For those of you who still get G4 on your cable package, you may intrigued to discover that they're currently covering the Adult Entertainment Expo and will have Red Carpet coverage of the AVN Awards, the top honors in the Adult Entertainment industry.
As I write this, the hosts of whatever tech show G4 currently runs are on the set of "Lexington Steele"s new movie Black Reign #10.
So, a long time ago I think I said G4 couldn't sink any lower when they started airing that Star Trek 2.0 crap.
I've been proven so very very very wrong.
In this thread we will discuss the short, tragic fall of what was once a promising idea. A cable network dedicated to video games.
It's bad enough I miss TechTV already. But ever now and then, they've just got to twist the knife a bit more. It makes me ashamed to even have Comcast internet.
A cable network dedicated to technology is a great idea. They need to go back to the techtv format, which they are doing in some respects.
However, I don't know what the problem with covering the AVN's are. To this day it still stuns me how people who have no problem chainsawing a man in half still get spooked and giggly about boobies.
I used to tune in for Star Trek:TNG on occasion, now I don't even bother stopping.
EDIT: Eh, we're Americans. Violence is one thing and sex is another.
Good thing I barely watch any TV right now.
I miss you Heroes
In other words, who cares? They have like two video game shows now: X-Play and Cheat. I think their Tech offering stops at "Attack of the Show."
A very dim speck of hope, but it's something.
That show really goes all over the board.
But I don't have cable anyway, so not like it matters.
Though when I watched G4, I just about exclusively watched Cinematech.
I honestly wasn't much of a cinematech fan. Sometimes the stuff was cool, but a lot of the time it was a little boring. Maybe I watched bad episodes or something.
XBL : lJesse Custerl | MWO: Jesse Custer | Best vid ever. | 2nd best vid ever.
When X Play reviewed Digital Devil Saga 2, they showed the ending for #1 right before the review.
I only had it for like two years before they turned it to G4.
It seems everything they do on G$ is just to piss off the people who loved TechTV.
Fuckin' G4.
Same here.
It's the principle of the matter.
Dude, no. You can catch horrible diseases that way.
I don't know what's sadder though. That I somehow came across that knowledge, or that I managed to actually retain it.
Eh, probably both.
"Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
I thought it was pretty well known (in the PC gaming world at least) that she was really into Unreal Tournament.
That pretty succinctly describes what G4 thinks of their audience.
Also X-Play fucking sucks.
Yeah, she's friends with that Hard OCP guy that posted here about his weekly contests. It's pretty well known that she's a PC gamer.
I'm actually surprised that G4 covered CES at all. CES is a pretty geek centric convention. Former Screensavers Robert Heron and Patrick Norton covered CES Monday thru Thursday this week.
(Insert Jack Thomspson/Hot Coffee joke here.)
Also I found X-Play's Saw parody episode to be hilarious. When that one dude was tortured with the Virtual Boy was great.
Unfortunately I don't think there is really anything on G4 worth salvaging. Best to nuke it from orbit.
G4 is apparently in denial of it's own hideously false existence. It isn't a game channel anymore! Hell, Spike TV has more game related shows than G4, and one of the only game related shows they have left, X-Play, is a carry over from after the merge between TechTV and G4. So basically the last of their actual game related content isn't even originally theirs.
Our (the people in my house) favorite show is the Jamie Kennedy Experiment or Experience only because at the end of every prank he goes
"You've been Xed!"
and the people just look at him like "what the fuck?"
so he has to go
"You're on my show! The Jamie Kennedy Experiment!"
It's like him and Ashton Kutcher were old college roommates who got in a fight right before graduating and both declared they would make the best prank show.
That said, TechTV was awesome in so many ways, The Screensavers, Martin Sargeant's show, pre-rape X-play. etc.
Star Trek? Acceptable. 2.0? No.
Miyamoto's bio? Yes. Skateboarders and UFC fighters? No.
Geeky hosts making bad jokes about video games/Japan? Yes. Non-geeky hosts making bad jokes about anything else? No.
Video games that are almost porn? Yes. Those asshole hosts making bad jokes about porn stars? No.