So I'm tryin' to make some duckets since I owe my friend a bucket of ducks.
I realized that I never play warhammer 40k anymore and I need money desperately, and all of my friends have moved on to magic.
So I am flippin my army
How do you guys sell excess stuff? I posted a craigslist add, and I guess i could put it on ebay, but I straight up wary of the latter
oh here is my offer tell me if I sound like a crazy man
I'm selling my Warhammer Collection that I've been accumulating since the mid-90's; I have a full Imperial Guard Army, enough Marines to form a 1000 point or so Army, the Witch Hunters Codex (which lets me utilize my guard and WH units - however, I do not own any sisters). Included is my massive Imperial Guard army that is focussed primarily on infantry tactics, i.e. fire by rank and issuance of orders. I have enough heavy weapons to issue one or two to each squad and then some.
In addition, many of the models are vintage and difficult to acquire because they haven't been produced for five or ten years, and I also ordered a few vintage guardsmen pewters for shits and giggles. The IG army is composed mostly of Cadians, but I also have a few Vostroyans, Tallarn Desert Raiders, Valhallans, and Catachans.
Besides my IG, SM, and WH (I converted a WH HQ, and I use guardsmen as storntroopers, etc), I also have a new ork battleforce with some addittional stuff I bought for it. It's essentially a speed freak army; it came with two mobs of ork boyz, a wartrukk, and three bikes. I purchased two mega-nobs and a character HQ leader, in addition to a pewter squad of 'eavy weapon boyz with heavy sluggas and anti-tank stuff, etc. I also have a number of Rhinos (one of which is broken - on purpose - for eventual conversion to a Wartrukk), three SM bikes, and two SM hovercract from the '90s I was going to convert to buggys. My Rhinos are extensively modded.
In additional, I also have all the sprues for a land raider kicking around somewhere, but no directions, thus leaving it unbuilt. Altogether my brother and I have dropped probably $2000 on these models, and it's nigh upon impossible to find some of the individuals I have. I'm also a big magic/gaming/warhammer/cash enthusiast, and I'll willing to bargain. But I suspect any experienced 40K player can see the deal here.
If anyone is interested, I can take pictures. It's just a bitch to unpack 108 guardsmen and their armored support.
Please contact me at FANDY'S NUMBER
How are you guys making money today? Besides those of you fellating fellers in a dirty bowling alley bathroom
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
that's brought in some money
throw in a months worth of gruel and i'll be set
is that like a peso, or a rupee
(magic the gathering wooowowowoww)
50 cents and a bag of grain like they give to 3rd world countries.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
not in my world
this is the modern age
get with the times
Satans..... hints.....
i will edit it back in if the internet promises to call me and send me boobies
cuz i've got me a shit-ton of ducks here and if there is a reliable way to turn them into currency i could really stand to hear about it
Also acceptable: Daisy
Are there any other outstanding issues on the ducket?
You'll likely have to split it up into smaller lots though
Satans..... hints.....
If you're offering
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
poop is a meat right?
for some reason i'm real uncomfortable selling things via the interwebs
poop goes bad?
you gotta get it at its very freshest
that's butcher's lingo
I've pushed a good amount of excess gaming crap (Heroclix/Heroscape/Warhammer of both kinds/Magic) through Bartertown. It's really easy, and I never had an issues.
Hell, if you'd like, I could help coordinate the stuff for you.
this post is way funnier if you imagine it's about poop
Most things are.
how else would i let my friends know why i missed the bus
there's been a market disaster in bartertown
Things are looking pretty bullish in bartertown.
Pretty much anything is accepted into bartertown.
Gay for pay?
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist