The Arachnid menace threatens the lives of humanity. From their home planet of Klendathu, the Bugs direct meteors across the galaxy to attack our home world. The Bugs pose an immediate and deadly threat to humanity. We forge a path across the galaxy to fight these bugs on their own terms and their own planets before they can crawl to ours. It’s up to our brave men and women of the Mobile Infantry to put a stop to this and fight for our future. Do your part!
Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world!Service Guarantees Citizenship!
Welcome to Planet P, a desert planet in Bug space.
You are the
Mobile Infantry of the Terran Federation. Your orbital base received a distress call from Planet P, Outpost 7. There’s no voice, only distorted static. You and your company were ordered to drop down to P’s safe zone, and then travel to and investigate Outpost 7. You were ordered to search for the cause of the distress call, if any could be found.
You arrive to find the base a tomb. Bodies lay across the ground, speared and broken along the walls and ceilings. Supplies are thrown aside and crates are overturned into an almost impossible mess. What help you can, you give to the meager few miraculously still alive amongst the carnage. One of these poor souls lays frantic on a table. After some men restrain him enough to relay his story, he finally stammers out his warning.
The bugs overran and tore the base apart. They came in through the gates, through the floors. The soldiers watched in horror as their own men, trusted souls, seemed to cause sabotage, treason, and turn Judas. The bugs came in through opened gates; opened by soldiers eager to help and to die to the Arachnid race. Outpost 7 itself was about to respond to another outpost’s distress call. This is happening all over Planet P.
The base is a trap.
An authoritative voice calls out,
You race outside to the walls surrounding the base and look to the horizon.
Mini phalla, 20 people, Inspired by Starship Troopers (the movie), every player will control a squad of 5 soldiers on a game map.
!Signup in lime
General Phalla Rules
I’m going to assume you know what a phalla is and all that jazz, so the basics apply:
No anonymous contact
No screencapping PMs
If you set up a proboard, let me in
No talking to dead players
2 posts per day to remain active, inactive players will be replaced and I’ll probably not let you play anything else I choose to run
Raneados I’ve never seen you run a Phalla before!
Yeah this will be my first phalla, hopefully first in a long line of fun times. Be advised that I might completely fuck this shit right up the pooper. Be gentle with me. :oops:
Everyone !vote for 1 player to eject every day in red. This vote removes that player from the game, and kills his entire squad.
You do not need to retract.
Clarifications in orange
The vote close is at 1 AM Eastern (shut up that’s what time I get home from work)
Game Basics
Each player controls a squad of 5 soldiers, you may name them individually if you so wish but they have to be numbered 1-5 and the squad has to be named for narration purposes.
Squads may be named anything you want; however, making it obvious which squad is yours might be a poor idea. Feel free to misdirect others into guessing who actually controls a squad.
You may separately order your men around to complete several tasks at once.
After signing up and receiving your role PMs, please PM me where you would like your squad members to start (they can be different and wherever you like on the map) and the squad’s name. I don’t consider you fully signed up until I have your squad name and starting locations.
Item finding and tile looking
Items are arranged on a list to be found on every tile. Some tiles contain more items than others. Rank decides a squad member’s order when looking for items. Note; having a higher rank than another squad member does not guarantee you to an item over them. Note that too much looking on any tile may cause “problems”.
Basic Color-coded map of the base, turret kill zones, buildings, and gates
The current Play Map
The Desert – Designated in Sandy Brown; Few items.
The Base – Designated in Green, the base must be entered by the gates; moderate items
Buildings – Designated in Grey, buildings must be entered via a gate. Buildings have the most items to find per tile. Buildings are enclosed from the outside except from an open gate.
Turrets – Designated in Purple – Turrets excel at suppressing bugs. They will kill up to 10 bugs in their RED BORDERED AREA every turn if manned. Turrets should be manned by at LEAST 5 people to avoid casualties. Turrets are passable for moving purposes. Turrets do not hurt Tankers. Turrets do not cause friendly fire.
Gates – Gates in yellow are open, Gates in Red and closed. Gates are opened and closed via performing a USE on a tile with a gate
Holes – Designated by large black holes – Holes will appear and release a certain amount of bugs. These depend on the circumstances for the hole being opened. Holes are impassable for moving.
Squad Members – Designated by Blue Targets, these are you and your teammates’ squads.
The Arachnids – “Bugs” – Designated by Red X’s, Red O’s, and Orange Tiles.
How do we not lose?
The goal for the village is to escape on the dropship. The Goods and villagers also have the personal win condition of: at least 1 member of their squad survives to escape.
The goal for the mafia is to fuck that up and get everyone (including themselves) killed.
