSync and the Backstreet Boys. I mean hell people, Michael Jackson's music was classed as Pop music.
Technically it's just whatever music is popular of the day but this lady GaGa, Beyonce pretending to self love with a gun, talentless drole is just enough, enough I say.
I want a new law in where if you don't write either the lyrics or the music you can't sing it or get ay money for it.
Same with movies, probably due to distribution laws or somesuch nonsense but still sucks.
I'm enjoying this...Also enjoying how its seemingly a British moaning thread.
Seconded on the goosing trains - took me three hours to get to Leicester from Kings Cross - normally a journey just over an hour...
buy the milk and bread at Walmart and you'll have about $4 left over.
In Japan Yakuza 3 came out a year ago, as did White Knight Chronicles, and FFXIII is already out...... they love to do this, although in these cases it's normally when awaiting the language translations. Still makes me :x though.
boy racers??? you mean the asshats with fart pipes on their cars, drop kits, 42" wheels and tires like rubberbands who believe that the gigantic section of railroad track they have bolted to trunk of their shitbox makes them go faster???
yeah... fuck them.
Ideally, their fireballs would burn hot enough to erase any evidence of their passing, but stay relatively dim so as not to contribute to the ever-growing light pollution problem in cities.
Jesus christ on a crutch. At least I can fire them if they don't shape up.
It took me 15 FUCKING HOURS TO GET FROM CORNWALL TO COPENHAGEN, DENMARK. It takes my friend 10 hours to get to bloody Leeds. Leeds is IN ENGLAND.
Fucking hell, public transport in the UK.
Our system does suck damn balls though, and then there is the silly silly goose who proposed the new 200+mph tracks for the UK meaning a replacement, of all lines as well as a major overhaul of the routes. Problem is, it will take 40+ years to do.
Yeah but then when I'm 59, it'll be siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.
And, actually, I do care that Tiger Woods cheated on his wife.
All about Penn State and partying.
I'm a year and a half out of college and already I hate goddamn college kids.
It's like they're afraid if they use the urinal a co-worker is going to walk by, look down, and say "Whoa, small dick. We can't be friends."
My comfort poops are more important than your feelings of inadequacy and shame.
That produces the problem of musicians with no musical skill, such as Bob Dylan, The Beetles, and really everything else from the '60's and '70's.
I'll get their name right when they start singing in tune.
<---- Millennial who listens almost exclusively to music from the 60's and 70's.