Gadget Trial is a relatively recent Advance War-ish SRPG released by Kogado, one of the (if not the) top PC strategy game companies in Japan. N-1 is also pretty intimately partnered with them and have been porting a ton of their games to the PS2 over the last couple years. And oh hey, a complete English patch was released for it (and the downloadable demo).
As for the mechanics themselves, I'm still trying to get a good grasp on them. It's very VERY similar to Advance Wars, but as you progress, you also gain access to extra suits for each specific unit type that you can equip before the battle which alter the unit stats for that battle. There's also some kind of AT bar which I haven't fully figured out. Of course, I'm played all of one stage and was all "let's throw myself into the fire and see what happens" and that didn't turn out well at all. It's not a dating sim or the like. There's no interaction with anything outside of the battles, though like all Japanese PC games, it does like to tell a long and involved story and go on at length. Luckily, the characters are pretty funny, for being mechanical self-replicating doomcyborgs. Heck, one of their heads is blown off at the start of the first campaign battle. :P
It also comes with a challenge mode, and a fully functional map editor, and since this is a PC game, that means you can easily share maps and the like. Yes, it's cutesy. Welcome to Japanese PC gaming. Everything is either brightly colored sprites, cute, hentai, or
occasionally all three.Relevant Links:
English Patch:
If you want to buy the full game
I love Major Mihakyoniichi.
eighty eight bucks for the full version
thats really pricey. at least for my budget.
Welcome to the collector's market of Japanese PC games. :?
I knew there was a reason I never became full blown collector of imports.
though.... if this demo rocks as much as it seems it will. I'll be holding off on some games till next month.
dear god, I haven't even downloaded the demo and I know I'm not buying it. I'm sorry but that is four to five times more then I was willing to pay from looking at this. Now I don't know if I still want to download the demo knowing that I am not going to get the full game.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Oh man, I've been playing the hell out of this game for a couple of days. I suck so goddamn bad, but it's damn fun. On 4th battle now.
Yeager suit Nei for frontline combat + Blocking factories with Souka for the win.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
Neither can I, but if you have to ask, your system can handle it. You should be able to deduce the relevant numbers from below. Japanese PC games are designed to be run on laptops and the like, not be resource devouring monsters like PC stuff.
I dunno, I'm kind of a fan of the Western suit just for her sukushii qualities. :winky:
Also, I did a double take for Izen's little "Watashi wa heitai, heitai yahoo!" chant ("I am a soldier, a soldier, yahoo!"). See if you can guess what I misheard it as. :P Shouldn't be hard.
I do like the story sections though (y)
[edit] I'm being retarded - there's a fullscreen function :oops:
Oh jesus christ.
I forgot that only infantry in AW could cap buildings too Would help if they had some capturing animation to go along with the process...
Also, damn mission 4 to hell. Enemy keeps spamming tanks and bombers, which rape me to no end
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
You have a good point.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
They have the bar thing, and Izen tells you when she's done capturing. It's probably something explained in the manual. That's one of the fun things about playing these games, you have no fucking idea what's going on and get to learn everything on your own. :P
Also, I'm not entirely certain what I did right, but I laid waste to the third stage.
I think it was realizing that the two close cities would be a battlefield and setting up artillery to wreck bloody havoc on them while creating the bottleneck from hell over in the SE while I could fortify my conquests. They only went after the NW compound once, and that was (accidently) taken care of by flying Souka over and ending up next to a nearly dead transport heli. Almost every death there was infantry or scouts in the bottleneck, plus one artillery. Didn't lose a single tank. It was still all mostly accidental though. :P
Also, the powerup units get after 5 kills is absurd. That beginning Souka unit I had was one-shotting their helis at the end. I can only imagine what Yu-Ri could do to them. Deliciousness.
She's a tankbuster, or the bottleneck punisher. Just keep her hidden, take out scouts so she stays hidden, and then use infantry to lure the little darlings into her range. And if you've got multiple ones, spread them out so a rogue tank can't just run in and be next to two of them and thus, manage to take them both down.
Either you sig this Aroduc or so help me I will.
As will I.
Not better than my sprite harem so tough beans.
Well in it goes, sir!