“The Boat” will arrive on the beginning of the 7th day. If it is able, it will leave after the 9th day ends. Staying in groups (even with other players) will be beneficial, however, remember that staying TOO close will leave you vulnerable to area effect attacks.
The Arachnid Menace
Warriors – Warriors are your main enemy for this game. They are rather unintelligent and straightforward in their attacks. And although only one attack from a warrior is enough to kill a squad member, individually, they are not terribly dangerous. Small numbers can be easily dealt with by a few squad members. Their strengths lie in their numbers and their surprise.
On the Bug turn, Warriors will usually head towards the nearest human. They can travel 4 tiles and attack the tile they end up on. They will not usually enter any tile being attacked by a squad member. Take note that, although Warriors will usually prefer to enter the base via an open gate, they can amass at the base walls and allow other Warriors to enter. This acts like a gate for Bugs. It takes 3 bugs at a wall to act as a gate.
Fliers – Fliers are the bane to solo humans and undermanned turrets. Fliers will generally try to pick off lone squad members and shorthanded turrets.
Fliers appear occasionally and will “stage” on the edges of the map. After a turn of staging, they will attack the closest undermanned turret, killing a squad member on that tile. Fliers cannot be killed by players, but will die if they do not find a target. Their kill will be attributed to the closest squad member to their death.
Tanker Bug – Tankers are the heavy-hitting big daddies of the bug world. They move a little slower than Warriors but can spew a deadly substance several tiles away from them. Tankers are very dangerous as their sheer presence can kill as well as this attack.
Tankers will appear as the game progresses and several criteria are met. They are immense, taking up an entire tile and killing anything they walk over. They can move 3 tiles a round and can attack a 2x2 area 2-4 tiles away from them. Every living thing in this 2x2 area is killed. Tankers may be killed with two grenades or Explosives.
All items are single use each
You may have multiple of the same item
You may use any amount of items on a turn, but you may only use 1 of each type each turn
Items may be used on any square on the map
Medpack – Active; brings your highest ranking dead squad member back to life. The revived member appears on the same tile as your highest rank squad member.
Grenade – Active; kills everything in a 2x2 square. Includes squad members, can also be used to damage Tanker Bugs.
Armor – Passive; if a squad member is injured while you own armor, the squad member(s) is not killed, but thrown 3 tiles towards the highest concentration of squad members
Explosives – Active; permanently closes or opens a gate, can also be used to damage Tanker Bugs.
AP rounds – Active; double kills to bugs for all attacks.
Flash Grenade – Active; target a player to make them lose all their items. These items are gone for good.
Plasma Shield – Active; you can use this to prevent all damage to squad members and bug movement in a 3x3 area.
Some gameplay notes and tips:
If you move through a square that contains 1-3 bugs, you are forced into attacking for your action that turn. You may select your attacking tiles as normal, but the 3 bugs you passed through will be the ones killed.
Squad members will always take the safest route possible when moving
All actions are final.
Explosives can be used to permanently open a permanently closed gate and vice versa
1. LemmingHead - Team bravo *dead*
2. Dunadan019 *dead*
3. The_Reflection *dead*
4. [strike]VALVEjunkie[/strike] Gumpy *dead*
5. [strike]Mr. Defecation[/strike] Delphinidaes - Cyberactive Squad *dead*
6. romanqwerty - Demolitions Squad *dead*
7. Arasaki *dead*
8. Minor Second *dead*
9. Tommy2Hands - Strike Team *dead*
10. kime - Infected Squad *dead*
11. [strike]simonwolf[/strike] B:L *dead*
12. Egos - Takedown team *dead*
13. El Skid - Specialist Infected *dead*
14. Aegis *dead*
15. TheLawinator - Alpha Squad *dead*
16. Trust *dead*
17. Burnage *dead*
18. jdarksun *dead*
19. KingMole - Infected Squad *dead*
20. SlickShughes - Infected Squad *dead*
1. crimsoncoyote
2. Alegis
3. Tiphareth
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Your Squads will be used in narration. It might be a bad idea to make it obvious which is yours.
seeing as it says this in the op:
I would say so
Sign up
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
aw shit I'm gonna die first, aren't I?
Whatever you like
Looks interesting.
cpt. asspudding reporting for duty sir!
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
i was actually planning on 50% of the squads being some variation of "Kime's Asshole Mafia Jerks"
"SQUAD X"- The Timothy Dalton Experience?
we can still share a tent though
That couldn't possibly go wrong :P
If you need to put me in to fill up, I can manage, however I don't know if I'll be able to divide my attention enough right this moment to do this justice.