Seven days ago, the world ended. Not with a bang, or with a whimper, but with a sound like a tractor being shoved through a wood chipper.
Grab your shotgun and don your re-purposed sporting equipment - Ragnarok's come and it's time to mess shit up.
(click for 2.0 rules)
Seasons now available in a modern art gallery (sweater vest and thick-rimmed glasses not included):
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
If you do not want to make a character, but would still like to bip in occasionally/fuck with the players, then do I have good news for you! Characters whose names are written in
Lime may be controlled by anyone who wanders into the thread. Anyone. Just make sure to post the character's actions in
Sandybrown so DE?AD notices them.
There are currently four missions happening simultaneously:
[The Deluge Part III] [Viscount Islands] [MISSION COMPLETE]
Estimated Location: Probably near Seattle
Description: You've proven your worth to Uriel, but he's made it clear that you work for him. At least you got some sweet new abilities to go with that crushing feeling of hopelessness.
Unlockable Ads: [Reign O'er Me][Cecil Reloaded] [VALVEjunkie, Krosius, DontShootToasters, Zanzibar, Lockout, Antimatter, Kueller] [MISSION COMPLETE]
Estimated Location: Off the coast of Argentina
Description: Cecil will not be complete until he can refill his stores of RAD, and discover his place in the Wastes. Cassandra has found a particularly large deposit of RAD coming from the sea floor off of what was once Argentina. SNN communications do not indicate the presence of any terminals there, so it should be safe to explore.
Unlockable Ads: [Steamboat Willie]
[The Bro Just Wants a New Rug, Man] [Dubh, Squall, Tommy2hands, Shabooty, Marshmallow, Cyense, Shock G, Corom] [MISSION COMPLETE]
Estimated Location: San Francisco
Description:The Bro wants a new rug. Cassandra has mentioned that there is furniture store on the other end of the city that probably would have some rugs.
Unlockable Ads: [Out of Your Element], [Goodnight, Sweet Prince]
[Dan, Interrupted] [Cheeseliker, NeoToma, Raneados, Thor4242, Dux] [MISSION COMPLETE]
Estimated Location:The Canadian Rockies
Description:Dan has brain problems. More than most, at least. He needs to come to terms with what happened to him if he wants to mend his brain and cure his Legion's Disease in the process. Cassandra has located the mental institution Dan once occupied in the Canadian Rockies. She believes going there may help him face the truth.
Unlockable Ads: [Arkham? I barely knew 'em!]
[Sydney's Quest for Fire] [MISSION PENDING]
Estimated Location: Chicago
Description:Sydney will not be at peace until she was the strongest there every was. She needs to fully explore and understand her pyrokinesis. Cassandra has found large amounts of heat radiating from the ruins of Chicago, along with some heavy psychic energy. She believes Sydney may find what she is looking for there.
Unlockable Ads:
[Jayce Needs to Get Over Himself] [MISSION PENDING]
Estimated Location: London
Description:Jayce's internal conflict is wrecking his subneural security. He needs to find a way to deal with it, and Cassandra believes the leader of a particular mutant colony in the RADwrecked carcass of London may be able to help him gain some insight into his inner conflict.
Unlockable Ads:
[Jimothy's Mom May or May Not Have it Going On] [MISSION PENDING]
Estimated Location: Miami
Description:Jimothy wants to find his mom. Cassandra hopes that doing so will sure up the security of his Subneural Signature, and Clams hopes that doing so will shut him up. Cassandra has discovered a lead on a possible genetic match in the ruins of Miami that she believes looks promising.
Unlockable Ads:
[Robots are People Too] [MISSION PENDING]
Estimated Location: Tokyo
Description:Sorta. The robots need to figure out who, and what they are exactly. Until they can truly understand what they are, they can't hope to stand up to a subneural intrusion. Cassandra has found a large robot colony in Tokyo that may be able to help them discover their true potential and seal up the gaps in their Subneural Signatures.
Unlockable Ads:
[DLC MISSIONS]URL="¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted"]Add Points[/URL[Warren's Crepes] [DLC] [Purchased by: Squall, Dubh, Marshmallow, DontShootToasters, Raneados, VALVEjunkie, Scarlet St., Tommy2hands]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: Leo Dryer, a new refugee to The Camp, tells of a family restaurant transported into the desert. An evil presence has taken over the restaurant, causing Leo to flee in search of help. This optional task must be undertaken by a group willing to delve into the very bowels of hell to save a place that serves really really really good hash browns.
Unlockable Ads:
[Bring Down This Guy] [DLC] [Purchased by: Tommy2hands, Dux, Lockout]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: Leo's sister has sent him word of a pro-human organization in Atlanta by the name of "Hellhound". Mutants have been going missing around the area, and Hellhound is believed to be the cause. She'd like someone to investigate the problem.
