Go back really fucking far.
Before we had electricity.
Before soft metals like Gold were of any real use.
Silver is pretty pathetic compared to bronze and iron too.
And metallurgical research into combining metals to form nickel-silver alloys is pretty recent.
So here we have cave men trading food, and girls probably. Nah, probably not girls; the men hunted and brought meat to a bunch of women and then screwed them, more likely, but probably didn't have that marriage-family-whatever thing going on.
Give it time.
There. Right there. Society starts to form, bartering becomes more important, humans begin figuring out how to farm and raise animals instead of just hunting them. Instead of caves, we figured out we can tie a bunch of sticks together using a pig intestine and drape some leaves or a pig skin over it and have a make-shift shelter anywhere. Spoken language begins to develop; instead of "ugh" and "NNNGHHHHHHHH!!!!! *WAVES CLUB ANGRILY*" we have basic words, and eventually sentences.
We start trading in gold.
A sheep (yummy) for a few pieces of shiny metal (not so yummy).
Today we still do it. It's regulated, it makes more sense (currency is a vulgar representation of compensation for work), and the metals are worthless. But we still barter gold and silver, seriously if someone hands you 100 pounds of gold and says they want your Mustang you are going to stutter and take the gold because holy fuck, you can buy a Porsche with 100 pounds of gold.
In some countries it's pretty standard to trade diamonds, rubies, other colorful rocks, silver, gold, and copper even in the presence of currency. Mostly because they don't trust their currency to keep value, so they bank on solid metal assets.
Why the hell do people value gold?
People call me Wood Man, 'cause I always got wood.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
luster, too
makes them easy to use in jewelry and as decorative accents
plus gold doesn't lose its shine
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Things that look nice are also things people like
Much easier to carry coin in your pocket then entire sheep
one in ten
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
What spring does with the cherry trees.
of course, it's valuable. I don't see WHY it's valuable, but it is.
I am crotcheting you a filling right now
it is so fine and classy.
What would you use as a base unit of currency
because it's rare?
And pretty.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
I can google things to find the answers I seek
give me a medal
a gold one
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
What does America use as a base unit of currency?
Are you high?
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
indian tears
beaten to the punch
I am going to choke you
c'mere a minute
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
something that rare is bound to be considered expensive if it even has ONE use, and if that one use is just "looking pretty"