Looking for a fresh, hand-drawn piece of character art for every champ, GET CRACKIN'!
Okay, League of Legends is a [vidurl="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXKd7uuehlw"]DotA-style game[/vidurl] and it's FREE. The community is known to be a little less harsh than the standard DotA/HoN ones; but, you will still run across a fair amount of mouth-breathing silly geese. If you hang out with the PAers, though, we're usually pretty damn inviting (and so fucking cool, especially MooMan). AND IT'S FREE!!! Well... mostly. Here's the skinny: They have 10 free rotating champions that you can choose from, if you want to 'buy' champions permanently you can do that with Riot Points (RP) or Influence Points (IP). You get RP with real cash dollars, and RP prices are usually lower than IP prices. You gain IP for just playing game, when you finish a game you'll get IP points based on how well you did in the game. You can also purchase Runes. Runes and Masteries are applied before the game and make your champions stronger, this is referred to as the Summoner meta-game. You gain levels as you play as well which opens up the ability to put more runes and masteries to work for you. That's the quick and dirty of the game. If you're completely new to this style of game,
check out the new player stuff on the Riot site.
Here's your standard, wiki-stolen background:
Two main designers for the popular Warcraft III custom map, Defense of the Ancients: Allstars (commonly abbreviated as DotA), Steve "Guinsoo" Feak and Steve “Pendragon” Mescon are involved with Riot Games in the making of League Of Legends: Clash of Fates[6]. Guinsoo created DotA: Allstars from the original DotA, created by Eul, by adding his own mix of content, including over 40 heroes, numerous items, and various gameplay changes. Guinsoo then passed DotA: Allstars on to its current developer, Icefrog. Pendragon, who is the Director of Community Relations for Riot Games, helped create the DotA: Allstars website along with its forums, and is still currently working on League of Legends: Clash of Fates.
SIGN UP HEREHANG OUT IN THE PENNY-ARCADE VENT TO GET GAMES!!! It's the easiest way to get going with us, just show up and ask if anyone is looking.
If you can't find any there check out the LoL vent (
https://beta.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=6) and you can probably scrounge up a pre-made.
People that are playing, and that you might also want to play with:
PM me if you want to be added to the list, I'm probably not going to be able to pick up every in-thread request.
TyrantCow : MooMan
FightTest : FightTest
fadingathedges : fadingathedges
undeinpirat : undeinpirat
zanmatto : ParanoidDroid
Zombiemambo : EssGee
Cohsae : Cohsae
Nisi : Nisi
Sirson : Sirson
Originate : Originate
DebaserZbs : DebaserZbs
Endomatic : Barnabus
I needed a name to post : Pterodactyl Man
Zek : Zeyk
klok : fastpaced
ParisInFlames : skoot
Stolls : Karlinn
fmz65 : SensAZNal
UrQuanLord88 : urquan
TheSuperWoot : MelancholyMark
Lehman : Draggan
CharlesVI : CharlesVI
Bendery It Like Beckham : Bendery
DustedForLife : DustedAgain
Zoelef : Zoelef
soggychicken : soggychicken
Peas : jyajin
Custom Special : F4ll0ut
alset85 : alseT
king awesome : kingawesome
Mightyhog : Agreedo
Houn : Houn
In Starscream We Trust : In Starscream We Trust
TriadFate : TriadFate
Drakmathus : Drakmathus
Bardi : Bardi
MinionOfCthulhu : MinionOfCthulhu
Hrage : friedriceyum
Esc.Hatch : Hatch
distracted : Distracted
Feldorn : Mortenya
Adus : Adus
BaronVonNub : BaronVonNub
Zero-Control : ZeroControl
RawrBear : RawrBear
hiigaran : hiigaran
Thrawn200 : Mitthrawnuruodo
Seran : Seran
Colt : TheDeathJester
PolloDiablo : PolloDiablo
Slicer : Srice
Fiaryn : Fiaryn
Dracil : Dracil
Zalin : Zalin
Camui : Sogedan
Chubbly : Chubbly
Mugaaz : Mugaaz
Pyromaniac221 : abstrakt11
Shade : Hardcannon
nome : xcletus
Arch : Zinnar
Pmoney : Pmoney
Fleck0 : flecko
Saphier : errant
Thor1590 : Aphrodesizach19
PJStelford : PJStelford
Reagan : Reagan
programjunkie: Wicked Demiurge
Niqle : Niqle
nealcm : Alvarian
Tiger Burning : Tiger Burning
facetious : Bonhomie
Verr : verr
cutfang : Dancing Bagel
cwapfobrains : infobrains
Manetherenwolf : Manetherenwolf
Banana-Man : SaintAugustine
Evil Weevil : Evil Weevil
Karnius : Karnius
Nanaki : Nanaki
ResIpsaLoquitur : ResIpsa
jdmichal : KillerCodeMonky
CrownAxe : CrownAxe
Alecthar : Alecthar
Darkewolfe : Darkewolfe
NBoomer : NBoomer
Evilsville : October13
Grundlterror : thecwar
Kias : Kias2
Insanity : The Huge Manatee
Averni : Keredar
eeSanG : 2sang
The Code
Q: I am trying to login but the server status is "Busy"
A: This will happen often during busy hours. However, the servers may still be accessible. With the launcher window in focus, press the arrow keys 'up' 'down' 'left' 'right' 'up' 'up' 'down' 'down' to bypass the launcher and go to the password window.
