Hello all!
While I'm new to posting, I have been a keen reading of the forum for awhile now and I have to admit it has helped me solve a lot of problems with my computer. However last week for some reason when I tried to turn my computer on, I just got a black screen, the fans turn on and they stay at high spin mode as if the computers just been turned on.
So I thought I'd go through a few problems, I have about to replace my motherboard and psu anyway, so I tried installing some new ones. This however did not solve the problem at all, so I did some reading to see what the problems could be and found out there was a chance it could be the CPU, so I got a new CPU to give that a shot, that also failed. I also got a new GFX just in case it might have been that for some random reason but still nothing.
So after a lot of messing around I finally just thought I would get a POST card to see if that helped me find a problem.
The error code I get is the following:
Error 02:
Processor test 2: Write/read/verify all CPU registers, except SS, SP and BP with data patterns FF and 00.
Recently my sister has let my borrow her computer while I try and solve the problem with mine, so being the kind brother I am I used my parts in her computer to find out if there was any problem with some of them.
The gfx, ram, cpu, hdd are fine from what I can tell, they're running without problem in her case.
If anyone has any ideas on what the problem could be, I'd love to hear it.
Quick run down of my computer parts:
DFI Lan-Party p35 motherboard
2.5GHz quad core intel CPU
750w PSU
Geforce 285 GFX
etc etc
Quick Update:
Just tried taking everything out of the case and running it on the mobo box just incase of shortage problems, the POST card is now reading 00, so everything is fine I think, but still nothing.
I got a new PSU aswell, thought I posted that sorry haha. So yea, no luck in that area.
Yea, after taking it out of the case and just putting it on its own, the POST card error has now gone, or changed to 00 (guessing thats gone) but still no screen.
I diagnose desktop, and servers for a living but this is just a guess seeing as I'm not in front of your pc.
Thanks, I tried another motherboard however that came to no luck.
I might have just been unlucky and got another bad motherboard, but that seems hard to believe. I must be missing something somewhere.