Steelhawk wrote: » Alright....specific butt shots were hard to come by in my 5 minutes of google imaging...yeafor screwing the pooch at work! Not quite Star Wars, but you get the idea. Plus, its Mexican. I don't know if that means extra points or least its a butt.
jimninja wrote: » I feel like i should be offended that Yoda isn't the first one on the poster, I mean really, who IS that even in the upper left
Quoth wrote: » what the hell, this is tough all i've found so far, insufficient butts
Heir wrote: » Quoth wrote: » what the hell, this is tough all i've found so far, insufficient butts Are those Rebel special forces? Holy crap.
ArcanisTheImpotent wrote: » i hear that nar posting would be pretty cool agree y/n
We have a new champion.
Also... let's steer clear of going the way of "ranger threads".
I think instead of butts the next competition should be for
best space bulge
y'know for the ladies
by which i guess i mean quoth
My guess is Bhat Jhul, the padawan of A'Sharad Hett.
I am cursed with this shit.
probably a different guy
because he got owned by vader
i don't really look at the sugar lumps, more interested in a well-turned calf or nice shoulders
you heard the lady guys.
best male star wars butts and/or calves.
all i've found so far, insufficient butts
Are those Rebel special forces? Holy crap.
Yeah, the rebels had a small 'black ops' part of their military shenanigans.
agree y/n
nar's feelings are empty, cold
edit: Space Häagen-Dazs
if you don't feel like making an IC post, or having a further conversation with Kit
a simple yes or no answer here in the OOC will suffice
and I can just keep the scene going in the IC thread
i will keep saying "exams" until saturday too
poor poor nar...
he was a yuuzhan-vong plant all along!
and as long as i am dm'ing a saga game
there will never be any yuuzhan vong ever ever ever
the crappiest idea for villains, i swear to gawd
but as villains, fuck that noise and fuck it hard
ooh urgh this vong armor is killing me waaaah
i mean it's kinda neat that he turns out to be a'sharad hett
but vong armor eating you?
if nar was at that much risk no way fisto would keep that from him
nar can tell that much at least
sorry that was worrying you duder
or if it already happened, how good does it feel to be finished
because i feel phenomenal
and i want to go to franks
but i dont want to walk there i just want to sleep
now get to posting jeez
compromise: order from carson's, go to sleep
I am home though now
I am home
really glad i don't have to go through that again
congratulations on closing out the year
do you live there all the time
do you like mc chris
mc chris is playing live in this city thursday
edit: also regina spektor is playing live one state over on my birthday rarghrarghoargh