So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
Don't buy Mario Kart just for PAX - there will almost always be download games for people who don't have it. And I remember seeing a ton of crazy Japan-only or other interesting games at PAX that I would rather try out than play a given like MK.
I'm definitely bringing Mario Kart and Mario Party DS. Possibly Elite Beat Agents and Tetris.
I highly recommend bringing The World Ends With You; PAX is a great place to get Mingle XP, and in the Handheld Lounge there are almost always a dozen or so people in Mingle mode.
I'll bring along Pokémon and TWEWY, and that's probably it.
ploogle on
If you can't handle me at my Worcestershire, you don't deserve me at my Bestershire.
I think I'll be picking up a ds specifically for PAX prime in September. I want a DSi, but a DsiL or whatever it is is like 20 dollars more. I dont really like the idea of a bigger ds but, only 20 bucks!
Definitely bringing Pokemon. Probably Soul Silver, but maybe Diamond if I get around to playing it again (I lent it to a friend and haven't started a new save since, and then got SS).
Soul Silver, Mario Kart, Zelda: ST, and even though it's not out yet, Dragon Quest IX should be interesting in multiplayer!
Dragon Quest IX is gonna be my main game at the convention. It has a mingle mode just like 'The world ends with you' and with 4 player co-op....awesome lil social game.
Had forgotten about TWEWY, though I'm not a completionist, and I suck at evolving my pins anyways :P
Don't worry about that, dude. Mingle XP made me level up all my pins in the first two hours in line! I had to rush to collect more, just so that the next days line wouldn't feel wasted!
Between Brian and I, I'll have all of the following with me:
Pokemon(s): Diamond, Pearl, HG, & SS
Mario Kart
Ultimate Mortal Kombat (with Puzzle Kombat!)
Final Fantasy III, IV
Chrono Trigger
Ninja Town
...I can't remember what else at the moment, I'll have to finish the list off later.
Ooh, I realized I should probably list the PSP games I'll be bringing, too, for the 5 or so other people at PAX that bring a PSP, too. Samurai Showdown, anyone?
I recently lost most of my DS games, so all I have right now are Big Bang Mini and SMT Strange Journey, neither of which are multiplayer.
I'll probably end up getting Contra, Peggle, and maybe Mario Kart again, I dunno though. That'd be the third time I'd be buying Mario Kart DS, lol.
As for upcoming games, I'll be getting Puzzle Quest 2, Mega Man Zero Collection, Dragon Quest 9, and probably Tetris Party Deluxe just so I can shout TETRIS BATTLE
I recently lost most of my DS games, so all I have right now are Big Bang Mini and SMT Strange Journey, neither of which are multiplayer.
I'll probably end up getting Contra, Peggle, and maybe Mario Kart again, I dunno though. That'd be the third time I'd be buying Mario Kart DS, lol.
As for upcoming games, I'll be getting Puzzle Quest 2, Mega Man Zero Collection, Dragon Quest 9, and probably Tetris Party Deluxe just so I can shout TETRIS BATTLE
Wait, Tetris Party Deluxe is coming out on DS? What?
I recently lost most of my DS games, so all I have right now are Big Bang Mini and SMT Strange Journey, neither of which are multiplayer.
I'll probably end up getting Contra, Peggle, and maybe Mario Kart again, I dunno though. That'd be the third time I'd be buying Mario Kart DS, lol.
As for upcoming games, I'll be getting Puzzle Quest 2, Mega Man Zero Collection, Dragon Quest 9, and probably Tetris Party Deluxe just so I can shout TETRIS BATTLE
Wait, Tetris Party Deluxe is coming out on DS? What?
I recently lost most of my DS games, so all I have right now are Big Bang Mini and SMT Strange Journey, neither of which are multiplayer.
I'll probably end up getting Contra, Peggle, and maybe Mario Kart again, I dunno though. That'd be the third time I'd be buying Mario Kart DS, lol.
As for upcoming games, I'll be getting Puzzle Quest 2, Mega Man Zero Collection, Dragon Quest 9, and probably Tetris Party Deluxe just so I can shout TETRIS BATTLE
Wait, Tetris Party Deluxe is coming out on DS? What?
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
I'll be bringing a DS for Pictochat, and maybe some games if there's down time. I own some DS games that probably work on wireless multiplayer, like Space Invaders Extreme and Super Dodgeball Brawlers. And if I'm feeling whimsical, I can bring the DS games that I own which show how MANLY my interests are: Princess Debut, Rhapsody, and Super Princess Peach.
Jeremy "Toastyfrog" recommended bringing Dragon Quest 9 to PAX, since the English version is currently slated for release in June 2010. I'm a DQ fanboy, so I'll bring it, unless it's a major letdown.
caddyalan on
GundabadPAX East & Unplugged Tabletop ManagerNJRegistered Userregular
edited 2010 21
Do you enjoy Super Princess Peach? My wife was asking about getting it, but as it happens, the game is now out of print, and goes for minimum $30 used online. Wasn't sure if it was worth it, although I do like to have rare or out of print things.