use the code if you get servers are down/busy message (amumu/blitzcrank)
make sure the launcher window is your active window
press up, down, left, right, up, up, down, down on your keyboards arrow keys
it'll switch it to teemo
If you're going to spend real dollar monies on this game
Drop $20 for the Retail Box (Amazon, Best Buy, GameSpot,
Newegg, Target, and Wal-Mart typically have this) It gives you $10 in Riot Points, take those, then buy $10 in Riot Points and $5 in Riot Points. Spend all of them on the second champ pack.
That's $35 for 40 champs permanently unlocked; none of the post-40 have ever been in a bundle AFAIK.
Q: How can I get champions and save money?
A: You won't have to spend a cent if you simply play games and earn enough IP to buy them all. If, however, you wish to hasten the process you may buy champions with real money. The most cost effective way to buy champions is by purchasing the two bundles on offer.
For $45 you can buy 6380 Riot Points, which are used to buy champions and skins. 3900 of those points gets you the Digital Collector's Pack, which contains 20 champions and includes 1380 Riot Points (huh?). If you were to buy the champions individually it would cost 37800 IP or 9620 RP. The Digital Collector's pack can also be bought in stores or online as a boxed copy, which may save you a significant amount of money.
3410 Riot Points gets you the champions bundle. This contains some more expensive champions. Bought individually they would cost 60750 IP or 14350 RP (ish).
This leaves you with 450 RP, enough to buy yourself a single skin!
Also, here's a picture of BigWah's adorable kid that he may or may not have had considerable disagreements with in the past:
Long live the Bearcock!
that is all brahs
Just cleaned up against Shen/Yi who always thought getting in my face was a good idea. It is never a good idea.
Steam Profile
they don't have him on the official site yet (mal's missing, too). i can get it off leaguecraft; but, then i have to re-size it and shit
and i'll do that later tonght
gotta go back to work for 5 or 6 hours.
I hear he's the best carry. I have data to back this up.
LoL Summoner: infobrains | XBL: cwap4brains | PSN: infobrains
I have data to back up Akali's hoo-hahs are infact larger than Evelynn's ting-tangs.
*Nerdy push-up of glasses.*
Steam Profile
rageblade errday, i'm going to try her, my build will be something like:
mana crystal or doran's ring
boots 1
nashors or boots 2
maybe a snowball item, elixirs.
he had farmed mid all game and had 160 creep kills - the next highest was 80
he was practically uncatchable and would kite our entire team around in circles through the jungle til he could walk by his turrets again, rocketing us and ghosting sometimes
i was absolutely amazed at how much damage he was doing to us, it was disgusting... he must've done 50% of my life with one grenade, i was taric
I'm not sure why I let you guys convince me to try heal teams, we're never any good at it
I don't think you can have more than one hoo-hah.
Steam Profile
A general tip is be utterly paranoid, and if you don't know exactly what moves the enemy champion has and summoner abilities they field, then assume they will kill you. Also don't attack people near towers, hehe.
I love playing against Yi as Rammus.
No ??? step necessary.
SC2: KillerCodeMk | LoL: KillerCodeMonky | FFXIV: Shea Demvas (Sargantas)
Ghost in the Linkshell Item Requisitioning
Let me know you are from PA, otherwise I will likely ignore you.
I'm pretty sure lime is not an assumption. It's a fact.
And yes, I too have data to back this up.
SC2: KillerCodeMk | LoL: KillerCodeMonky | FFXIV: Shea Demvas (Sargantas)
Ghost in the Linkshell Item Requisitioning
Let me know you are from PA, otherwise I will likely ignore you.
the game before we absolutely rolled them in 19 minutes and 30 seconds
they simply couldn't touch us. every fight was at one of their towers. i'd stun somebody but only hit their tower, with radiance channeling everyone eats towers for breakfast.
that last game it might not have helped that i went afk for 5 minutes because i had to poop
sorry bros, but when you gotta go you gotta go
I always love seeing physical carries on the other team when playing Rammus. Teemo, Twitch, AD Shaco all make for good times.
thats boba fett
got jets
That's cause he's Boba
the Fett
he bounty hunts
for jabba the hutt
to finance
his vette
Boba's got jetpacks and missles and flames and afalgage.
Steam Profile
Your not actin' right.
Which means you're frozen in carbonite
Oh, well this was on my patented damage Mundo and the Yi may have stood a chance early on since he had the lifesteal but all he'd do is Alpha me and run letting me pop Masochism and whack, cleaver, whack. He did it almost every time the cooldown was up and after game asked me why he couldn't kill me....
I enjoy seeing those guys as Mordekaiser too.
Step 1 -- Hit Twitch, Teemo, AD Shaco, TF, or Ashe with all the burst damage you have and turn them into your ghostly minion.
Step 2 -- ???
Step 3 -- Everybody dies!
And then once you've done that a couple times they just stop chasing you. I can taste the defeat.