Hi, my name is Jean-Luc Duvall, though I go by Jon. The reason I'm telling you this is because somewhere between the handheld lounge and the main theatre, I lost my ID. I don't know how, but it somehow slipped out of my wallet, out of my pocket, and on to the ground. Good chance it is among the Sumo bean bags.
Anyway, if anyone finds it, you can contact me a couple ways.
1. If you find it tomorrow, you can call/text to meet up with me at 410 487 1588. I'll be at PAX from at least 12pm to 6pm.
2. If the PAX cleanup crew or Enforcers find it, or you are someone who doesn't have a phone to call/text me, you can let me know by email (jlcduvall@gmail.com) and mail it to the address on the ID.
If you do find it (and I get it from you) THANK YOU VERY MUCH! This sucks so much, because now I can't borrow any more DS games from those really nice Handheld HQ people!!!!!
(Yes, that is my first name backwards, got the name from a Judy Blume book when I was 8)