No, I'm not asking for a diagnosis over the internet.
I have a lot of difficulty paying attention to my university courses. I'll try to focus on the slides or what the professor is saying, but my mind starts to wander ASAP. My grades aren't terrible by any means, I'm sitting just below a B+ average, but I feel like I could be doing better. Besides this, I'll open multiple, interesting looking articles in my browser, but read at best half of each before getting bored and moving on. I can rarely sit still long enough to watch an entire movie, and always feel like I should be doing something worthwhile. I can't even stay focused on playing guitar, my mind always goes running off on its own. I also regularly leave things to the last minute and put tasks off as long as possible. I've tried meditation in the past, but I've never been able to make it stick as a habit.
I've never really thought of this in terms of a mental problem, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's adult ADHD. I'm trying to figure out if I should see a doctor/psychiatrist or attempt to work it out myself (although I've tried many things to stay productive, but without any luck).
The reason I'm hesitant to go to a doctor is that it's already almost exam time, so I'm afraid if I complain of trouble focusing/paying attention, he'll assume I'm just trying to scam a Ritalin prescription. I have absolutely no faith in the counselors at my school, so I'd rather not talk to them.
I guess what I'm asking is if I should seek a medical diagnosis, or try to deal with this on my own. Am I just overreacting to my perceived failings? If I decide to go the medical route, how do I bring this up with the doctor?
Video games. That's about it. I'm lucky if I can read a textbook for even 15 minutes.
If, however, drinking caffeine tends to have the opposite affect on you, there is a good chance that ADHD is exactly what you have. If you do decide it's likely you have ADHD, try using caffeine for a couple weeks to self-medicate and see if you generally have any success, or if you have not, and if you still think you have ADHD afterward, then talk to your doctor.
If you don't, then read up on techniques you might use to find your focus in other ways.
If it were limited to just school stuff, I'd agree. But even things I'm interested in are a struggle to focus on.
Not really, although it could just be that I drink a lot of coffee and am used to the caffeine. I can drink a mug a couple hours before bed and not have it affect my sleep.
For the next little while keep acute track of yourself before and after caffeine and see which of those, if any, effect it has on you. It could be very valuable in finding out if you are actually ADHD (not likely) or not (highly likely).
Answer honestly.
that was a joke, you insensitive clod.
I went to my doctor around exam time this time last year and did exactly what I said above.
Also, based on your first paragraph I'm relatively certain that you are me.
I inquired about the same thing with my doctor and he referred me to go speak to a psychologist about the possibility of Adult ADHD. However, when I made the appointment I was looking at a charge of $160/hr for an assessment that would take a total of 6-7 hours. Yeah..
Is this normal? Is their a cheaper solution? I understand I am paying for the expertise and the experience, but I am can;t afford that. And the health insurance I am on will cover $400/year, but only $25/session. Woo.
Is there another option? Is there an avenue I should be looking at?
But I do feel your pain OP. I have been having a dreadful time at work trying to stay focused on tasks and have been reprimanded for it a couple times. Although I find I can sit for a decent amount of time, I find myself constantly readjusting myself in my seat.