In the interest of giving us musicians a place to showcase the stuff we do and the things we play to each other without having to annoy everyone who doesn't care, the musician's thread has been remade!
So what do you do? What do you play? Who do you play with?
I do all kinds of stuff. I play a Rickenbacker 4003 like this:
and I play it with these guys:
Fused - Beggars of Pain
Which is fronted by a Chilean songwriter/guitar wizard named Xavier.
You can find more stuff to listen to on or on Grooveshark, like this
That's just the rock and roll stuff. I also do lots of Electronic music you can listen to at
Also, an album I released back in 2006 with my old electronic band is for sale on amazon here:
That's pretty much it. So follow my lead, pimp your shit and talk about instruments and shows and players you try to emulate and why and everything else.
So, nothing we make has a complex structure or anything, but I think it's kinda neat to record a song as we create it. Of course there are mistakes, but I'm sure you guys can overlook that, right? Right?
This is one of the latest things we recorded:
NOTE: NSFW Lyric-wise
and this was the second time we played this song, a lot of it was improvised too:
NOTE: NSFW Lyric-wise, maybe
That second one was recorded on my macbook, so the quality is a little eh and you can hear the macbook's fans.
Sometimes I just do concerts and am not in costume at all. Fuck that. You can see me singing at various places around San Diego, and sometimes on the East Coast. I'm heading back out there soon for some auditions and unprotected sex with a bunch of guys. That is what you do when you sing opera. Other guys.
Here's a great shot from Nabucco, which is definitely the most complicated thing I have ever done. We had 6 costume changes that had to happen within the space of two minutes each time, so the second we were off stage people were ripping off their clothes and making a mad dash to their next spot. Weird
This is the greatest song out right now.
try utah
Thanks bro!
Yeah I joined up with them a couple weeks ago and it's just started to be official. Their stuff is pretty technical, but very accessible, which I like a lot and makes it a lot of fun to play. Plus, the harder the tune, the more inclined I am to practice and learn it, so I've been learning the set list pretty fast. Right now we're working out a drummer situation and hopefully we'll be playing around town come July.
Now I am looking for a band to join in Vancouver, I'm going to go jam with a guy on Wednesday who is doing some sort of indie rock thing and I'm taking singing lessons again to try to improve my voice and make sure I'm actually confident enough in it to get up on stage when the opportunity arises.
I'm not really into the music scene much though and I'm terrible at making friends so I'm basically going to be relying on Craigslist to find people to play with.
hey cap is there a fused album or some such I could purchase digitally? I like what I hear so far so I'd like to have some tracks on my ipod
Hey, yeah you can get the digital or hard copy version of the latest album on CD Baby
I can't wait till you guys start playing shows
until next year
now to get to know cap better so I can be all yeah listen to this cool huh yeah I know a guy in the band yup *shit-eating grin*
Wooo! I'll tell Xavier that one of my internet bros bought one when I see him later today.
I got one minute into that song and I'm all, "Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaah... gotta play with these dudes".
Then I see your post and I'm all, "Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah! That would rule too!".
I've been bugging Andrew about getting this shit booked way in advance. Send me whatever contact info you have as far as booking so I can send it along.
EDIT: Rad ass breakdown, you could rule that bass line and make it sooooooooooo juicy.
Everyone's getting Upperhand "coasters" for Christmas this year
You can give me one for my birthday come June.
We've already contacted The Comet, waiting to hear back about the pre-PAX thing.
Our new-ish guitar player is already writing some awesome new shit with us and pushing pretty hard for us to all improve. I'm starting to get some chops, finally...
Who knows, though... a couple of my old bandmates are already collaborating again, I might join up with them on occasion.
im not sure where to go from there though
Always in demand, but expensive.
and on a college budget
also I bet there's a drumset somewhere in seattle u's music department that you could practice on
Luckily, there's American Musical Supply and also Roland V Drums.
$260 a month might make you have to eat a few extra packs of ramen for those three months, but man it would be worth it if you were serious about learning. Plus electronic drums are great because you can drop a couple bucks on a little mixer and then just pump your favorite jams right into your headphones along with the drums and play along, learning the drums, all while your neighbors are none-the-wiser. Plus those drums there will sound great and they're ultra compact, barely taking up any more room than a Rock Band drumset.
edit: actually with that particular set, there's no mixer required, you can just plug an mp3 player or whatever directly into it!
my only fear about learning drums is that i've always felt not coordinated enough to pull it off.
You need coordination for any instrument.
It's all about practice.
No one ever is at first unless their parents started them on a kit when they were like 4. It takes practice for sure, but it's learnable. A good way to get the basics is, no shit, to play more rock band drums, for real. Just learning to get all of your limbs to do separate things is the hardest part anyway.
i was switched from rock band drums to bass when me and my friends played rock band because i couldnt keep up on expert
it was so traumatizing ;_____;