Unlockable Ads:
[DLC ACCESSORIZERS AND BAUBLES]URL="¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted"]Add Points[/URL[Whore's Armor][25%][Armor: -5% [P] Damage; Distracting: Inflicts a -10% penalty on attacks against you, or a -15% penalty if you have Hot]
[Bloody Raccoon Armor][25%] [Leo's cousin has acquired a set of hide armor he found on a dead woodsman in what used to be yellowstone. It appears to be a heavy leather jacket lined with blood-stained, and highly iRADiated, raccoon fur. It's quite comfortable.] [Armor -5% [P] Damage; Gliding: After running your full [P] in feet, you may glide an equal distance.][32000 RADLand Points]
[Hat Pack][A collection of stylish hats.][2000 RADLand Points]
[Glossolalia Platinum Account][A platinum card with magnetized strip. It has a picture of a starship on it. Just knowing you own the card fills you with pride and a sense of accomplishment. You gain +10% character points.][89000000 RADLand Points]
[Glossolalia Black Account][A heavy, black graphite card with a picture of a strange city engraved into it. Just knowing you own it makes you feel suave and important. Requires Platinum Account.][Special: The Card increases your RAD cap by 10%; VIP: You're a very important person, NPCs know it, and will react favorably.][9800000000 RADLand Points]
It will inspire those throughout the wastes to join our cause, and after we win there will likely be drink-spilling
Names we have come up with so far:
The Crimson Horde
The Crimson Wasters
The Crimson Suns (also Crimsuns :rotate:)
The Desert Wastrels
The Crimson Dawn
The Crimson Sky
It is apparent that we like that word.
Now the idea is to design a flag that epitomizes what our characters stand for, since we're all terrible nerds.
Things we might want in the design:
Designs so far:
By Raneados:
Talk about which ones you like, which ones suck, what could be added or removes, &c.
We might hold a poll later maybe? I dunno, this is all very silly.
[Skills: Wasteland Survival 43%, Materials Engineering 60%, Administration 25%]
[Traits: Compulsive Scavenger -5%, Deep Pockets 5%, Eidetic Memory 5%, Hard to Kill 10%, Mastermind 20%, Natural Driver 5%, Eccentric -15%, RAD Dance Routine -%]
Back at base, some time before Cecil's group returns, Dusty lays out a blueprint across the table. It's a crayon diagram of an elevator on a salvaged blueprints page. On the back, one could catch a glimpse of the letters "Chuc-" as the paper settles to the surface.
"Mission must be finished." Leaning over the picture, Dusty glances up at the group. "Bro and rug must be recovered. Elevator not found ichrrk Palomar." He pushes off the table and nods at Crabby... and walks over a chair. Dusty continues on, without a pause or a limp. "Difficult to track. Could a-a-ask Man-Sword-Shark," a hand pats Skiff's shoulder as the masked wanderer continues around the table. "Would take too long. Have beard trimmings from wizard. The othe-e-e-r wizard." Dusty looks Kruppe dead in the eye as a packet of curled hairs lands on the table. Pfff.
"Televator. Teleporting devi-i-i-ice. Can acquire coordinates through lo-o-oca-a-ation memory or physical sample. Preci-ise. Idea not gleaned arrfff a television sho-o-ow."
Dusty unhooks a tube from his belt and dumps out a pile of xeroxed papers, covering the bag of beard hair and the blueprints. Enough for everyone to have seven copies.
-Elevator car from Palomar
-Scrapped Steel
-Apple 2e computer
-Portable Telescope
-Police Siren
-Flatbed Truck
-Kitchen Sink
"Have remote location in mind. Outside rrk city. Safe from civilian interference."
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
design post is up, scroll up you chumps
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
it's the fact that it's engulfed in flames
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
I like the sun/moon juxtaposition that Rane did a lot, and the flaming sun is really cool
Has there been talk of a color scheme yet?
black and green are the colors of the enemy, but we might be able to throw a little green in ours since RAD is still used by our team
red on white was an obvious juxtaposition, and also alluded nicely to Gurren Lagann, since everyone loves it so
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
it's still up on imageshack, let me pour through my browser history
you have no idea how flattered I am
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Kinda iffy on the helms
I did note this happens before you guys show up! Kinda want the bro group to finish their mission
you guys probably came back when we were out and probably juuuuuust finishing
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
It shows the defiance against the Crash, doing the impossible to save humanity
Also it reminded me of FF4
you mean 'awesome scene that we should play out'
then yes
Or at least the sun with sideburns.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
don't do that it was a very good post.
Save it for later at least.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
these are two I doodled up in a couple of minutes, we just needed more designs to pique interest and maybe spark some ideas from non-doodler players
I'll be honest I'm not feeling the Sun in general as a symbol for you guys. Neither knights. Those are a bit too...pure.
Try something a little more hodgepodge and rough around the edges.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
I like the second sun design best, but it would be neat if it looked a little more slap-shod
trouble comes up when we try to keep the design simple though
that's why the sun design is so easy to draw, it can be scrawled anywhere
I think a simple symbol of a golden sun would be fine, or maybe a star? How 'bout just a yellow smiley face? It's classic, simple, and inspires hope and happiness.
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
if we could think of something better I'd be all for it
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
The Ivory Tower Troopers?
What spring does with the cherry trees.
What spring does with the cherry trees.