Hey all! I'm brand new! Tear me a new one!
I figure I'll go ahead and be open here, most of my work is based on appropriated material, and achieved through the drawing, cutting, and applying of stencils. I had half a mind not to post any of it, but you only live twice, and I wouldn't benefit if I didn't go out on a limb for what I do.
Alright. General disclaimer is done. Hoping for some feedback; thanks in advance for taking the time to look.
Sean Connery, acrylic on canvas, 16" x 20"
Jimi Hendrix, acrylic on canvas, 4' x 3'
Ronald Reagan, acrylic on canvas, 18" x 24"
Mario, acrylic on canvas, 9" x 12"
Muhammad Ali vs Sonny Liston, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 18"
Mickey Mantle, acrylic on canvas, 12" x 16"
Zakki Six, acrylic on masonite, 2' x 4'
Zac, mixed media on wood panelling (wall), roughly 5' x 9' (apologies for the poor quality of the image)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, acrylic on canvas, 31" x 31"
Also check out Grenn's thread, dude has the best stencils ever.
Hendrix one looks cool. I think its cool you've done these in acrylics though.
you could try mixing up materials. e.g. cut paper mixed with paints, glue down some news papers/magazines and paint over it. Make it more interesting.
Mustang, you're right, the red and black is something I want to get away from, and in general I'd like to make more of a shift towards game culture type of work instead of just standard pop culture icons. And you're right, Grenn's thread is positively rad.
winter, I really dig your idea re: mixing up materials, could definitely give things a more interesting look over straight flat colors. I'll give your suggestions a shot.
Thanks a lot