I want to be a Big Man(tm)!
Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here at Big Man(tm) Central we are keeping up with the cutting edge of exercise science to help YOU build muscle and lose weight! We can give you access to all the latest tips and tricks, plus expert advice from certified Big Men Big l, the wook, Jyardana and many more! Join our certified
Big Man Program to track your weight and lifts.
Big Man PRs!
This is for all you’se who want to wrestle a bear or lift a truck. Let us know your best lifts and we'll post 'em for motivation and mockery.
psyck0 - Deadlift: 365 lbs, Squat: 340 lbs, Powerclean: 175 lbs
Sunday_Assassin - Rack Pull: 170 kg
hectorse - Squat: 285 lbs, Bench: 175 lbs, Press: 140 lbs, Deadlift: 335 lbs
Dachshund - Squat: 255 lbs, Bench: 165 lbs, Press: 120 lbs, Deadlift: 330 lbs, Powerclean: 195 lbs
big l - Squat: 405 lbs
the wook - Deadlift: 515 lbs, Front Squat: 245
celandine - Deadlift: 245 lbs
If you’re trying to lose weight, I’ll point you over to the
Fitness Thread for excellent advice on cardio and diet. You might also want to give
these two articles a read for some ideas on programming a routine for fat loss. The tl,dr is do high intensity interval training such as complexes for ~30 minutes along with some weight-lifting, lifting heavy (~85%) of your 5RM one day a week.
Eating for a Big Man
If you wanna get Big, you gotta eat Big. If you’re a hard gainer and want to put on some pounds, a good rule of thumb is to eat as much as you think you should and then eat two more things, every meal. You’re aiming for about 500 excess calories a day. If you’re turning fat to muscle, try to consume as many calories as you’re burning every day. You should
never be hungry!
Your calories should come from a good mix of protein, fat, and carbs. Get 1.5 grams of protein for every lb of lean muscle weight, minimum. 2 is better. Fat is perfectly healthy for you as long as it’s not trans. Carbs should definitely not be the majority of your calories, and they should all be complex carbs- whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Cut all juices and pop! The sugar in those is killing you!
All right, now how many types of curls should I be doing to be a Big Man?
Curls are for girls (no offense, ladies!). If you don’t know what you’re doing, start with Starting Strength or CFWF in the list below and check out the form videos farther down the page to learn the exercise. If you’ve never looked at your form before, watch these videos! I’ll bet you $50 you’re doing it wrong. There are some more intermediate and advanced workouts in the lift for when you get past the beginner stage, too.
Workout plans, from beginner to advanced:
Starting Strength (
Crossfit Witchita Falls PA Post Texas MethodWestSidelWendler’s 5/3/1Two Day Heavy Split
How to Bench Press
Learning to Bench Press (start here first!) Most people have no idea how to bench press properly. If you haven't seen this, watch it. If you have, watch it again.
Dave Tate’s Six Week Bench Press Cure!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh3t6T-nqP0&feature=player_embedded
How to squat
http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ:The_Lifts#The_Squat[/url]Your first squats.[/url]
A fantastic how-to video; WATCH IT!Low Bar Squats
How to Deadlift
An expert description of the DeadliftA great form video to help you.
How to Military Press
Start by reading this, then watch the videos.
Video 1Video 2
How to Power Clean
First, read this description of the exercise. It has tips, too! This is the hardest lift you will learn by far, but these videos will go a long way to getting your form rock-solid.
Next, watch this video. It is the best instructional video I have ever seen.
When you're ready, check this outhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCUmi2oqlvA
70sbig.com – New site with simple training methods and motivational words to help you lift the heaviest you can
Bodybuilding.com - Good forum and community for fitness
T-nation.com - While aimed at the 'sweet kegger party bra' crowd, it's still packed with tons of super useful information
Crossfit.com - Not for some people, CrossFit is still probably the toughest fitness program out there
Exrx.net - A fantastic resource, this is a huge database of animated .gifs that show correct form to various exercises
Fitday.com - The website can be slow and some people hate it but I like to use the software to maintain an overview of my general fitness level.
Elitefts.com - Another good strength and conditioning resource. Good articles.
NFS.org - Dietary supplement guide. Products in these lists are guaranteed to contain everything listed on their labels in the quantities listed. Supps are notorious for fucking you over this way, so buy from a good company.
Play Smash Bros 3DS with me! 4399-1034-5444
Showed up at a new gym Sunday to learn that they had an amateur powerlifting competition on Saturday. I saw the results and I woulda actually not been in last place that would have been fun. They had 4 boards on the wall: 1000 club board, 300 squat club board, 300 deadlift club board, and 300 bench club board. Cool gym too bad I'm only here for a month. The gym at home is balls.
