I need advice, but since it seemed like a waste to make a new thread just for me I figured I'd make a thread in case OTHER people need gaming advice about other games.
Ask for advice because not everyone is playing games which are the hot topic of discussion now! Make sure to include the game name and console though if that wasn't obvious.
My problem: Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360)
Playing Master Ninja difficulty I'm on level 7 (Russia), very beginning and low on healing supplies and essence. I take out the Multi-rocket Ninjas at the beginning with arrows simple enough and even the ones in the sequence immediately afterwards.
No, what gets me is the sequence where 3 or 4 of the mech...alien...things come out and are assisted by Multi-Rocket Ninjas who respawn as far away from you as possible. I can dodge and weave enough to get close to the first set of Ninjas and take them out but then the next set of Ninjas respawns across the way and I end up getting worn down by the constant attacks from all sides before I get to them.
Any tips for these guys? I've got full level Wind Blades and Phoenix Fire, Level 2 Piercing void, Level 3 (Claws, Dragon Sword and Twin Swords), Level 2 (Scythe, Staff, Flail), Level 1 (Tonfas), Bow, Incendiary Shurikens and regular shurikens (obviously). One healing item (grains) and enough essence to buy an herb.