Anyone employed and/or certified to be a Nutritionist/Personal Trainer? I'd like to procure a NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Personal Trainer certification and would appreciate some advice regarding the process and job market.
However, my dad seems to think that I won't be able to support myself financially. He'd prefer I join the military.
Also, we really need to start a new Health and Fitness thread.
Up here, any idiot can get certified. And there are tons that have. Because there is such a huge supply of personal trainers, you can't really charge much or they'll go somewhere else. On top of that, you really have to market yourself well to compete in finding new clients. And then when you do find people you really need to pressure them to continue doing business with you. Clients are either people who go on a health kick that last a month OR they're serious but once you teach them all you know, they realize they don't need you anymore.
NOW, after that all that negativity is out of the way....
It is possible to make money from this. You'll never be rich, but since fitness and nutrition is something you enjoy, this could be a job that really works for you.
And I'm not sure how NASM works, or how expensive it is, but if you do end up going through with it all and find that you can't use it as a "career", at the very least you will have more knowledge for your hobby.
Having just had surgery, I'm at a frustrating time in my life. I had a great day at the gym, but started pissing blood today because of this "stent" that the doctor left in me. I called the nurse and she basically told me to stop doing shit until I get it removed.
At any rate, thanks for your advice.