It's just something I made up in a few minutes
So don't hate; chances are this will be edited at some point
You know what type of clothes are awesome?
not those though they suck because they're childrens moccasins, plus they're canadian-made so you know they're poor quality
Colorful Socks
not those though because there's not enough purple involved
Slide Shoes
known fact: adidas are the best anything
Converse Shoes
not those though because god what the fuck am i even looking at
Zoot Suits
not those though because they're ugly and yellow
that's more like it
Fedoras are pretty spiffy too
that guy wearing the fedora looks like he's gon shoot a bitch though so i'd stay away from him
discuss amazing/awesome/horrible fashion and clothes in here
you may hate most of the stuff in the op
but it's impossible to hate both fedoras AND zoot suits
I beg to differ.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
It is not working.
kiss me pooro
so many ladies
The fedora's dead. Accept that.
Remember that Ukranian hooker you splashed the cash on last week? Big mistake buddy.
dammit not again
will these crabs get into a fight with the other crabs i have?
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
can we also name him fedora?
also everything in the op is terrible and you should probably just join a nudist colony, sweeney
and then you posted an image of the worst thing they've ever done
for, you know,
comedic effect
zoot suits
anyone else i'd say they were being sarcastic, but as this is sweeney...
how can i get more plaid shirts and skinny jeans
if you see an uo shopping bag grab it and run
well then lol
it cant quit gettin mad at fedoras
is this fashion
much like my dick is a part of yo booty
i cant deny it
the second step is to stop wearing fedoras
bird gotta fly
mensch just gotta keep wearing the shit out of fedoras