Thanks so much to Jyardana and MS for helping me with sprints, We did some today. I was second fastest dude
It's Tuesday but not bad. Always feel like a big man on bench day.
Plus I just whooped up a big fucking bowl of chilli. Not elitist-Dead Legend chilli either. Mongrel chilli, with beans and chorizo and mushrooms and oh so much beef
trying to teach somebody who has literally never lifted weights before to perform specific exercises with good form is more difficult than i would've guessed. so far i've got her working with baby weight to develop good habits.
it's especially difficult because she can't hold the bar
my max rack pull is now 170kg
You could substitute dumbells for most lifts at the start, also raid the cardio room for one of those pump bars I think they're around 5-10lbs
Also I miss deadlifts
I got blind sided at indoor soccer and ended up tearing ligaments in my knee, just been able to get back in the gym last week. You'd be surprised how hard certain exercises are when you can't really bend your knee back.
I'm hoping in another 3-4 weeks I'll be back to normal training, well light squats/deadlifts anyway then slowly work my way back up.
I got some minis, lights, and average bands. MMMMmmmmmmmmm
I'm starting to enjoy my weird-ass circuit/complex/HIIT training. Instead of back squats it's all front squats and lunges; instead of deadlifts it's all RDL's. Result: much more butt-hurt. I must have been neglecting glutes.
Tastes like a 45# plate sandwich.
Hmm just realized I am on schedule to deadlift 225 and squat 1x bw on the same day. That will be a glorious day indeed.
Plate records are always the most delicious.
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
5x3 Power Clean
That's it
It's a great program
Those said people are of the sissy variety
then i just eat some pizza and cry.
You of course, can use this hread to track your goals
Thanks for the sprinting advice, dude. It really has helped me A TON
eat steak instead. that way you work out while not actually working out.
He wiggles the knee caps around, stops and his eyes get a little wider, "They sound...crunchy. Uh, stop doing squats for now."
Seems I need to get back in there and find out what's really going on with the knees before they, his word, "explode".
Indeed. I just did 225 lbs. yesterday, a 20 pound jump from last week. My strength is coming back a lot faster than I thought after a three month break. I don't know if it's just that my body is adapting faster this time around after getting used to being strong or if I just didn't lose as much strength as I thought I did. I think I can jump to 245 lbs. next week, and I should be back at where I was in the fall, 300 lbs., sometime in May.
I bought a new pair of girl pants. a size larger than what I used to wear, but hey, another month and I'll comfortably fit into it.
seeing progress is awesome and really motivating.
Nothing too technical, I was really just hoping to document my day 1 progress up to my day X progress. More as an experiment to see what differences show up after working out for say 7-9 months on the starting strength program. I'd like to include occasional pictures as well as a complete record of the food I take in. Like I'm talking pretty detailed, if I down a pack of m&ms at work I'll try and remember that when I make my summary at the end of the day.
I did it while running for a while and it can be really eye openning the first time you go back and read through it. I was the carb king for a while!
Plus I'd like to try and see what sort of progression I can get to on the weights since that's really the whole point of the damn exercise! 8-) And without any of the other background stuff it won't have much relevance for anyone.
so tl;dr
Progress pics, food journal, training schedule/journal for about 1 year I hope. Starting just as soon as I can assemble the necessary equipment in mah basement!
Also @ hectorse, anytime man, happy to help and I'm glad it's making a difference.
Also, in my opinion, power cleans are the funnest lift in rippetoe's program. Of could I originally said the same about deadlifts and now they're delightfully painful.
What I'm really interested in is seeing how long I can maintain the linear progression that is ideal for the beginner lifter, according to Rip. I want to make sure I'm not falling flat by taking in too few calories. Plus I'm always playing soccer or volleyball so at least this way it'll be a little easier to keep track of food, exercise and sleep in one spot.
I'm a little worried about getting enough sleep, a 6.5 hour average is probably not going to cut it, although if it ends up being anywhere as intense as the college training I was doing, I doubt I'll be staying up to 12:30 or 1:00 by accident anymore.
Anyway, I'll start compiling a summary of my food intake and my "normal" exercise as a baseline over the next few days so I'll have something to refer to later.
Yeah Dailyburn can do all that shizz except for progress pics, I like it for a free service.
What about what RDM needs?
What about that?!
Maybe I'll just do Starting Strength.
Well that's probably for the best, I'm sure my lady would have something to say about it anyway, none to kindly either.
How many calories you aiming for? I try for 3-3.5k and it's led to 30# weight gain in about 3 months. Even with the surplus I've found making a concerted effort to eat even more has helped me push past my occasional sticking spot. Except for bench. Just got bicep tendinitis instead.
SS is better for the beginner. TM Monday is indeed a long day in the gym.