I played a demo of SPP once. It was okay, but pretty easy. It was basically just a gimmicky platformer, kind of like Henry Hatsworth, but HH is on all counts a much better game. That said I've never played the full game so what do I know.
Sad day lol I think I am one of the only people that is bringing my gameboy advance (sp). So old it still uses link cables (which I have still!) Or am I just missing something somewhere that there are others like me who have not upgraded their handheld?
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
GundabadPAX East & Unplugged Tabletop ManagerNJRegistered Userregular
edited 2010 05
In case anyone loves cheap games, my local FYE store was having a crazy bin clearance. Dug through and got Retro Game Challenge and Clubhouse Games for $9.99 each. Picked up a few other cheap games and the register even spat out a $10 mail in rebate, so I'd say go check it out. Go stock up on DS games before PAX, we're under 100 days here people!
In case anyone loves cheap games, my local FYE store was having a crazy bin clearance. Dug through and got Retro Game Challenge and Clubhouse Games for $9.99 each. Picked up a few other cheap games and the register even spat out a $10 mail in rebate, so I'd say go check it out. Go stock up on DS games before PAX, we're under 100 days here people!
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
Sad day lol I think I am one of the only people that is bringing my gameboy advance (sp). So old it still uses link cables (which I have still!) Or am I just missing something somewhere that there are others like me who have not upgraded their handheld?
Although everyone uses DS now, it's ironic that there is actually too many people to get a good wireless connection at PAX. Wired multiplayer would probably be easier in the lines!
Sad day lol I think I am one of the only people that is bringing my gameboy advance (sp). So old it still uses link cables (which I have still!) Or am I just missing something somewhere that there are others like me who have not upgraded their handheld?
If it makes you feel better, I'll bring my gameboy pocket.
I'll be bringing my PSP, though for games to play...
I dunno, Phantasy Star Portable? I was hoping PSP2 would be out by PAX this year, but it looks like it'll be out almost a month after PAX is over. Curse you, Sega.
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, with its Coop and Vs. play, will probably be a big hit for PSPers this year.
does anyone know if mario kart is a good buy for pax? i wont play it by myself.
I plan on picking it up for exactly that reason. But I will log some practice hours in the meantime as well.
i just get so frustrated with the computer. i think it wants to break me.
hmmmm why can't i think of any more multiplayer ds games?
I'm definitely bringing Mario Kart and Mario Party DS. Possibly Elite Beat Agents and Tetris.
I'll bring along Pokémon and TWEWY, and that's probably it.
Google +
That, and The World Ends with You.
if you are bringing pokemon, keep an eye on this thread: Pax Pokemon League
hope to see some challengers for this league.
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Also had forgotten Puzzle Quest. I haven't played it in forever, but I never did get to play it multiplayer.
Dragon Quest IX is gonna be my main game at the convention. It has a mingle mode just like 'The world ends with you' and with 4 player co-op....awesome lil social game.
Don't worry about that, dude. Mingle XP made me level up all my pins in the first two hours in line! I had to rush to collect more, just so that the next days line wouldn't feel wasted!
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Pokemon(s): Diamond, Pearl, HG, & SS
Mario Kart
Ultimate Mortal Kombat (with Puzzle Kombat!)
Final Fantasy III, IV
Chrono Trigger
Ninja Town
...I can't remember what else at the moment, I'll have to finish the list off later.
I'll probably end up getting Contra, Peggle, and maybe Mario Kart again, I dunno though. That'd be the third time I'd be buying Mario Kart DS, lol.
As for upcoming games, I'll be getting Puzzle Quest 2, Mega Man Zero Collection, Dragon Quest 9, and probably Tetris Party Deluxe just so I can shout TETRIS BATTLE
Violets are blue
Wait, Tetris Party Deluxe is coming out on DS? What?
Violets are blue
Jeremy "Toastyfrog" recommended bringing Dragon Quest 9 to PAX, since the English version is currently slated for release in June 2010. I'm a DQ fanboy, so I'll bring it, unless it's a major letdown.
Violets are blue
It's a fun platformer, but EXTREMELY easy.
Clubhouse games is EPIC fun!
I am bringing that and Tetris DS for sure.
Although everyone uses DS now, it's ironic that there is actually too many people to get a good wireless connection at PAX. Wired multiplayer would probably be easier in the lines!
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
There's only a problem with local WiFi when a few thousand people try to connect to Pictochat together as they try to break the DS record.
If it makes you feel better, I'll bring my gameboy pocket.
I dunno, Phantasy Star Portable? I was hoping PSP2 would be out by PAX this year, but it looks like it'll be out almost a month after PAX is over. Curse you, Sega.
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, with its Coop and Vs. play, will probably be a big hit for PSPers this year.