I thought it would be a good/cool idea to have a thread where we post our photo uploads, be it links to albums, inline images (remember to follow rules of posting such things), etc.
I have personally created a facebook album that should be completely openly viewable to anyone
Post your pictures, guys!
I was really kinda fascinated by the whole sumo chair thing going on (as you'll see I took a few)
One of the many lovely ladies in cosplay.
These triton headphones were mighty impressive.
I'll post some more in a bit. Hope you enjoy them!
Chris Russo
Gamer... photographer... chief monkey coordinator.
My photography site: http://www.impressionengineering.com
My photography forum: http://www.imageaspect.com
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
Bumped into this fine gentleman on the way out... some of you may know him?
Some of the boys rockin' out to rock band. (for the record the guy in the background there... his shirt says... "I'm a rocker. I rock out." So, really, I'm just reporting the facts here.
Ok, see? Proof. Told ya'.
I just thought this was pretty slick.
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
The enforcers were everywhere... and they were watching you.
...just chillin'... waitin' for a war to break out...
Just a view from the main hallway downstairs.
I told you I was fasincated by these things...
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
Another cosplayer... I foolishly didn't bother to stop these girls and ask them to pose (there were three of them).
btw, if any of these cosplay folks see this and would like a full res copy of their picture, drop me a line. Would be happy to provide.
Battlefield competition at the Open PC Gaming room. The guy at the door was nice enough to let me in to take a pic regardless of the competition. I was vewwy quiet.
What can I say? I thought this was cool.
There was a huge crowd packed around the Atari 2600 (retro open gaming room) laughing their butts off over the guy playing E.T. (insert howls of pain here), but the EXTREMELY cool little Star Hawk(?) console was getting absolutely no love.
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
Nikon D300
Nikkor 24-70 2.8 AFS
I was shooting mostly ISO800-2000, generally on the higher range.
I had my SB800 with me and an 18-200 3.5/5.6VR just in case, but I didn't use either of those.
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
I figured I'd ease off for tonight as I didn't want to overwhelm anyone else who wanted to post. I'll post more tomorrow.
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
This guy had a really impressive wookie costume. I don't think I ever saw him with a head on his costume, though.
Console free-play room.
Did I mention I was fascinated by these?
At some point we had to take a break for lunch.
...what?! I had a BURGER.
(sorry that wasn't directly expo-related, but it *was* part of the experience and I liked the pic.)
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
Its really funny you should mention that only some may know him. Soco and I were in tabletop freeplay throwin down in some Magic and Mike was there mingling. After he left, the people down the table from us laying Catan were having some discussion. Turns out, one of the guys had no idea who that was and had to be told. I was not expecting that.
I will be updating my facebook album with the rest of my photos tonight on the train home.
This was the lineup for the second concert, where somehow an impromptu bohemian rhapsody happened.
It's funny. That was actually the first time I had seen him as well, so unless the guy I was with hadn't pointed him out I would have mostly just walked by. (though I did notice a crowd forming around him and figured he had to be someone of consequence. )
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
The crowd...
Someone in cosplay watching the Bioshock 2 trailer. (which was messed up and scary ... totally cool)
Another lovely cosplayer.
Ok, last Sumo chair person.
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
Ha! That guy in the caboose sweatshirt = Me.
Bohemiam Rhapsody was playing on the speakers in the queue line as they opened the doors for the second concert. I was already in the main theatre during the Youtube video but I'm glad everyone kept on singing.
Is there any way I could get a full res copy? I'm the Vanille cosplayer in this pic I wish you had asked us to pose, we would have been glad to! Especially with your photos being as high-quality as all of these!
hahahah! Awesome!
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
You are the girl in the orange skirt? That's awesome. Yeah, I'd be happy to get you a full res pic. All I ask is that you give me credit for the pic when you use it and tell any of your friends who want pictures taken.
Frankly, the main reason I didn't ask anyone to pose was because I was kinda embarrassed that I didn't really know most of the characters. If memory serves you were with the girl with the pyramid thing on her head... when I saw you guys I turned to my friend and was like "Good christ, what the hell is THAT?!"
You know... I wonder if I setup a day in the Boston area to just be available to take pictures of folks in their costumes if people would come. It would be a heck of a lot of fun.
Anyway, I'll PM you and we can exchange email addresses.
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
Yup! Except I only decided to cosplay her because Vanille and I happen to have the same hair color. She's from Final Fantasy XIII (which I haven't played yet), and unfortunately I've heard that she's got an annoying voice and character. Ah well, hopefully I wasn't!
My friend was from the Silent Hill series, as Pyramid Head. I totally recommend the series (specifically the second one) because it's an amazing game! Sakura was Street Fighter and the welder splicer was Jacob Norris from BioShock 2 Multiplayer.
And if you managed to set up a cosplay photo shoot around PAX time next year, I'm sure a ton of people would show up, including me and my friends again. There were plenty of awesome cosplays this year, and as PAX East continues and gets better, I'm sure only more cosplayers will come!
All the pics I took @ the tourney were linked in the G&T TF2 thread. That's all I have unfortunately.
not me:
Note: You don't need to be my friend but you do need a Facebook account.
I was saying to my friend that I need to be more aggressive about it next year since everyone in costume seemed totally cool with posing for the cameras. I'll probably post on here next year that I'll be doing it. I got your email. I get you a link asap!
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Me: http://www.impeng.com
G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
I did manage to get the wicket cool guy "Master Chief", Pokemon' and of course vanilla girl and crew
"I don't know, I didn't listen."
"Come on guys, PYRAMID HEAD!"
Oh man, yea! I was so happy we were able to get in; someone came up to us and said he'd been trying to get rid of his pass and no one needed it, so he let us buy it for just 40 bucks. And it was a three-day pass too, so that was ridiculously cheap and awesome. The day just kept getting better from there
We had an AMAZING time at PAX on Sunday! We're really looking forward to seeing more photos!
post em here and send them to our e-mail so we can put them up on our site!!!
Our Hero ^
you can see Red Sox Pitcher Curt Schilling in the background playing the game
(Jason!? Jaaason!!!!!)